“For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.” (1 Peter 3:12)
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord my God, blessings and honor to Your holy name. I am so blessed to have You in my life. To think that the God of the heavens has blessed me with His presence, is amazing. Thank You for sending the Holy Spirit to guide me. I am on the right path, for You have placed me there. I would be so lost if You were not with me. You bring me peace that carries me through trials. You bring me joy, even when things seem so dim. When darkness tries to come into my life, You are the one that scatters it. You are my Savior. In your name ,the waves are made calm. The storms in my life are made light because You have a hand in it. You make hard things easier to bear. For You, Jesus, are all powerful. Thank You for forgiving me when I fall. Thank You for picking me back up when I reach out for You. I don’t wish to be alone. I need You in my life always. For all my days, I wish to have You near me. As long as I have breath, I will pray and give You glory. Your praises will be on my lips. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, I am so humbled to know You. You continue to bless my life on a daily basis. What have I ever done to deserve Your great love. You are so good to me. My life is filled with Your love for You bless me daily. I am grateful for your counsel. It is your wisdom that has led me to safety. Thank You for Your mercy. I know that my flesh is weak and I am grateful for Your forgiveness. Thank You for taking me back in when I slip and fall. You could easily right me off but You continue to help me back up. I pray that You may keep me strong in the faith and able to withstand temptation. Your mighty hand builds up my strength. If my life is lit up today, then it is all because of You. You light up my life. You are the one that has cast the darkness away that I might see. Blessings and honor for all You do for my life. How could I ever forget what You’ve done for me. You are continually helping me. Thank You so much. You are my strength. My trust is in You, Lord. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Lord, I am grateful for Your presence in my life. Thank You for caring so deeply for my soul. I was a wanderer most of my life but You never gave up on me. I know that Your wrath is real. I felt it in my abundant sin. But through all that, I knew that You still loved me. You didn’t want me to suffer. All I needed to do was call upon Your name in prayer and You would deliver me. And Lord, You did just that. You came to my rescue. Now I am grateful for every moment to have You in my life. Even the hard times I face now, are light because You are with me. You bring me peace when there is no peace to be found. Your love fills me with happiness and joy. Hard times are bearable for You lift me up. Thank You Lord for hearing my prayers. Thank You for Your mercy. I am honored to follow You. You are my Savior. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, please continue to watch over me. Give me strength to resist the temptations of the devil. Your ways are greater. I love to walk in Your holiness. There is no guilt or shame with it. I am in peace and your joy flows through me. There is no greater time than to be in your presence. The world can only offer me temporary pleasure but Your happiness is eternal. I love Your ways. You continually bring me joy. Thank You for changing my life. I would have never known Your great love unless You helped me. You were the one that pulled me through. You saw the chains of sin, in my life and cut them loose. Only You could do this. I was truly bound in my addictions but You were the one that changed the atmosphere. When Your forgiveness fell upon me, I was changed. My heart was turned from darkness and into Your light. Thank You for Your mercy. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Lord, I pray that you will continue to help us each day. Watch over us and give us the strength we need. Without you in my life, my life is volatile. My heart gets shifted into going into so many different directions. But with Your love in my life, I am at peace. You bring the joy I need to carry on, even through the hardest of circumstances. Through Your Spirit, hard things are made light. I am grateful for Your presence in my life. I am much more happy and joyful with the Spirit leading me. You are the giver of all things good. I would be lost without Your love. Thank You for Your forgiveness and mercy. You are so patient to take me home, though I have been so far from Your care. Only You could free me from my guilt and shame. Your blood has covered me and made me whole. Thank You for the cross. I am so grateful for what You have done for me and all mankind. I love You. I praise Your holy name. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, help all believers to also live out their faith. It is one thing, to say we believe in You, and another thing to say we believe and live the opposite. I know that You can see through all that. Convict people of their sins that they may repent. Help each of us understand the importance of living our faith till the end. I know how true this is. You have showed me the way. I am truly happy now that You have delivered me. I do not wish that sin will come back into my life. I am tired of all the shame and guilt it brought into my life. The good news of Your gospel is worth more. My life is given to You, as a witness. I will proclaim Your great name to all those around me. It is all for Your glory. I rejoice in You, my Savior. I praise Your Holy Name. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Praises to your Name, Lord God. Worthy are You above all names. It is an honor and a privilege to lift You up in praise. I love Your presence. It is an honor to have You in my life. I am privileged to be led by You, my King. You speak wisdom to my soul and I rejoice. Your counsels are so meaningful for my life. Thank You for caring so deeply for me. I rejoice in Your great love and affection. What an awesome God, You are. You are so marvelous, in everything you do and say. Thank You for coming into my life. Only You could save me from my sins. You have breathed new life into my soul, through Your forgiveness and mercy. Thank You Lord. I love You and praise Your Holy Name. Amen
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, thank You for showing me what is wrong and what displeases You. I am grateful to know this. Help me to stray far away from those things. Help me to not fall back into my old ways but continue in the new life You’ve given me. I do not wish any idols to come before You. You are worth more. I pray that I may prioritize my time better. Help me to focus on You more than anything else. Help me to shift my focus from my own wants and desires and to love one another. Your will is that we love You and others with all our hearts. I know that if I am wrapped up in my own lustful desires, I will fall off track. Help me stay strong in You. Keep me focused on what is most important in life. Help me to build for Your kingdom and not on things that I can’t take with me after death. Thank You for putting better thoughts and desires in my mind and my heart. I will follow Your counsel. Your ways are my ways. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, may we never forgot Your goodness and grace. May Your praises never escape our lips. You are greatly to praised. I honor You and rejoice in Your great Name. It is a pleasure to worship You, my King. Since discovering You, my life will never be the same again. Your light and holiness has come and breathed new life inside my soul. Thank You for delivering me from darkness and into Your light. I am so grateful to know You. I am humbled to serve You. To be a part of Your great plan is amazing. Thank You for delivering me from my sins. My chains have been lifted because of Your great love. Thank You for the cross. I will never forgot what You have done for me and all mankind. It is an honor to declare Your gospel message to the world. I trust in You. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, help me to live a life for You. I know that Your ways are good. Keep me from falling into temptation. Direct my path that I may not fall into the traps of this world. May the Holy Spirit direct my path. Lord, I am sorry for hardening my heart for so many years. I give You my heart, this day. Do with me as You please. Have Your way within me. Lead me from darkness and into Your light. Help me see Your goodness, always. You are my deliverer. You are my Savior, whom I put my trust. I give praise to Your Holy Name for Your mercy and grace. Thank You for saving me from a life of sin. I owe all to You. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, I pray for everyone that calls themselves Christian to also walk in this fashion. Lord, convict them of their evil deeds, that they may repent. May they take Your chastisement with humility of heart. Help them cast aside their pride. Lord, living in Your Spirit is so important. The ways of the flesh is of the world. So many people are living in this fashion and don’t even know it. Wake them up, this day. Set a revival in their hearts to change their lives for You. If there are addictions in their hearts, break those chains. I pray for a new desire to follow You. Lord, give me strength to live what I say is true. Help me to live out my faith in righteousness. I am grateful for Your Spirit. Help me to continually walk in it daily. If there is anything keeping me from Your Spirit, I give it all to You, Jesus. I love You more. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, may our lives better serve You. May our hearts be given over to do Your will. I know that You are greater than all things. Only You have the power to save. Please forgive me when I slip up. Help me to no longer walk in sin but follow You. Take from our hearts anything that is wicked and grieves the Spirit. May our lives be without blemish before You Lord. I pray that our faith will stand up strong to the temptations of the devil. Help us to withstand all appearance of evil. May our belief in You continue stronger and stronger each day. I know that You can strengthen us, as we read Your words. You fill my needs, through scripture and prayer. I know that You can do the same for anyone that makes You a priority of their life. Turn us form any idols that may be blocking our sights. Help us all to focus on what is lasting. Our faith in You is what endures. Help strengthen it each day. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, I am so grateful for this beautiful day. Thank You for allowing me live another day in good health. Thank You for allowing my family to travel in safety this day. Even to my first breath of the day, until now, You have been there for me. You have had a hand in everything. And everything turned out for the best. I give thanks for all You do for me and my family. How deep is Your love. I am grateful for Your wise counsel for my life. You surely have placed me on a greater path. Thank You for taking my hand and leading me from darkness and into Your light. I was once stained by the guilt of my sins but You have cleansed me and now I rejoice. I am saved by Your blood. Your sacrifice has changed me. Thank You. All praise to Your Name, Lord Jesus. I will forever rejoice in the goodness of my God. Your mercy has saved me. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Lord, I pray for anyone that has not committed to follow You. If their faith is wavering, will You come to them and pierce their hearts, this day. Even this very hour, help them realize the danger they are in. If they are not being led by the Spirt than destruction is in their path. Lord, give them desires to come back to You. Help them truly seek You with their whole heart. I know how it is to not be all in. When my faith is lacking, I easily give into temptation and sin. My faith is not strong enough to resist temptation. It is only by following You, Lord, that helps. Continuing to read the Bible, helps me stay on the right path. Your words strengthen me. Prayer just tops it off. Thank You Lord for giving me direction. It is truly Your teachings that have led me to live uprightly. Scripture and prayer has led me to repentance and confession. Thank You for Your forgiveness and mercy. I am forever grateful. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, convict us of our sins. Pierce our hearts that we may live for You. Cast out any addictions in our lives. Give us a good conscience before You. To anyone living a life of sin, will you wake them up, this day? Help them know the awful state they are in. Living a life apart from You is death. Lord, may Your wrath awaken them from this fallen state. Help them fear judgement while they are living, that they may desire to repent and call upon Your name for forgiveness. May this truly happen. I pray that people will no longer simply trust in their wisdom but find wisdom in You. Help them walk in Your light. May we all live a better life for You, Jesus. You are my Savior and friend. I am grateful to know You. Thank You for Your mercy and grace. I love all Your ways. I know that, one day, I will see You in judgement. I can’t wait for this day. To be in Your presence will be amazing. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, I am forever grateful for Your mercy. Thank You for Your forgiveness. My life wasn’t always for You, but still You took me in. My sins were great but You still took me by the hand and cleaned me from within. My mind had so much lust but Your love overcame those feelings and replaced them with love. I was incapable of changing my life but You gave me a new heart and now I am changed. Without You, I am weak. With You, I am strong. No one is like You God. You are higher than all men. Your ways are greater. How deep is Your love. Your kindness takes my breath away. How could You care for me so much after all I have done? No one has loved me like You have. Wow. My heart is moved by Your great compassion. I love You so much Lord. You are the rock of my salvation. It is amazing to praise Your Holy Name. I will never stop rejoicing for You are with me. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, I am grateful for the desire, You put in my heart, to encourage others to evangelize. It is You that gives me so much enthusiasm to witness for Your Name’s sake. I am amazed that even when I am encouraging others to do this, You then give me opportunities. I didn’t think that today would be the day, but You made a way. You know that I love to share Your good news but today You opened the doors to make this happen in a big way. I may not be the best speaker but with the Spirit in my life, I can do great things for Your glory. My simple speech can turn out to be exceptional for You are with me. Lord, thank You for using me this day to get Your message across to this wonderful couple. Thank You for opening their hearts. I am grateful for their desire to know the truth of God apart from men. May they desire to read the Bible more and more. It was a great pleasure to meet them. I pray that I will continue to be able to talk with them and help share your gospel with them. I am grateful that You can use a person like me to be Your messenger. Thank You Lord. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, I pray that we may recall our sins, this day. Help us know that when we do things contrary to Your will that it is truly hurting You. We aren’t just straying from You, when we backslide, our bond is broken as well. Lord, may your love come into our hearts, once again. If we have wronged You, please forgive us. Have mercy upon our souls. Raise us from the dead. Breathe new life into us. Resurrect these bones, that they may begin to walk with You, once again. Take all the lust from our hearts. Free us from our addictions. Cast down our pride that we may be humble before You. Anything that is contrary to Your will, cast it from our lives. We want to serve You. May our lives come out of the world and into Your love. You are greater than all things. I desire to live in Your holiness. Help me along the way. Keep me on Your path of righteousness. I trust in You. I love You Lord. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Thank You Lord for this wonderful night. We couldn’t have reached the people we did, if You weren’t guiding us. Your Spirit directed our paths and we found people ready to receive You. What a wonderful gift to be led by You, oh Lord. Thank You for the man that received the Bible and accepted prayer. I am grateful to have met him. It was amazing to see his heart turned to follow You. Thank You for meeting this couple. Especially the Mormon man, who was so receptive to the truths of God, in the Bible. Lord, I just opened my mouth and began to speak and you filled me. You helped me know what to bring up, in order for this man to learn Your truths. At the end of our conversation, I asked if he had learned something and he said, “Yes, thank you so much”. Wow. Lord, I could not have reached him if You were not there. I could feel Your presence the whole time. Thank You for opening his eyes to Your truth of the Bible. I love Your Words. The Bible truly has touched my heart. Thank You for helping me share it with others. With Your love I can do all things. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Lord, will you give us all an ear to hear your message? Will you open the hearts of all people that love You? Give them words to speak to the lost. Help them know how to approach them. Help us all to understand the importance of warning our neighbor. Lord, Your ways are so important. After coming to know You, I know now that many people are lost. So many are on a path to destruction. I pray that You will help me reach these people. Help me find those that are ready to listen to Your truths. Help me to also speak to the hard hearted. I know that all people need to get a witness of Your love. Whenever I feel Your nudge, I will respond. I will listen to Your counsel and speak Your will. Even those in the faith, I will speak to, that they may live righteous before You. I know Your ways are good. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, Your ways are so good. Your desires are greater than all things. What dwells within You is holiness. As You walk blameless, we ought to also walk. I am grateful for Your presence. You strengthen me and help me to walk apart from the world. When I am with You, my life is better. I am able to think straight. My heart is not on earthly possessions or pleasures of this world but on how to serve You, my King. Instead of squandering away my time in unnecessary things, it is filled with ways to show love towards others. Lord, You delight my soul. I am grateful for this new life You’ve given me. I was once lost but You found me. You took me from darkness and into Your light. The day I put my trust in You, You answered my call. Thank You for being there for me when I needed You most. You are a great God, who saves. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, lead us away from sin. Forgive us when we fall. Have mercy upon our souls. Help us to stay clear from the addictions of the past. When temptations arise, don’t let them take us down. Strengthen us when we feel weak. Even when it feels like we can’t do anything to escape the slavery of sin, spark inside of us a reason to follow You. Help us never forget the importance of living a life for You, oh Lord. I know that my lustful desires are not worth being separated from Your Spirit. It isn’t worth being tormented in guilt and shame for a few minutes, to an hour, of pleasure. None of this is worth it, if my body has to be defiled and I lose out on Your presence. Keep me clean, oh Lord. Keep me spotted from the things of this world. Help me to walk uprightly and be an example to others. May your light shine down upon me that others may also know how to walk. I want to live for You. I give my life to You, Jesus. Have Your way inside of me. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, will You wake up the hearts of the Mormon people? Will you shine light into their eyes that they may see the deception that they are under. Lord, the truth of what Joseph Smith did to Your Holy Word, truly saddens my heart. This news needs to get out. It should be front page news. How could he just go in and change the Bible to his liking? My heart is braking, just thinking about the millions of people that are now deceived. Lord, if people truly had a zeal for the Bible, they would know that what Joseph Smith has done is a crime. I do not wish my family and friends to go to hell because of him. Will you open their ears that they may hear me out on this matter? Lord, give me time with them that I may show them the importance of the Bible and that altering it is not OK. Lord, will you do this for me? I trust in You. I know that You can do all things. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Lord, Your harvest is surely plentiful. Surely, many that are lost are not ready but few are. I am grateful for those few that we found tonight. Even if a few people’s faith was strengthened through prayer, that is enough. If you could use us to pray over people that they might find peace, I rejoice. For You had a hand in all of this. But Lord, You did more than even this. Your Name was proclaimed upon the hillside. Many people were able to know about Your great Name, because the Holy Spirit led us. Thank You for putting in my heart the means to speak to a Mormon. I knew that without You, I could not know how to get through to this man. But with Your love, I was able to present the gospel with love and truth. The truth of Your great Name and the cross is so important. It is so important that we find out Your truths and not be led astray. Thank You for helping me get through to him, through sharing the gospel. I am grateful that he received prayer as well. Lord, You did it all. You used each of us to declare Your great Name. And it was beautiful, indeed. I love You. I trust In You above all. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Lord, keep our eyes opened. Let us not be given over to any wind of doctrine. If people try to bring in other books of scripture, let us be ready to challenge it, instead of readily accepting it. From the examination of the Book of Mormon, I know that there are millions of people being led astray, in the Mormon Church. I pray for them at this hour of need. They have surely been blinded with the addition of their books. The Holy Spirit testifies of what is true and what is a lie. Thank You for showing me the way. I am grateful that you took me from this false religion. Sure, I was pained inside, for having lived it all my life but the alternative was better. To be safe within Your arms is better than false security. It may seem hard to believe that I followed this religion for so long but I know Lord that You weren’t the reason. Satan had a strong hold on me, like he has on everyone in that church. Lord, break their chains, this day. If they want to know You and be free, open their eyes also to the truth. Thank You for saving me. I love You. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for coming into my life and giving me a new heart. I was so defiant in my old ways but You have changed me. Instead of resisting to follow You, I only want to serve You. My desires have been flipped upside down because of Your great love for me. I know that You are my Savior. I also know that Your wrath is real. I felt this anger while I was in sin. I knew that I was not in good standing with You. After much confession of my sins, my thoughts have finally changed. Through repentance, my life has turned from darkness and into Your light. It is no longer guilt I feel but love. Your mercy has saved me. Thank You for the cross. Thank You for saving us through Your blood. I am not able to be righteous on my own but Your holiness allows me to be. I am grateful for the peace You have brought into my life. I rejoice in Your goodness. I love You Lord. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Lord, I love Your ways. I love Your commandments and how they have changed me. Your counsels are better than good. They are awesome. I am ecstatic when You give me wisdom. Your words in the Bible are more than words. They speak to my heart and help me know how to live. I was once lost and never had hope for tomorrow. Now that You are in my life, hope is everywhere I can see. My eyes have truly been opened. This hope leads me to do greater things than I ever thought were possible. Because of the boldness You put in my heart, I am stronger. My weaknesses are now my strengths for You lead me. How honorable are Your ways, oh Lord. My soul cries out in praises because of Your presence in my life. I rejoice for Your great love and affection towards me. I can feel Your mercy and grace. You sustain me. It is the Holy Spirit that helps me showcase this same love towards others. May I never forget to display this gift of love. Lead me and direct my path. I need You in my life. I am truly happy when You are there. I love You. Amen.