Today’s Prayer (04/29/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will be the one that makes me wise and not man-made wisdom from this world. If I am learning from You, then what I am believing in is true. God, it is my desire to know You and that is why I come before You now. You have done a great work in my life, and for this reason, I will gladly tell others about You. No matter what people say about my testimony, I will continue to serve You with all my might, mind, and strength. Your works are greater than anything man-made. I have seen some amazing things in my lifetime, but nothing is better than what You have done in my life and the lives of millions of other believers. To be raised from death to life is the greatest miracle of all. I was dead in my sins until You came and rescued me, Jesus. I confess that You are Lord and the God of the heavens. I love You. Amen.
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