Today’s Prayer (06/03/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray that more Jewish people would come to know You, Jesus, their one true God. You have come those two thousand years ago, Jesus, but still they rejected their promised Messiah and King. You proclaimed that You are the “I Am”, or “The One True God”, but they would rather stone You than accept You as Lord and God. If only Your people, the house of Israel, could learn from the past. All it would take is for them to read the New Testament and their views about You, Jesus, would be different. I can only imagine the love relationship they would have with you if they would just have an open heart to know You. I am in that love relationship now and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I need You now more than ever. Have Your way in my life. Help us reach Your people and others who are lost with the good news of the gospel. How You died for our sins, is risen, and will be returning soon. Come, Lord Jesus, come. I love You, God. Amen.
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