Daily Prayer:Lord, Your harvest is surely plentiful. Surely, many that are lost are not ready but few are. I am grateful for those few that we found tonight. Even if a few people’s faith was strengthened through prayer, that is enough. If you could use us to pray over people that they might find peace, I rejoice. For You had a hand in all of this. But Lord, You did more than even this. Your Name was proclaimed upon the hillside. Many people were able to know about Your great Name, because the Holy Spirit led us. Thank You for putting in my heart the means to speak to a Mormon. I knew that without You, I could not know how to get through to this man. But with Your love, I was able to present the gospel with love and truth. The truth of Your great Name and the cross is so important. It is so important that we find out Your truths and not be led astray. Thank You for helping me get through to him, through sharing the gospel. I am grateful that he received prayer as well. Lord, You did it all. You used each of us to declare Your great Name. And it was beautiful, indeed. I love You. I trust In You above all. Amen./January 5, 2018/
Today’s Prayer (01/05/2018)
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