Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, may we never forgot Your goodness and grace. May Your praises never escape our lips. You are greatly to praised. I honor You and rejoice in Your great Name. It is a pleasure to worship You, my King. Since discovering You, my life will never be the same again. Your light and holiness has come and breathed new life inside my soul. Thank You for delivering me from darkness and into Your light. I am so grateful to know You. I am humbled to serve You. To be a part of Your great plan is amazing. Thank You for delivering me from my sins. My chains have been lifted because of Your great love. Thank You for the cross. I will never forgot what You have done for me and all mankind. It is an honor to declare Your gospel message to the world. I trust in You. I love You. Amen./January 23, 2018/
Today’s Prayer (01/23/2018)
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