"For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil." (1 Peter 3:12)
Oh Lord, I pray for this lost generation. I am living in the midst of Sodom and Gomorrah once again. People are so lost in their sinful state, although Your faithful are still here seeking You daily. We love You God, but acknowledge that the faithful are dwindling. Each year, new people are coming out as part of the LGBTQ and causing our children to think it is right. This is so crazy and causing so many Christian families to go astray. Lord, help people stay head strong in what is righteous and holy. What I see in the midst of the wicked people is perversion and sexual immorality. And not just this, but that they bask in it as if it is ok and not sinful. God, Satan has twisted their minds into thinking that there is no shame in what they are doing. It is very sad when I go to their festivals with my sign and preach the good news of the gospel, and still they come and spit at me. Lord, I also see people in religious sects that are not any different. They mock me in the same fashion. I am called the worst to ever live, but I know that this persecution will come as I continue to share Your truths with the world. I will not fail You, Jesus. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, help me and others stay focused upon You daily. There are so many distractions that come our way and I ask that You will keep us headed in the direction towards heaven. Simply opening up the Bible and reading it is what causes me to get back on track with You. I know that I am not perfect in any fashion of the word, but rely on You to make me holy. Lord, give me clean hands and a pure heart. Look into my life and whatever I have done wrongfully, and please forgive me. Your mercy is what I rely on, not to continue in sin, but if I do fall, that You will pick me back up and not keep me feeling I am wicked. Truly, forgiveness is so generous since we don’t really deserve it most times. I am just grateful that I have an advocate with You, Father, which is Jesus, who is fighting on my behalf. I love You, Lord. I give You praise. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that people will come to You with open arms. To not continue in their sinful state, but be made clean in Your sight. To be cleansed through Your blood, Jesus, is what we all need in this life to be saved. Nobody will ever be able to say that they look forward to the next life if they did not live for You in this one. The same heart and desires we have now will be with people in the next, and I am grateful that people are separated from each other in the afterlife. Those who are wicked didn’t really want to go to heaven anyway, so it is merciful and just for You to send them to hell. As for people You allow into paradise and heaven, they lived for You and You are their King. Thank You for opening the doors to Your kingdom and not shutting the doors to us. For many years the doors were closed, but then You came into our lives and every bit of darkness was scattered as Your light entered in. Thank You, Jesus. I love You, Lord. Have Your way in my life. Lead me in all truth. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to worship You as their King. Not just a person they cannot see that they pray to but in reality is done to please man. I often wonder if people who pray do so because they believe You are listening or simply please the masses in general. Therefore, I wonder if most of these people have not had an encounter with You that has changed their lives. A life-changing experience in Your harvest that would change the way people think about You and also pray. If we loved You, then we would desire to get our praise, worship, and thanks made known when You do something in our lives. It could be telling people, and also telling You how much we appreciative You. As for me, I cannot express my gratitude for saving me once, twice, three times, or even a billion times. You are a God of grace and someone that does not forget us when we are in trouble. Surely, when we pray, You come to our rescue and give us the peace we need to go on in life. I love You, Jesus. I pray that people’s prayer lives will increase in their sincerity in calling upon Your Name. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that people will turn from their sins and come to You with their whole heart. To not be known as someone who loves what the world offers, but what You give us. The peace You give us is beyond our own understanding. Each time I ponder upon You, my life is better. Things just make sense. Even when there is a death in the family, I know that this happens for each of us, even myself. That we cannot escape death, so why not live for You now. To give us things that are holding us back and get rid of those things for Your sake. The world needs to be delivered from the power of darkness in order to experience Your light. They need an encounter with You in order to be rejuvenated in the Spirit. Therefore, I ask that more people will go out in the harvest and reach these lost souls. To bring them to You, in order for them to be filled with the Holy Spirit and be saved. I love Your ways, God. May Your will be done as it is in heaven. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will live in Your holiness. Not to live for the flesh but to allow You to make them righteous, as You are righteous. If sin abounds now, then that is the fruit of a wicked lifestyle, of which people need Your deliverance. God, I pray that people will be convicted of their sins not take offense to what Christians say about a sinful lifestyle, but allow You to change them from within. Only You can help us hate what is evil and cling to what is good. Not to continue sinning, but to confess them right away. To understand that we have broken Your laws and do what is necessary to get right with You. I am afraid that the majority of people are far from saving. Too many of them love their sinful lifestyle and are unwilling to give it up. Many even say that if they go to hell, they will turn it into their own paradise. Because people they know will be there, they believe that it will be better than paradise. These people are so lost, and unfortunately, many of them have already died and are now in the grave, while their souls are in hell. God help them. I love You, Jesus. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that our hearts will become knit with Yours. To not rely solely upon people, but put You ahead of them all. The laws on this earth are also important but Your laws trump them all. If only people would the Bible and know the laws that were indicated and taught through Your faithful witnesses. Truly, from what I read in scripture, the words are as important to them as they are to us now. The times we are living in now are a thousand times more advanced but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t more wicked than the world has ever seen. Truly, now is the time to show our true colors for You, Jesus, and proclaim the good news to this broken and dark world we live in. To not be conformed to the ways of the world, but allow the Holy Spirit to be our guide. Yes, God, send the Holy Spirit to more people, that they may also come to know You and be saved. I love You, Jesus. Knowing Your laws and keeping them is my delight. Amen.
Oh Lord, I love Your ways. Lighten up my life this day and forever. This world is full of darkness, but with more people who follow You, the darkness will scatter. People will see Your light in us and begin to ask questions. This is what the world needs. People who are unafraid of Your gospel message and will declare it. God, give us wisdom so that we will know what to say. We are grateful that You have come into our lives and rescued us from the condemnation of sin and death. If our hearts are set upon what is righteous and holy, You have done it. If we have been rescued from our lustful passions and addictions, You have done it. We are incapable of escaping the temptations of the devil on our own. You are our fortress and our high tower, a God of mercy and forgiveness. I live for You, Lord, not what the world offers. God, be with us. Protect us from the enemy and help us stay true to Your Word. I pray for the salvation of thousands more people who are lost and headed to hell. Save them, Lord. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will be found seeking You on a daily basis. This life is too short to waste it through vanity. So many people know the path they should take, but unfortunately, live out their own lives without You. It is as if I can see these people that have died and are now in hell. Oh the grief, pain, and regret they are feeling right now. They had You in their clutches, but would not give into it and instead chose what the world offered. Surely, Your ways are greater than gold, for it cannot be destroyed or rust over time. For this reason, I’d rather store up treasures in heaven, instead of have luxuries in this life. It is better to give the money I have to those who are in need. It is better to preach the gospel and be hated by people than to conform to the world and be famous. You told us, Jesus, that we would be persecuted because of Your Name and our belief in You. This has come true these many years while in the harvest. So many people hate me because of my devotion to sharing Your good news. But it is worth it. I love You more than anything God. Amen.
Oh Lord, this world is wicked and full of false opinions and false doctrines. Allowing You to be our teacher appears to be a thing of the past, but letting people be our guide is the in thing with these false religions. If only they would put their trust in You and not people, then there would be more churches teaching Your truth. God, I love Your ways. The Bible is near and dear to my heart, for it contains Your wisdom and not man’s own opinions. If only people would test what they know to be true with what the Bible says. God, Thank You for leading me out of a cult where I followed prophets and not You. It was all about how people felt that kept them believing in what they did. Thankfully, my heart was not set in stone on what is true and what is false. There was still some wiggle room in order to allow You into my life. Thank You Jesus for finding me and leading me on Your path that saves. I love You, Lord. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that those who are mockers of Your truth will one day come to faith in You. I know that this is impossible for the majority of people, but the few that are chosen are seeking You still. Lord, these wonderful people might be willful sinners, but soon they will become Your willful servants instead. It is amazing during those times I have met people and know immediately that their lives are different. How because they are searching for truth, what they are lost in now, will become a thing of the past. Jesus, these people just need You for a change to take place in their lives. Surely, hell is not for them, for inside their hearts are real confessions. This may not be who they are now, but repenting is what they will do when the message of the cross sinks in. God, Your words in scripture are alive and lead me to know what to say to people. Even when it is difficult, I am given words to speak, and lives are changed. The Holy Spirit is what changes people and I give You glory for every divine encounter I’ve experienced. I love You, Jesus. Lead me and others safely home. Amen.
Oh Lord, I love You. You are so good to me and every person who calls upon Your Name. If only I knew You longer in this life, what I’ve done to sin against You would have never happened. But I know that You are a God of mercy. A God of grace and kindness. Slow to wrath and quick to forgive. You heard my cries and I had nothing left going for me but desires to get right with You. I was lost and darkness covered my life. There were chains upon me, which kept me clinging to the lusts of the flesh. But then You came to my rescue. I looked to You in faith and Your sacrifice on the cross meant everything to me. Because You bled and died for our sins, Jesus, I can live again and be with You, my bride in heaven. Thank You, Lord. It is my greatest desire to know and serve You. I am saddened my I talk to people who say they will just repent before they die, but live for themselves now. If only these people loved You and also did as You say. Please see my heart and how I love You, Jesus. Lead me safely home, God. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that people’s minds and hearts will be turned to you. Spare the children, God, that are coming out of homosexual households. I don’t know how this is possible in my own mind, but everything is possible for You. I love little children and to see them being raised by two homosexual parents, or one, makes me sick inside. Why in the world do they think that doing this is ok? What is also sad is that many people that support the LGBTQ also attend church on a regular basis. Lord, I met one of these individuals the last time I went to a pride festival and protested it. He was hanging a pride banner in front of the Catholic church that he attended. God, I tried to reason with Him through the scriptures but he wouldn’t listen. Just like this man and other people that are trapped in the sin of homosexuality, their hearts are already fixed on what they know and feel inside is right. What they feel is what leads them, instead of allowing You to lead them, Lord. But I know that our efforts to reach the LGBTQ are not for nothing, for some people are listening and coming out of it. Praise God! I know people who were once homosexual but are now married and have children, and also are street preachers. This is amazing and I pray that I will reach more people like this. I love You, Jesus. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that more people who are part of the LGBTQ community will repent and come to You, Jesus, for salvation. These people come from a culture that is accepting of how they are living. Choosing their own gender and even getting surgery to make this happen is abusing their bodies, which is so wicked and abominable. This makes me sick inside. These people do not love you but love their sin instead. Do they know or care about what was written in Your Word, the Bible? No. God, I am sick and tired of people who call themselves Christians but also support this wicked act of homosexuality. It is appalling how people choose to live in opposition to You, and when asked if they want to go to heaven, they say yes. How is it that people want to escape the torments of hell but also not choose to follow You in this life? God, this world is far worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, and I know that more things need to come to pass before Your return. But Lord, these people do not realize that they will be destroyed on that day by a consuming fire. Therefore, lead as many people out of this sinful lifestyle as you can. Set them free. I love You, Jesus. You are my God and I worship You. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that people will learn to put aside what is worldly and begin building up treasures in heaven. This world is full of darkness, where it is difficult to know what is right from wrong, lest You are with us. I have tried to do things on my own, but there was never satisfaction that could last in any of it. I felt pleasure in the moment but always felt regret as time went on. The standard of living was always to choose the best life that fits you, and go forward with it without wavering. How people would accept me as I am, while any sinful thinking is what Christians want you to feel, in order for you to choose God instead of being free from guilt. I once thought that I should just accept people for the life they are living, for it is loving, but now my thoughts are on You and are much different. God, You have given me the desire to hate even the appearance of evil. Not the person, but the sins that stain us from the inside out. If people never know about their sin, they will keep doing it and also justify it till death. But God, You have put an urgency in my heart to reach the lost and lead them to You. Therefore, I call sinners to repentance and to come to You, Lord, to be delivered. I believe in You, Jesus. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that more Jewish people would come to know You, Jesus, their one true God. You have come those two thousand years ago, Jesus, but still they rejected their promised Messiah and King. You proclaimed that You are the “I Am”, or “The One True God”, but they would rather stone You than accept You as Lord and God. If only Your people, the house of Israel, could learn from the past. All it would take is for them to read the New Testament and their views about You, Jesus, would be different. I can only imagine the love relationship they would have with you if they would just have an open heart to know You. I am in that love relationship now and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I need You now more than ever. Have Your way in my life. Help us reach Your people and others who are lost with the good news of the gospel. How You died for our sins, is risen, and will be returning soon. Come, Lord Jesus, come. I love You, God. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that people will be drawn to you more than anything else. Whatever is their vice and causes them to drift away from following You, I pray that they will give it up for Your sake. Nothing is more important than having You in our lives and knowing that we are on a path that saves. Anything else that goes before You needs to be cut down and thrown into the fire. This is what I ask everyone to do if they have not already. We can have fun in this life but nothing is worth throwing away our salvation. Things in life are temporary. God, reveal Yourself to people. I pray that more people will become Your servants for Your kingdom. If only the world were full of Your ministers, it would be much brighter and the darkness would be scattered. Laws against abortion and homosexuality would be in place in every state. Praise God, that Roe vs Wade was overturned, but still, the hearts of people are contrary to it. Lord, may people’s hearts be softened toward what is right. I believe in You, I trust in You, God. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will be delivered from the bondage of sin and death. No matter where we are in life, there is still time to be saved. I wish that every person could hear my voice and know that they can find true safety with You, Jesus. Without You in our lives, there is much sorrow and regret, but with You, there is peace and much joy. Pain is what we all experience in life, but because You are with me, I am comforted in those times and know that the pain will one day cease in the next life. Thankfully, my soul will rest in paradise when all is set and done. I can’t wait till You come and wipe away all the tears from my eyes, where there will be no more pain or sorrow. Lord, my body is aging, but that just means I am that much closer to being with You forever on the new earth and heaven. God, take my hands and lead me straightway on Your narrow path that leads to eternal life. I love You, Jesus. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that every person who is an idolator now will repent. Do they not realize that they are breaking Your first and second commandments, which say “thou shalt have no other gods before”, and “thou shalt not make any graven image nor bow down to them”? I can understand how people who say they are not Christian would do this, but not those in Catholicism. I feel so sick inside when I see them bowing before Mary and the saints. This is really a despicable and evil act, which they don’t realize they are doing. I can just imagine how this makes You feel, God. The truth is, You speak and are alive, while all these dumb idols do nothing to help anyone. God, why are there so many people who proclaim to know You and still are idolaters inside? This makes no sense. All I can think of is that false doctrines crept into churches, and now people don’t understand what is right anymore. Lord, help these people. There is mercy if they would just confess their sins to You now. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that the fear of God will enter people’s hearts. I am not just talking about people who say they know you but don’t, but people who have never known You also. Heaven and hell are real and I want people to understand that You want everyone to be saved. However, people need to make a choice to commit their lives to You first. Just as You called people to follow You, Jesus, I know that You are calling everyone who is alive to follow You now. There is a life of mercy and forgiveness for those that do, for You have shown such mercy and forgiveness to me. I was lost until I found You. Just like the wicked people in this world, I was a part of them too until You rescued me. Day after day did I hide my sins as if they never happened. I would justify them and continue my life as if nothing was wrong. Thankfully, the fear of God entered my heart and a 180-degree turn occurred. Lord, my marriage was on the rocks, but because I confessed my sins and put my trust in You, this is now a thing of the past. God, thank You for saving a wretch like me. I hate even the appearance of evil now and delight when You lead me to righteousness. I am Yours, God, your humble servant. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that people will come to know You. Your ways are so beautiful and I am grateful that You are in my life. It is truly a blessing to live on this earth, Your most blessed and perfect creation. You have blessed me with wonderful parents, although they are no longer with me. They were dear to me for a time and it is sad to know they have gone to the grave. You have blessed me with siblings, a beautiful wife, and children. I am so blessed. I just pray that people, whom I love, will receive You, Jesus, as Lord of their lives. To not get caught up with every wind of doctrine from men, but what Your Holy Bible teaches. I grew up knowing a way that seemed right but was far from You. This was eye-opening to find out Your truth and have to leave what I thought was true behind. But Lord, all is worth it for Your sake. You have put Your love in me and now I love to find those in need and care for them. It is better to see others cared for than myself. I love You, Jesus. Amen.
Oh Lord, thank You for this life and for everything You have done through me up until now. I feel unworthy to have the Most High God with me, but am also encouraged because You want to be with me. Who am I among the billions of people in this world? Your creation is vast and still, You make time for me. Thank You, Jesus. God, I am grateful for the experiences I’ve had up until now with people in need. To feed those who are hungry brings me so much joy. Their happiness is mine also. When I have these encounters it is like money doesn’t matter anymore. Until they have what they need like food and water, I am not happy also. This burden of caring for the needy comes from You. I was so selfish before. My desires came first and helping others, even when asked upon, I always wanted money in return. It is amazing how tides turn when I am in Your right standing. Lord, thank You for turning my wicked heart to follow You. To live for You is what I desire. To trust in the Lord is what I long for. God, forgive me of my sins and lead me from temptation. Protect me from the enemy. I love You, Jesus. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that You will keep me and others in the faith upright, and in keeping Your commandments. I know that I am incapable of living up to Your standards on my own, but with You in my life, I can do all things. Your power is greater than anything the world has ever seen. Nothing matches what You have already accomplished in this world and what You will accomplish in our lives. God, have Your way in me. If I have done anything that is pleasing in Your sight, then You have done it all. All my works are as filthy rags. Lord, I look forward to You in faith. It doesn’t matter if You take place me places I have never gone before, I will go willingly. No matter if You have me do different things I have never done before, I will do it. No matter if I am put in a place where I would normally feel uncomfortable, I will remain with the courage and strength You give me. All I ask is that You give me words to speak to people as I open my mouth to preach and teach. It is my prayer that You will use me for Your kingdom. Even to help others know You, Jesus, and also for salvation. Give us wisdom, God. Your commands are a delight to my soul. I love You, Jesus. I honor You and give You praise. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that people will come to learn of You and You will give them wisdom. There is so much that You are able to teach us if only our hearts were for You. Father, thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to save us from our sins. This very act of love shows how good You are towards mankind. You loved the very least of us by allowing Your only Son to die for us. That must have been so difficult to look away as the Lord bore our sins on the cross. This sacrifice means everything to me. Thank You, God. Thank Lord, for dying for my sins. Yes, Jesus, it brings me to tears just thinking about what You did for me. I am no longer alone in this world, for You are with me. You did not leave us comfortless but sent us the Holy Spirit to lead and guide our lives in the ways of righteousness. Thank You for leading the Holy Spirit as the Father Leads You, Jesus. To hear Your voice and do as You say is a blessing and a great joy. I love You, Jesus. I give You everything. Continue to mold and shape my life. This life is for You. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray for the wicked in this world. Many of these people are close to their final destruction in death and aren’t even aware of it. Laugh and scoff all they want to, but as they stand condemned, there is still redemption through Your hand, Jesus, if they are willing. Therefore, as I reach these types of people, be with me and give me words to speak. May there be seeds planted in their hearts, which will sprout up to eternal life. God, it is so sad when I go to the pride festivals and pride parades and see the wickedness all around me, and I am the enemy in their eyes. It is Your decision not mine that there are only two genders, male and female. How with Cain and Abel, murder is sinful. Therefore, the natural way is for people to be heterosexual and use their sexual organs to have children. This is what is natural. The carnal way, which is male with male and female with female leads to death and destruction. God help these people who have made evil good and good evil. Spare the babies who are being slaughtered in abortion. This I pray. Amen.
Oh Lord, the generation we live in is far from You. The people are not seeking Your hand, but whatever fulfills the lusts of their flesh. Thankfully, there are many that do know You and You know them. These are those who walk in Your righteousness, for You are with them. As we are Your shining lights, Your kingdom is growing and people are repenting of their sins. Lord, it is my prayer that more people forsake their evil ways and come to You in all their confessions. Give unto them a clean heart and pure hands. Our life is incapable of this on our own, but only when the Holy Spirit is with us. Lord, lead us to what is true so that we may walk on the path that leads to eternal life in heaven. We need Your strength to overcome our weaknesses and find true deliverance from temptation. Thank You for delivering me. I love You, Jesus. Amen.
Thank You, Jesus. I give You praise and honor. You deserve the glory. Have Your way in my life. Forgive me of my sins. So often my mind is focused on what it shouldn’t be. What I think will fulfill my life doesn’t. And so covetousness and lust comes and goes. Change comes only when I call upon You, Jesus, for help. Truly, I am incapable of living up to Your standards on my own. I have tried, but I cannot keep standing without falling on my face in an abundance of sin and grief. Lord, help me to never do this again. When I am weak, You are the one that gives me strength to carry on. This world is hard and sometimes we just need some answers also. So God, hear the prayers in my heart now. Give e wisdom on what needs to happen next in my life. Heal me of my sicknesses and show Yourself to others in my family. God, You are everything I need. I was lost until You found me. Come and stay a while. You are welcome in my house and in my life. I love You, Lord. Be with me now and until I see You face to face in heaven. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray for the Mormon people. I know that some of them, especially those who are new to it, know about the problems in their temples. These people feel an evil spirit each time they enter in. You have revealed this to me, as thousands of Mormons now know in their hearts that they are in a cult. What they do with this knowledge is different. God, I am truly saddened to see that people leave the Mormon church and become an atheist. This is not any better than what they had before as both paths lead to destruction. But, God, I am so grateful for those few people who leave and also become devout Christians. These people are everywhere, although their numbers are fewer. You have called me out of the midst of Mormonism back in 2012 and I am so much better off now that I found You. Not only have You come into my life, Jesus, but You have saved a wretch like me. There were no changes that took place in my life back when I was part of that cult, but the moment I left it behind for Your sake everything changed. The music I listen to now is about You. The TV I watch is about You. My desire to play video games has ceased. You are my joy, my Lord, and my God. Thank You for Your hand in my life. Your mercy endures forever. Into Your arms, I run to daily for protection. I love You, Jesus. Amen.
Oh Lord, thank You for this day. I am grateful that Your hand is in my life and the direction you gave me today. My thoughts became much better as my mind and intentions were focused upon You. While my family was away at the store, it gave me time to ponder about the salvation You have given and what it means to have You in my life. This life has been so dark until You came in and rescued me. All I knew is that I wanted to be saved but didn’t know that I could find this out while in this life. Instead, I hate to wait until I was dead to know if I was to pass through into paradise or spend time in hell. Thankfully, my eyes have been opened and I now know for a surety that I am saved. I can tell every which person that asks me that You came into my life and changed it. I was lost and had no direction from anyone whom I could trust. But this is no more the case. You have placed in my life many people who are real Christians that have impacted me spiritually. Lord, I love You so much. Thank You for saving me. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that You will be the one that makes me wise and not man-made wisdom from this world. If I am learning from You, then what I am believing in is true. God, it is my desire to know You and that is why I come before You now. You have done a great work in my life, and for this reason, I will gladly tell others about You. No matter what people say about my testimony, I will continue to serve You with all my might, mind, and strength. Your works are greater than anything man-made. I have seen some amazing things in my lifetime, but nothing is better than what You have done in my life and the lives of millions of other believers. To be raised from death to life is the greatest miracle of all. I was dead in my sins until You came and rescued me, Jesus. I confess that You are Lord and the God of the heavens. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, open the eyes of the homosexual people in this world. What these wicked people are doing is disgusting. These people are following Satan to the pits of hell and aren’t aware of it. I would love to see many of them come to You, Jesus, for salvation, but I know for most of them this will never happen. These people think I hate them just because I hate their sin and speak against it, but this is untrue. I love them so much as to tell them the truth. This world is going downhill fast. It is like sinking sand with the LGBTQ Community leading the charge. Satan is the god of this world and is doing all He can to lead Your best creation to hell with him. I love them nonetheless, although they may see me as a hater and a bigot. God, the people I see doing the hating are supporters and people of this community. They cuss out in anger and disgust toward Christian protestors. This is so crazy, knowing how upside down this world has become. Evil is now good and good is evil. Instead of two genders, male and female, we have a third gender for those people who don’t want to participate in either gender. God, wake them up before it is too late. Your mercy is for them. I love You, Jesus. I trust in You, Lord. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that the LGBTQ Community and their supporters will repent. To no longer cover up their convictions towards sin and their conscience, but allow You to help them overcome their addictions. Homosexuality and its temptations must be very difficult for people to overcome, and people need You to deliver them. People can fight against it for a time until it becomes too hard that they begin to cover it up. However, I know that You will keep bringing people into their lives in order to convict them of their sins. If it is street preachers at pride festivals, family members who are firm in their faith, and even friends and coworkers who are outspoken for what is true and faithful. God, do a work in the lives of many more homosexuals. I have seen many of these people receive You and their desires for this sin is no more. You can do all things, even to bring these people out of darkness and into Your light. God, we need Your deliverance in these days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Your return is soon at hand, where the wicked will soon be destroyed. But I am thankful for the thousands of people who are coming out of the LGBTQ for Your sake. Deliver them, even now, who are reading this message. I love You, Jesus. Amen.