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Growing Closer To Jesus Daily!
"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." (1 Corinthians 1:18)
See Also: Christianity Vs Mormonism
- "My life is dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus. I love the Lord and want everyone to come to know God. I would feel awful if I kept His joy to myself. For this reason I write devotionals, inspirations, and prayers, in order to lead people to Christ. The Holy Spirit is leading me in these efforts." -Paul Gee
- "My life is dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus to the world. I love the Lord and want everyone to come to know God. I would feel awful if I kept His joy to myself. For this reason I write devotionals, inspirations, and prayers, in order to lead people to Christ. The Holy Spirit is leading me in these efforts. Jesus is the anchor of my soul." -Paul Gee
Abstain From Sin
If you are worshipping idols, repent and cast them out of your life this day. Give up a life of sin and come back to God ...
Love One Another
The Lord is our guide and knows where He is sending us. If you listen to His voice and follow Him, you will have experiences that will last ...
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