Today’s Prayer (01/16/2018)

Daily Prayer:
Oh Lord, I am forever grateful for Your mercy. Thank You for Your forgiveness. My life wasn’t always for You, but still You took me in. My sins were great but You still took me by the hand and cleaned me from within. My mind had so much lust but Your love overcame those feelings and replaced them with love. I was incapable of changing my life but You gave me a new heart and now I am changed. Without You, I am weak. With You, I am strong. No one is like You God. You are higher than all men. Your ways are greater. How deep is Your love. Your kindness takes my breath away. How could You care for me so much after all I have done? No one has loved me like You have. Wow. My heart is moved by Your great compassion. I love You so much Lord. You are the rock of my salvation. It is amazing to praise Your Holy Name. I will never stop rejoicing for You are with me. Amen.
January 16, 2018
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