
Today’s Prayer (06/18/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray that our hearts will become knit with Yours. To not rely solely upon people, but put You ahead of them all. The laws on this earth are also important but Your laws trump them all. If only people would the Bible and know the laws that were indicated and taught through Your faithful witnesses. Truly, from what I read in scripture, the words are as important to them as they are to us now. The times we are living in now are a thousand times more advanced but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t more wicked than the world has ever seen. Truly, now is the time to show our true colors for You, Jesus, and proclaim the good news to this broken and dark world we live in. To not be conformed to the ways of the world, but allow the Holy Spirit to be our guide. Yes, God, send the Holy Spirit to more people, that they may also come to know You and be saved. I love You, Jesus. Knowing Your laws and keeping them is my delight. Amen.
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