“For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.” (1 Peter 3:12)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will understand the importance of the cross and what it means for us. How because of our faith in You, we can be redeemed through Your blood. You are the Prince of Peace. All things were made through Your hands. You are our judge, creator, and Redeemer of the world, Jesus. You are so humble to be made lower than the angels while living on earth. You didn’t have to come down or go through with Your sacrifice on the cross, but You did so anyways to fulfill all righteousness. There is no other person who has ever lived that has made a bigger impact in this life, but You Lord. You may have lived a little over thirty years, but to have You, God, with us is extraordinary and out of this world amazing. I wish I could have lived in that timeframe. I know that life would have been harder, but just to be in Your physical presence would have been all I needed in life. You are all I need Jesus. I can’t wait till the day I will be with You in heaven. I will humbly kneel before my God and my King. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, it is with praise and honor that I come to you in remembrance of Your birth. Yes, Jesus, throughout the year I look to You in faith, but this time of year is different. I love it when Easter comes around and I can tell people about the cross and resurrection. I don’t celebrate this holiday as the world does, but use it to tell people about what You did for us on the cross. How Your blood covers our sins and makes us clean when we repent. And because You rose from the grave the third day, death was defeated. This means that You will one day raise us up into newness of life in the resurrection of the dead, which will be amazing to be a part of. As for this time of year, all I can think about is Your birth. The world tries to get people to forget about You and to think about Santa instead, but that will never happen in my household. As for me and my family, we only celebrate Christmas in a way that we can remember You and nothing else. It is because You came into this world, that I have forgiveness and mercy. Thank You for saving me and also members of my family. I am so grateful to be a part of Your kingdom. I love You, Lord. Lead me this day and forever. I trust in You. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that people who say they believe in You will also put You first. So many people I have talked to over the years that call themselves Christian don’t have much time in their day to read the Bible and even pray. They are so consumed with the things of this world, that making time for You is less important to them. These are people who are lost but think their salvation is sure, when really they are in jeopardy of going to hell. Even, unknowingly do they walk these dark paths which lead to destruction and don’t find out that they wasted their whole life until it is all set and done in death. Lord, this is very sad news to think that the majority of people out there are really entering through the broad gate, and not the narrow gate, which leads to heaven. I wish that people would look at themselves in the mirror and start repenting of their sins. Then, will they see how far gone they really are in the faith, and wake up to their sins. Then will they call upon Your Name for mercy. Surely, forgiveness is given to everyone who is humble and desires to be born again. There is hope for people who desire to be cleansed by Your blood, Jesus. People cannot go down other paths and expect forgiveness, but only through seeking You first and making You the God of their lives. So come into these people’s lives and cast out all the idols that they have created for themselves. Then, will they understand the need to do Your will and put aside other things that are sinful. Other things that are not sinful can still take place, but should never consume what we do or become our priority in life. People just need to be awakened to understand this truth. As for me, I will continue to walk in Your ways till my last breath. I love to worship You, learn from You, serve You, and be guided by Your hand. I also love to help others in need and pray for them also. I love You, Lord. I give You praise and honor. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that You do shine down upon me. Come into my life and fill me with wisdom. Deliver me from temptation and lead me to Your righteousness. Cut every addiction out of my life and deliver me out of bondage. My life of foolishness is over. Come and make me wise today. With Your light in my life I can do all things. In Your presence, nothing can take me down. I am strong with You. Where I come up short, You fill in the gaps. Even my lowly stature is elevated. I may not know what to say but with Your words in my mouth, the Spirit of truth comes out. The boldness that You bring comes inside of me and leads me to do things that are lifesaving. Where people’s lives may not have been affected by Your great will before, they are starting today, when You speak through me. Surely Lord, Your words penetrate the heart and soul and pierce the heart of every man and woman on this earth. With that same speech within me, the Spirit of God moves inside ever soul that I meet. Yes God, Your will goes forth because I am an able witness for Your greater good. This is my prayer, that You will always remain in me. Continue to shine forth through me that all mankind will experience Your great love. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that You will raise up warriors in Your kingdom. People that hunger for Your words and love to be led by Your hand. I know that this type of person is hard to find nowadays and I pray that You will stir up this type of faith in individuals that say they believe in You. We need more people who are willing to step out in faith and not just keep what they know to themselves. How can we say we believe in You when we are so ashamed to share the gospel with others? As Christians, the gospel of Jesus Christ, which involves the cross and the resurrection, is the power of God which saves us from destruction, as it is said in 1 Corinthians 1:18. We are not ashamed of the gospel, because in it comes Your mighty power. If Your presence is with me, then there is power and great authority from on high. I am grateful to have You in my life, and will never again run from what You have called me to. At first it may seem difficult to stop and share the gospel with people on the streets and even stop and help the homeless, but You are the one that gives us this boldness. Just like Jonah, You were willing to be there for Him, if He would just give You a chance. Praise God, that something happened to him, while he was in the belly of the fish. I just pray that more people will also come to a realization of what they are doing for and against You now. And if there is sin in their life, come and cast it out immediately. Sin is what deters so many people from serving You, and it is very sad that people allow these willful sins to linger in their lives. If people would just live out their lives for You, then they would also gain the gift of the Holy Spirit and no longer fear what people think of them. I love You, Lord. Your ways are true, and I pray that more people will start doing what You say. I give You glory, this day and forever. May Your ways become my ways. Amen.
Oh Lord, You know my heart for You. I have done wrong things and I am so sorry. Forgive me, God. Help me to live a life that is according to Your will. I know that I cannot do this on my own. So I ask that You come and take me by the hand and lead me in the ways of righteousness. Cast out of my life every ounce of sin and darkness, and replace these things with Your love and light. I admit that I am a sinner, but only through Your hand can I become a saint. Never will I ever become this unless You are abiding in my life daily. Therefore, I come to You earnestly in prayer and confessions that You might make me whole. I ask that from here on out, You will take a sinner like me and do a work in me each day, that I might become Your true servant. Lord, I have worked for Your kingdom in the past, but now I am earnest in this desire. I truly wish to be saved and go to heaven. No longer do I wish to live for the flesh, but do as You command me. I have not always loved Your ways, but know that with You abiding in me, I will begin to love Your ways much more than what the flesh desires. Give me clean hands and a pure heart. It is my true desire that You will have mercy for my soul and lead me to be with You in heaven. I believe in You, Jesus. I trust in You. You are my Savior and I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, help us to not be led by our lustful passions. We need Your hand in our lives to not fall victim to sin and death. Without You, we are like sitting ducks to the fiery darts to the enemy. I hate it when I fall and go against Your will. I feel like I have failed You each time. You know the things I have done and I am so sorry to have sinned against You, God. I could have done a better job to live in Your presence, but I went off and did my own things. So hear my confessions and know that my heart is for You now. Forgive me, Lord. Help me to live up to Your standards that I might do what is right. Lead me from temptation, that I might be led by Your mighty hand instead of myself. I believe in You, Lord. You are my strong tower. I cannot fall if You are before me. My life is Yours and not my own. Give me guidance and direction. I will follow You. I love You, Lord. Amen.
Oh Lord, my God, thank You for hearing my cries this day and in the past. I’ve gone through many trials and tribulations in this life, and You have always been there for me. I was never left alone, for You were there to comfort me. Even in the trials, I am going through now because of my job situation, I trust that You know best and that things will get better soon. I may not know the time table of when things will work out for my good, but You do. So I simply call upon Your Name for guidance and direction, that I may be led to the right job and no longer have to worry about financial troubles ahead. You are my supplier of everything that is good. Having a job is just a part of life, but having Your love in my life is what I can take with me into eternity. Lord, I may not have always looked to You in faith, but I am dedicated to You now. You are the Lord God who saves, and no one could save a wretch like me, but You. I deserved death a long time ago, but still, You spared my life and had compassion for my soul. Only You could see the potential in me when I could see nothing. My life ahead of me was so bleak, but You filled in the gaps until everything became so clear as to what I should be doing. It is Your great love that has called me out of the darkness and into Your light. I don’t have to worry about sin and shame plundering my life any longer, for You are with me now. I have taken Your hand and You have raised me up into newness of life. I may not have been able to serve You faithfully in the past, but I am more than capable now. If You are leading me, then nothing in this world can take me down. I love You, Jesus, more than anything this world can offer me. You are the rock upon which I stand. A firm foundation. I give You glory and praise, this day and forever. Amen.
Oh Lord, l pray that more of these lost Mormon people will repent and give up everything to follow You. Their doctrines are of the devil and need to be exposed. Not to expose it because of hate, but because we want to pull them out of the fire while they still have breath. I pray that even one of the ninety and nine would leave this cult to follow You. Then, will they realize what they had been missing and give You praise, Father. No more will they think we are persecuting them, but tell others also about their salvation. We need more people who are willing to share their stories of salvation and coming out of this cult. I truly wish that more people would be so bold as to share the gospel truths with the lost people in this world. One thing I know is that this life is short. I may not be here much longer. You may have a better purpose for me on the other side than what I am doing here. All I know is that when that day comes, Lord, You will find me doing Your will as it is in heaven. This faith has come from being forgiven and knowing that You are alive and well in my life and millions of others also. I love You, Jesus. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray for the Mormon people. You have shown me and millions of others that they are in a cult, and believe in false prophets and man-made doctrines. Yet, so many of them resist what the Bible says. What they have been taught by their prophets and church leaders is gold to them, while what Christians share with them is worthless dirt. I cannot tell You how many times Mormon missionaries have tried to reach me with their message, but the moment I try to share with them what the Bible actually says, they reject it while closing off their ears immediately to what I have to tell them. And so I see the majority of Mormons as people who claim to be religious but do not know what it means to be saved and have the Holy Spirit in their lives. Surely, if they were saved, they would be led to all truth, but instead, they are trapped in an organization that only wants their hard-earned money, while leading them down a slippery slope to hell. Lord, I do not wish the same fate upon my Mormon friends and family that Joseph Smith and other Mormons have already dealt with come death. They are suffering in hell now, but there is still time for people on earth to resign from their cult and come to You for salvation, Jesus. I believe in You, Lord. I trust in You, God, for salvation, not religion. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that people will remember You at all times and in all places. Help them to remember who they are in the faith and not go astray. The enemy likes to disguise what is evil as good, so help us keep our eyes wide open, that we may not fall victim to willful sin. Many times things look way to appealing and then we find out in the end that it was grievous in Your sight what we did. We may think, oh, I can just do what the flesh needs and then ask for forgiveness later. Nobody will know if I look at pornography. Who will even know if I stay the night with my girlfriend? People will not even realize it come Sunday that I went out drinking. These are the kind of thoughts that go through a person’s mind, and because Satan’s temptations are so difficult to guard ourselves against, people that think this way often fall victim to the sins that they are justifying. Lord, it isn’t until the act of sin is done, that people in the faith realize what they did and feel so violated because of it. This is very sad, for I know how this is myself. I’ve fallen many times, and I know how bad I feel afterward. It is like I have left You, and our relationship is now tarnished, which makes me very sad. In all this, God, I repent this day of my sins and pray that others will join me. May we no longer do what we know is wrong, but call upon Your Name when we feel like we can’t guard ourselves against the enemy any longer. I know that I am not capable of backing down when things appear out of my control, but I know that You will give me a way out. All I need to do, and others also, is to trust in You. Lord, we need to pray unceasingly and have You in our thoughts at all times. You are strength and our shield. I lift You up in praise. Thank You for leading me to safety. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, thank You for my wife. We have been together now for sixteen, almost seventeen years, which hasn’t always been easy, but worth it still. What a wonderful woman she is. Not only is she a wonderful mother, but continually cares for their daily needs. I am left amazed how well our children are doing in school because she stays up late with them helping them with their homework. They always have a lunch made and there is food on the table each day. I cannot tell her enough for everything she does for our children and myself. Lord, I have been able to go on mission trips, do evangelism on the weekends, and more, without any questions asked. I am grateful that she trusts me, especially when I am out serving You. In this new year, we have both made new goals, but one I will make now is to have You in this marriage more and more. I am not perfect when it comes to loving my wife the way she deserves to be loved. So help me do what is necessary in order for her to feel loved by me. Lead me through the Holy Spriit, in order for this marriage to continue on with You at the head. Lead us, Jesus. I love You, God. Amen.
Lord God, I am so grateful to know You and to follow You. Thank You for suffering for my sins on the cross. I can’t even imagine the amount of pain you had to go through for my account alone. Surely You bore by burdens that they may be light in my life. I have forgiveness for my sins because of what You’ve done for me. Where there was only guilt and shame, You have come and replaced those evil feelings with love and mercy. And because of Your resurrection, I have new life. My old life is dead, because You have come and breathed new life into my soul. There is life only found in You, Jesus. Surely, I am so blessed to be led by You, my King. I can’t even imagine my time in this world without You now. I am strengthened by Your presence and have the power to resist temptation, because You are with me. This new life has hope for tomorrow, for You are leading me. Thank You Lord for Your great sacrifice for sins and Your resurrection. This is the reason why I live and have so much joy in my life. My faith is renewed just by knowing what You have done for us. I love You Lord. My hope and trust is in You, God. Amen.
Lord I pray that every believer will continue in the faith, even until the end. May they never lose hope in Your promises. Lead us from temptation, so that Satan will not have a hold of our lives. Help us have courage to fight against all fear and doubt. Build us up, so that persecution will not lead us away from You but only make us stronger. It is a blessing to believe in You and to follow You, Lord. Even unto the ends of the earth, will I go. Whatever You would have me, I will do it. I am Your servant and to do Your will brings me the greatest joy of all. You are my delight and I love You. When I seek You, there is so much I learn. Your counsel is so wise that it is hard to take it all in. It helps when I just sit and ponder upon Your words, that they may sink deep inside my soul. Yes Lord, I am grateful to know You and to be forgiven. Thank You for taking upon Yourself my sins. I am so blessed to have Your blood cover me. I am no longer covered in sin but am surrounded by Your love. You are so kind and also so just. You could have given up on me a long time ago, but Your hope remained. Thank You Lord. For You, I will do all things. I can’t wait for the day to be with You, forever in heaven. All my days will I serve You and praise Your holy Name, for You are worthy. Nothing is more glorious than to be in Your presence. All the praises to You, Jesus. I say these things in Your Name. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that we will all become more kind and considerate of other people’s needs. That we will begin to look past ourselves and into the lives of others around us. So many people are suffering and are in dire need of our help and even our prayers, but too many people are caught up in their own selfish needs. The selfishness in people’s lives is causing others to not get the necessary help they need. So, Lord, I pray that more people will be given a heart to bless others. That we will volunteer to pray for people while we are chatting them online and in person. That we will notice if there is anything that people need and jump at the opportunity to help them. Even if it means to feed the homeless, help our neighbors trim their trees, mow their yard, and rake up leaves. These are simple things but can bring much love into another person’s life who is unable to perform these things on their own. For this reason, do I pack the trunk of my car with things that will bless others throughout the year. If it is blankets, hats, gloves, water, snacks, gospel tracks, Bibles, and other things that You put on my heart to do. I do this so that I am ready to give when an opportunity arises. I would hate to be unprepared when I am on the road and a homeless person has a sign. Lord, I’ve had the best encounters with people when I have stopped and helped another person. After parking my car and getting the necessary supplies out of my trunk, in order to give to the homeless person fills me up with much joy and peace. I’ve seen countless people be overjoyed and even come to tears because of this also, and I am just grateful for the opportunities to love on them. Lord, this is the best thing we can do, and I hope that more people will do the same. This may also mean getting food from a fast-food restaurant and delivering it to the homeless person as well, which is love in the making. We have so much love in us to share with one another. It is just a matter of time that people get out of their comfort zone and start being a light unto the lost and broken-hearted. We can be a blessing of hope to another person at home to our neighbors, in stores and at the register, and on the streets. We are Your hands and feet and I will go and do what you would do if You were here. I love You, Lord. You are my greatest joy of all. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray for those people that are suffering right now with depression and suicidal thoughts. I know that many people that I know and love are in despair right now and need You to come inside of their lives, in order to lift them up. Please come to them now and give them the comfort they need to go on in life. Give them the hope that they really need, in order to get back on the right track again. Send people in the faith to their doorsteps and wherever they may be, that their needs may be met and prayers may be offered on their behalf. And put a sense of urgency in my heart and others hearts to find those that are suffering, that we may be a light to them, when only darkness is found. There is hope that can still be found and this can only happen when we in the faith are willing to respond to Your will. So many more people would be getting the assistance they need, if people would be willing to get out of their comfort zones and step out where needs are the highest. Lord, I am so grateful that You have sent people to me, when I was down and depressed. Not too long ago, when I lost my job, I was really hurting inside and You knew my pain and heard my prayers. Not only did you send me a sense of relief to what was going on then, but You sent friends of the faith to my house, that I would be prayed over also. Thank you so much for sending them and giving them the courage to respond to my needs. I needed good friends to help me in those times and You knew that from start. You put them there in my life and now I am so much happier. Things have gotten better over the last many months now with this new job and I give You all the glory. Thank You for taking my thoughts of sadness and giving me gladness in return. I love You Lord. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that we will have a desire to read all the Bible and not leave out parts like Leviticus and other parts that speak on the sacrificial offerings of animals. These verses help us understand the importance of You, Jesus, coming into the world. There was no sacrifice in the old covenant that could put an end to the animal sacrifices. Only Your sacrifice on the cross meant that no more blood had to be shed. You are the last sacrifice for the sins of the world. No person would ever want to or even carry this type of burden upon themselves, while also carrying it out to fulfillment. They would fail each time. This sacrifice needed to come from someone who was perfect, just like the spotless lambs that were sacrificed in times past. That perfect person is You, God. Thank You for dying on the cross for me, even though it must have been so painful to bear. As You bled and died, You gave me and the rest of the world a chance to be cleansed through Your blood and be saved. Thank You for saving me. I love You, Lord. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that more people in the Mormon church will learn to appreciate Your words in the Bible. Only then will they stop undermining its value, while thinking their current teachings are more important. It is sad to hear them say that the Bible is true as far as it is translated correctly. How their modern-day revelations are more important to any teaching found in the Bible. God, I have spoken to so many people in this religion that say that they would rather believe in what their prophets say, even if it contradicts Your words in scripture. How their faith is more in line with their additional books of scripture and conference talks, than what You have left us in the Bible. Lord, these people are so blinded to the point of not being able to see the importance of studying the Bible daily. If only You could open their eyes to Your truth in the Bible. Only then would they see that their beliefs are not in line with Your Words, while allowing You to remove anything from their belief system that is false. This is all I ask. May Your presence move among them with the help of Your true witnesses on earth. I believe in You, Jesus. I love You, Lord. I give You the glory and the praise. Amen.
Lord, it is my prayer that people will start reading the Bible for themselves. This way they will begin to know Your truths in Your Word, and no longer be deceived by the doctrines of men. I am very worried that too many people that say they are Christian are actually believing in false doctrines and don’t even realize it. It would be very sad to see these people go before You in judgment one day, not realizing that they were walking on the path of destruction when they died. This would be devastating, God. And it is not my wish that anyone should perish in their unbelief, but to know You and to find wisdom and understanding from the Bible. So wake people up from all religions, so that people will decide for themselves to know Your truth. Then, can You pour into them the Holy Spirit, that they may be led to know the truth from above. Truly, it is taught in scripture that Mary needed a Savior and therefore magnified the Lord. So we ought to also worship You, oh Lord, and not Mary. It is also taught that Mary was not always a virgin, but had her own family. So people that pray to the virgin May are very off track and need to repent. For surely, this is idolatry and is uncalled for in Your Kingdom, oh Lord. Convict such people to throw out there rosary beads. To break into pieces their idols of Mary and the Saints. Surely, we cannot walk in Your presence if we continue to do things of the flesh. So this day, I promise to allow You to cast out of my life anything that is contrary to You. And my prayer is that people in the Catholic faith will do the same. That they will begin to read the Bible daily, pray often, and come to You, as their personal Savior. I love You, Lord. Amen.
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for coming into my life and giving me a new heart. I was so defiant in my old ways but You have changed me. Instead of resisting to follow You, I only want to serve You. My desires have been flipped upside down because of Your great love for me. I know that You are my Savior. I also know that Your wrath is real. I felt this anger while I was in sin. I knew that I was not in good standing with You. After much confession of my sins, my thoughts have finally changed. Through repentance, my life has turned from darkness and into Your light. It is no longer guilt I feel but love. Your mercy has saved me. Thank You for the cross. Thank You for saving us through Your blood. I am not able to be righteous on my own but Your holiness allows me to be. I am grateful for the peace You have brought into my life. I rejoice in Your goodness. I love You Lord. Amen.
Oh Lord, help me and others in the faith to be an even better witness to the Mormons. Not only do I live in a state where Mormonism is prevalent, but LDS missionaries message me often. I once thought that this was a wonderful thing, for these lost people are so hard to get the truth across. There are many opportunities to share the gospel with them, although it is difficult. God, I did not realize how hard-headed and blinded these people really are. What they want to do is share their false teachings with us, but the moment we tell them what the Bible says they close up inside and the conversation goes south. Therefore, help us have more fruitful opportunities with these cult members. If the people I have been conversing with will never hear the truth of God, then let me know so that I can move on and talk to other Mormons who are searching for truth. I am asking that You put people on my path who are ready to hear the gospel. Those who want to know Your truth and know it by way of Your messenger on earth. I love to speak Your truth to different crowds, but especially love to do one-on-one conversations. Wherever You will lead me, I will go. Open my mouth and I will speak. I am Your willing servant. Lead me this day and forever. I will do what You say. I love You, Lord. I give You praise and all the glory. You deserve it. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that there will be more Mormons that will hear the good news of the gospel and receive it with joy. That they will stop seeing Christian evangelicals as evil people, but listen to their messages of hope. How we love them enough to pull them out of the fire. Truly, there is salvation only through You, Jesus. No person can replace You or do Your job, like the prophets in Mormons think they are doing. I rebuke these false teachers and call them to repentance. They need to know that You are speaking to Your people in these last days and not to prophets like in times of old. The veil has been ripped and Your place is now in us and not temples made with hands. Thank You for making us Your holy of holies and for dwelling with us, Your people. Lord. If it is Your will, cause these Mormon temples to fall in their own destruction. As they come tumbling to the ground, cast Your fire upon them also and consume them. Don’t allow these evil doers to continue on forever. I know that You can do all things. I trust in You, God. Nothing is impossible, for my God, who Lord of the heavens and earth. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will see dreams, visions, and other things that can only come from heaven, in order for them to do a one-eighty and be saved. Also, send people into their lives who are true Christians, and even a good Christian church. Then, can these people learn from the best Christians how to live a life pleasing for You, God. It is my desire that more people would have the heart to serve You, but I am afraid that doing this is frowned upon by too many people in the time I am living in. They think that going forth and doing as You say is a work, so they say it is not needed. Wow! Do they not realize that we were created unto good works? Yes, God. I understand what Your holy Word says about having faith in You unto salvation, but that true salvation is shown by our many good works for You. And not just this, but it is a life lived for You. Thank You for showing me the truth and that You are looking for people who will live out their entire life for You. Not just a portion of their time. One day, I know that I will come before You and You will be looking at what I did before I took my last breath. Other things will not matter if my lamp was not lit with the Holy Spirit when I leave this earth. And when I finally see You, face to face, will I rejoice, even with great joy. I can’t wait for that day, but until then, please do lead me by the hand. Continue to do a mighty work in my life, that many people will see the Father in me and be saved. I love You, Jesus. I praise Your Holy Name. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that Your love will enter my family, my marriage, and my relationship with my children. I know that my life for You is strong, and the same goes for Your love for me, but somehow the love in my marriage is not as alive as it should be. The same can be said for my family and children. And I know that I have a part of this happening and I am sorry. May Your love strengthen me, through these hard times and lift me up. I wish for salvation in the lives of my immediate family, wife and my kids. May they one day know You, Lord, and follow in Your footsteps also. I know that I am not perfect, but only desire to do Your will. If a part of me is lacking and things aren’t going well in my relationships because of what I am doing, make it be known to me. Help me to know what is wrong, that things might get better over time. I just wish that my family would be with me, one day in heaven, after we all pass on in death. For this reason, do I try to point those I love to You, Jesus, ever day of my life. If that is changing what they are watching, and pointing them to a show that is uplifting and speaks of You, that is my desire. So much that is on TV now-a-days is only a trap and a lure to lead us away from Your love. For this reason, I’d rather shut it off all together and read Your Words in the Bible as a family. What You have said in scripture has meaning to my life and gives me hope, while the things on TV are only distractions. I love to spend time with You in Your Words and in prayer and I wish that one day my family would want to join me in worship to You also God. Your love is what keeps me going and I pray that this love will soon take over my family, spouse and children’s lives also. I love You Lord. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that people will wake up to live for You, starting today. May they truly desire to live a life that is pleasing in Your sight and no longer walk in sin. May You take them by the hands and lead them out of the darkness and into Your light. I know that there are many people on a road to destruction, where in their eyes, they feel like they are saved. I do not wish these people to die this way and to face the truth of their actions come judgement day. Instead, I wish people would start reading the Bible daily and find time to truly give themselves over to You in prayer. Maybe then will they start seeking You more often and desire to have a relationship with You, God. Then, will they be led by the Spirit and enjoy Your blessings from above. I know that our own works can do nothing good for our future, but Your good works, plus our faith, can move mountains. We can do all things with the Spirit of God in our lives. Nothing is impossible with You Jesus giving us direction. I am truly blessed, Lord, just to know Your will, by reading the Bible daily and through prayer. Your words have helped deepen my walk with You and now I can truly do what You have said. My walk is no longer led by my own hand but by Your works in my life. Thank You for taking me away from my hurtful desires. I was on rocky ground until you firmly placed me on Your rock. Now I am safe and am able to endure in this faith till the end. I am grateful for everything You have done for my life and pray that You will continue to lead me in the ways that are right. I trust in You Lord. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, You are so good to us. We are all like the sands of the sea and You still love each one of us. You are such a good God, and I pray that more people will come to know You before they take their last breath on earth. For only You have the power to save us from our sins, even the uttermost on this earth. There are many paths we can take in this life, but only one will lead us to You, God. That is why I would rather put my trust in what the Bible says than anything else. Your words are a lamp unto my feet. They lead me into green pastures where I am safe from the enemy. Because You speak through Your words still, You are able to guide me and give me wisdom. Thank You, Lord. I give You thanks, my King, and my High Priest. Through Your sacrifice on the cross, the need for high priests has ended. Their role came to an end because of the cross. Thank You, God, for taking away the sin offerings and for dying on the cross for me. This sacrifice may have happened over two thousand years ago, but still, it remains forever. Even for all generations will Your sacrifice remain intact. Thank You. You saved a wretch like me and I am so grateful. I love You, Lord. I give You praise and honor this day and forever. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that people would come to know You. Yes, Jesus, the majority of people are making the worst decisions of their lives. Because they have rejected You as their Lord and Savior, the moment they die they are now suffering in hell. I don’t want this to happen to anybody, especially to people I know and love. Therefore, I will keep being Your light in the darkness. I will proclaim that You came into this world, Emmanuel, God with us. You were so humble, being born in a manger. Truly, Your mission was to come down to earth, in order to be raised up on the cross for the payment of sins. Thank You Jesus for Your death and atonement. I am forgiven because of the blood that You spilled for us on the cross. Thank You, Jesus. Because You rose from the grave I will also rise to be with You in paradise when I die. Thank You for saving me. If only everyone knew the importance of Your birth, death, and resurrection, many more people would be saved. I believe in You, Jesus. I trust in You. I love You, Lord. Amen.
Lord, it is my prayer that people will not say things that will hurt others, but uplift them as You lift us up. Who is it for me to judge people, for You are the judge, oh Lord. People have a soul like I do, and I do not wish to see them be torn down because of my actions. Instead, Lord, I will bring them to You through the Holy Spirit. Give me Your words to speak and I will declare it. I will be a light to the lost generation, that they may discover You for themselves. Help me to not start fights, but conversations that end in the person coming to know You, Lord. I wish to have people know Your love and then have them want to have it in their lives also. I would be selfish if I kept what You offer me all to myself. And Lord, I know that many people that do live apart from You are in sin, but may the Spirit convict them of their sins and not me. I wish to bring them to You, that You may start doing a mighty work in their lives. And if people that I meet are in mourning, because of a lost loved one, help me to comfort them, as You comfort me. As I pray for these people, wrap Your arms around them also, they may find peace. If at any time my flesh wants to speak out and say things that are negative, please catch me, even when those thoughts are in my mind. Give me counsel in that moment, that what I do speak will uplift the person and not tear them down. I wish to be there for people, and not be a burden. Thank You for delivering peace to my life. You are my healer and my Savior. I may have lived a defiant life against You, but still have You forgiven me. Thank You, Lord. I was lost and You found me. You breathed in me new life. If I am anything of worth now, it is because You have made me this way. I give You all the glory. I love You. Amen.
Oh Lord, I pray that parents will begin to teach the truth to their children. Not just the majority of the year, but every portion of it. Many people say they are Christians but also bring Santa Clause into their homes during the Christmas season. They don’t realize that this is bringing curses into their lives and their children’s. These bad teachings of Santa Clause are then taught to their children’s children, and so on and so forth until something changes. One thing I know, God, is that pastors are not saying anything specific on this topic at churches. Therefore, people dress up as Santa Clause and are even guests at church, in order to let kids sit on his lap. And so we have children giving their petitions to a man that isn’t even real instead of teaching them to pray to You. God, how do I reach this fallen generation, where substitutes are being made for You, Jesus, like Santa Clause? I am saddened by what I am seeing. Truly, a warning of the evils that come from Santa needs to be made known. People need to realize that Satan is the same person in red that they are having their children seek. Then, will they repent and begin teaching their children about You instead. I love You, Jesus. Amen.
Oh Lord, You are my God and I need You every hour. Only by Your presence in my life am I safe from the enemy. Then do I have the armor to protect myself from temptation and sin. I am safe within Your arms, Jesus. You are my rock and therefore my faith is strong. Thank You for taking the person I am and molding and shaping it in Your sight. While in my flesh I am weak, but in the Spirit I am strong. You see me in my sinful state and raise me up into newness of life. Thank You for taking in a wretched sinner, such as I, and still coming to my rescue. Your compassion has no end, God. Your mercy is nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Many times I’ve wondered how I could ever deserve Your forgiveness after all I’ve done, but still You forgive me. Surely, Your mercy has no bounds. You have heard my cries and my prayers have been answered. With my confessions, You have made a way for me to remove the evil thoughts in my mind. You have also taken away all the evil desires of my heart. By doing this, You have replaced these sinful things with good things. It is Your love that has changed me. Thank You Lord for setting me free from the captures of the enemy. Your light has shined through all the darkness and I can see better days ahead of me. Thank You Lord. You are the one that makes me stronger. Without You I am weak, but with You in my life, I can do all things. I am strong, for You are my shield. You are my fortress, and the fiery darts of the enemy will no longer be victorious. You are my guide now. I love You Lord. Thank You for moving in my life and for leading me on Your righteous path. The fruit therein, all belongs to You. I don’t deserve any of the recognition and give You all the glory and all the praise. Amen.