Oh Lord, I pray for this lost generation. I am living in the midst of Sodom and Gomorrah once again. People are so lost in their sinful state, although Your faithful are still here seeking...
Today’s Prayer (06/25/2023)
Oh Lord, help me and others stay focused upon You daily. There are so many distractions that come our way and I ask that You will keep us headed in the direction towards heaven. Simply...
Today’s Prayer (06/22/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will come to You with open arms. To not continue in their sinful state, but be made clean in Your sight. To be cleansed through Your blood, Jesus, is...
Today’s Prayer (06/21/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to worship You as their King. Not just a person they cannot see that they pray to but in reality is done to please man. I often...
Today’s Prayer (06/20/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will turn from their sins and come to You with their whole heart. To not be known as someone who loves what the world offers, but what You give...
Today’s Prayer (06/19/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will live in Your holiness. Not to live for the flesh but to allow You to make them righteous, as You are righteous. If sin abounds now, then...
Today’s Prayer (06/18/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that our hearts will become knit with Yours. To not rely solely upon people, but put You ahead of them all. The laws on this earth are also important but Your...
Today’s Prayer (06/17/2023)
Oh Lord, I love Your ways. Lighten up my life this day and forever. This world is full of darkness, but with more people who follow You, the darkness will scatter. People will see Your...
Today’s Prayer (06/16/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will be found seeking You on a daily basis. This life is too short to waste it through vanity. So many people know the path they should take,...
Today’s Prayer (06/15/2023)
Oh Lord, this world is wicked and full of false opinions and false doctrines. Allowing You to be our teacher appears to be a thing of the past, but letting people be our guide is...
Today’s Prayer (06/14/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that those who are mockers of Your truth will one day come to faith in You. I know that this is impossible for the majority of people, but the few that...
Today’s Prayer (06/13/2023)
Oh Lord, I love You. You are so good to me and every person who calls upon Your Name. If only I knew You longer in this life, what I’ve done to sin against You...
Today’s Prayer (06/09/2023)
Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray that people’s minds and hearts will be turned to you. Spare the children, God, that are coming out of homosexual households. I don’t know how this is possible in
Today’s Prayer (06/08/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people who are part of the LGBTQ community will repent and come to You, Jesus, for salvation. These people come from a culture that is accepting of how they...
Today’s Prayer (06/07/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will learn to put aside what is worldly and begin building up treasures in heaven. This world is full of darkness, where it is difficult to know what is...
Today’s Prayer (06/03/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that more Jewish people would come to know You, Jesus, their one true God. You have come those two thousand years ago, Jesus, but still they rejected their promised Messiah and...
Today’s Prayer (06/02/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will be drawn to you more than anything else. Whatever is their vice and causes them to drift away from following You, I pray that they will give it...
Today’s Prayer (05/31/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will be delivered from the bondage of sin and death. No matter where we are in life, there is still time to be saved. I wish that every...
Today’s Prayer (05/30/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that every person who is an idolator now will repent. Do they not realize that they are breaking Your first and second commandments, which say “thou shalt have no other gods...
Today’s Prayer (05/28/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that the fear of God will enter people’s hearts. I am not just talking about people who say they know you but don’t, but people who have never known You also....
Today’s Prayer (05/26/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will come to know You. Your ways are so beautiful and I am grateful that You are in my life. It is truly a blessing to live on this...
Today’s Prayer (05/24/2023)
Oh Lord, thank You for this life and for everything You have done through me up until now. I feel unworthy to have the Most High God with me, but am also encouraged because You...
Today’s Prayer (05/23/2023)
Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray that You will keep me and others in the faith upright, and in keeping Your commandments. I know that I am incapable of living up to Your standards on
Today’s Prayer (05/22/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will come to learn of You and You will give them wisdom. There is so much that You are able to teach us if only our hearts were for...
Today’s Prayer (05/21/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray for the wicked in this world. Many of these people are close to their final destruction in death and aren’t even aware of it. Laugh and scoff all they want to,...
Today’s Prayer (05/20/2023)
Oh Lord, the generation we live in is far from You. The people are not seeking Your hand, but whatever fulfills the lusts of their flesh. Thankfully, there are many that do know You and...
Today’s Prayer (05/19/2023)
Daily Prayer: Thank You, Jesus. I give You praise and honor. You deserve the glory. Have Your way in my life. Forgive me of my sins. So often my mind is focused on what it
Today’s Prayer (05/01/2023)
Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray for the Mormon people. I know that some of them, especially those who are new to it, know about the problems in their temples. These people feel an evil
Today’s Prayer (04/30/2023)
Oh Lord, thank You for this day. I am grateful that Your hand is in my life and the direction you gave me today. My thoughts became much better as my mind and intentions were...
Today’s Prayer (04/29/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will be the one that makes me wise and not man-made wisdom from this world. If I am learning from You, then what I am believing in is true....