Today’s Prayer (02/12/2018)

Daily Prayer:
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will come to know You. That more people will experience your great love. May this love overflow into other people’s lives. May my heart and theirs be conformed to Your will. I desire that more people will be saved. May people come to know You and then rejoice in Your mercy. I know that I am so grateful for Your mercy and forgiveness. What a wonderful Savior, I serve. You are so gracious and kind to resurrect my life. All praises and glory to Your Name. You are such a great God. You are all loving and kind. You are also just. I pray that people’s hearts will be moved to follow You, before time on earth is gone. Spark a revival in their lives, oh Lord. Help me find these people that I might bring them closer to You. I love You Lord. Amen.
February 12, 2018
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