“My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” (1 John 2:1)
1 Corinthians 15:40
1 Corinthians 15:40 (KJV) 40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial ...
New Jerusalem Will Come Down, Not Built
Mormons claim that they will build the New Jerusalem. This was taught by Joseph Smith. Unfortunately, it is a false teaching ...
Joseph Smith Changed 1 Corinthians 15:40
If you've ever wondered why Mormons believe in three kingdoms in heaven, it comes from 1 Corinthians 15:40 ...
Saturday Door Knocking (03/30/24)
We talked about Joseph Smith's false prophecies, and how he said that Jesus would return in 1891, which never happened. How, he said that New Jerusalem would ...
Handouts On The Book Of Mormon
I've created handouts for the Book of Mormon. This will be useful when witnessing to Mormons. The gospel tract is front and back and includes a prayer ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation Book
The Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation Book is now available to purchase for $9.99 or Free to read on Kindle Unlimited ...
Book Of Mormon Plagiarism Book
Why are so many verses in the Book of Mormon taken from the King James Bible? For example, verses from the Book of Isaiah are found all ...
Proving The Trinity With Genesis, Chapter 1
In verse 26, we learn that God created man in His image. This same God said let us ...
Book Of Mormon Contradictions Book
The Book Of Mormon Contradictions Book is now available to purchase for $9.99 or Free to read on Kindle Unlimited ...
What A Trying Month
In this month of November, I have decided to do something new that I've been telling myself I'd do for years, but never had the time ...
Living For Jesus Isn’t Easy
Giving up what is sinful in our lives may not be easy. You may need to pray and fast about it many times before your urges go ...
God’s Word is Very Pure
What God says is pure. This includes God's Word, the Bible. To acknowledge this means that we are living for Him and desire to be pure as ...
Mormons Eyes And Ears Are Closed Off To God
As Jesus said, Mormon people ignore what Christians want to share with them "lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ...
Trinity Taught In A.D. 225 by Origen
Since A.D. 181, the Trinity has been agreed upon as core doctrine in the church ...
Joseph Smith Did Not See The Father
Nobody can see God's face in this life and continue living. This is speaking of the Father, for He is Spirit ...
Jesus Said He Is God And Worship Me
The God of Israel said that every knee shall bow before Him and that he is God and no one else. This means that there is only ...
Trinity Taught In A.D. 216 by Tertullian
This teaching of the Trinity is in accordance with what the Bible says, not man-made theology ...
Trinity Taught in A.D. 181 by Theophilus of Antioch
It is a proven fact that the Trinity teaching was taught by the early church fathers ...
When To Lay Down Our Lives
Jesus said that His friends do the things He commands them. And one of those things is laying down our lives for our friends ...
The Worst Offense In God’s Sight is Abortion
If anyone is for abortion, they are a murderer at heart and against God. These people need to repent and come to Jesus ...
Book Of Mormon Contradiction: 3 Nephi 11:27
In 3 Nephi 11, we find the teaching of the trinity, and the Father being Spirit taught. However, Mormons would disagree with these teachings ...
Book Of Mormon Contradiction: Ether 4:12
Has Jesus ever said that He is the Father? Nope, never. But did Jesus say that people would see the Father when they see Him? ...
Book Of Mormon Contradiction: Ether 3:14
Not once did Jesus ever say that He is the Father in the Bible. The only thing that He said was that people can see the Father ...
Mormons Come Preaching A False Jesus
Mormons come preaching a false Jesus, apostasy, restoration, atonement, plan of salvation, pre-existence, and more. Satan is leading their charge ...
Book Of Mormon Contradiction: Helaman 14:12
Will Mormons keep believing in the Godhead doctrine and reject the Book of Mormon, or will they believe in oneness theology and reject Mormonism ...
Book Of Mormon Contradiction: Mosiah 16:15
Mormons collectively will tell you that they believe in the Godhead. Where Jesus is God, the Father is God, and the Holy Spirit is God ...
Book Of Mormon Contradiction: Mosiah 15:1-4
The Book of Mormon is one strange book. In many parts, we learn about the trinity, but in other parts we learn about the oneness of God ...
God Helps Us Live In His Righteousness
When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives, we are consumed with His righteousness and zeal. The things that are dark, we then shun away from ...
Being Led By God And Not Self
It is important to acknowledge that we are a sinner and in need of saving. Only then will a person desire to come to god in prayer ...
Mormons Believe Christian Churches Are Of The Devil
Jesus told His disciples that the gates of hell would not prevail against His church. This means that it never fell into apostasy ...
Mormons: Stop Doing Works For The Dead
Mormons think their temples are helping them and dead people. What they don’t realize is this is Satan’s playground, and nothing from God ...
Mormons Are Scared To Know The Truth
Mormons are scared to know the truth. Asking them to visit a website outside their church is a no go. Same goes for videos calls ...
Mormons Lead People Out Of Christ’s Church
I bear witness that Joseph Smith was a false prophet sent from Satan. That the Book of Mormon is not of God, but of the devil ...
Mormons Are Unsaved: False Atonement
A big reason why Mormons are unsaved is because of their beliefs in a false atonement. This one belief is damning them to hell ...
Salvation Is Of The Jews
Israel is God's people. As Christians, we are grafted in as sons and daughters also. We all worship the same God ...
Eager To Come To God
Are you eager to come to God? A person that longs to obey Him, while keeping His commandments ...
Alternative To Celebrating Halloween
The moment you step out to celebrate Halloween, you are telling God that He does not matter. You'd rather be in darkness ...
Halloween Is Full Of Darkness
It is not surprising that many people celebrate Halloween. Why is that? Do you ever hear pastors, priests, or bishops speaking against it? ...
God Leads Us Into The Ultimate Truth
"Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way. Thy testimonies are wonderful: therefore doth my soul keep ...
Halloween Is Coming
Halloween is coming, but it does not have to influence us. Therefore, rebuke this wicked holiday. Say get behind me Satan! ...
God Is Not With the LGBTQ Community
"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor ...
Jesus Is My God, My Everything
Jesus Is My God. He is the Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. The first and the last, having always been with the Father ...
A Willful Servant For God
Acknowledge that you are a sinner and need God's mercy. We've all done things that we wish we could go back and erase from our life's history ...
Jesus Is Our God And Savior
Jesus is God, having always been with the Father. He created all things, and came down to earth to pay the price for our sins ...
Acknowledge That Halloween Is Evil
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are ...
Mormons Are Fearful Of Knowing God’s Truth
Mormons come to many homes and share their message, but when we want to talk to them about the Bible they get upset and bolt ...
Answering God’s Call And Witnessing In My Neighborhood: Part 2
Today I have a very special praise report. A young man that has been dear to my heart for these last three years, I met once again ...
Repent And Stop Celebrating Halloween
If you say you are a Christian and see no issue with Halloween, then God is not with you, and you have much need to repent ...
The One True Church Battle Rages On
Mormons say, we have the one true church. Only we can baptize for we have proper priesthood authority ...
Beaten With Many Or Few Stripes After Death?
Jesus is returning soon. It may or may not be in our lifetime, but this does not mean we should not prepare for it ...
No Evidence For The Book Of Mormon
The Book of Mormon is claimed to be scripture but without one ounce of evidence. No evidence of ancient records on plates ...
What Happens To The Sea In Revelation 20 & 21?
What is the sea spoken of in Revelation, chapter 21? Some people say that it refers to the waters on earth ...
Is There Purgatory After Death?
Jesus said that if we do not forgive every person in this lifetime, our Father in heaven will make us pay the price for our sins ...
If Mormons Only Used The Bible
If Mormons stopped reading their extra Biblical books and stuck with the Bible, God would be able to teach them in a pure form ...
1 Corinthians 15:29: Baptisms For The Dead?
Everything people do for dead people inside these beautiful buildings is not of God. Nothing done for the dead is accepted by the Lord either ...
Is Water Baptism Necessary For Salvation?
Our faith in Jesus saves a person, not water baptism. This is why the thief on the cross went to paradise, having never been water baptized ...
Halloween Is Of The Devil
Halloween is of the devil. Don't let the world fool you into thinking it is innocent. Bringing your kids out trick-or-treating is not what God desires ...
The TV Destroys Our Relationship With God
Let this be a wakeup call to every person who watches TV and/or plays video games on a daily basis. The truth of the matter is that ...
Mine Eyes Fail For Thy Salvation
In the world we live in, who is longing for God's salvation and/or righteousness? The truth of the matter is that only a few people do this ...
Sorry Mormons, No Second Chances Come Death: Part 3
There is NO second chances after death. NO exaltation to Godhood. And NO marriage in heaven. So NO need for Mormon temples ...
Sorry Mormons, No Second Chances Come Death: Part 2
There are no second chances in the afterlife, and 1 Corinthians 15:29 does not refer to people in the church doing baptisms for the dead ...
Sorry Mormons, No Second Chances Come Death: Part 1
The Mormon theology for baptisms for the dead stems from a single verse in 1 Corinthians 15:29 ...
The Book Of Mormon Causes People To Doubt The Bible
There is a reason why Mormons doubt the validity of the Bible, and it comes from the Book of Mormon ...
Children Of God Through Faith In Christ Jesus
Those who are led by the Spirit of God are adopted in as sons and daughters of God. We are not automatically called His children at birth ...
Tremble Before God, Ye Sinners
In this lost generation, the desire to call upon God is less and less. It is like people struggle to find any desire to pray ...
Mormons Take 1 Corinthians 15:29 Out Of Context
The verse that Mormons take out of context in the Bible, more than any other, comes in 1 Corinthians 15, verse 29 ...
A Deep Trust In God’s Protection
It is important to develop a deep trust in God's protection. Only then will we obtain an unwavering commitment to His commandments ...
God Does Not Approve Of Mormon Baptisms
To every Mormon. Please stop baptizing people into a cult. God does not approve. Repent and come to the true Jesus of the Bible ...
Do Not Step Foot In Mormon Temples
The Mormon Temple is of the devil. If you are going to these temples, then you need to stop in order for Satan to leave you ...
Reasons Not To Trust The Book Of Mormon
There is no evidence for the Book of Mormon or anything that takes place in it. Cities and their names have never been found, and people's names ...
Reasons Not To Read The Book Of Mormon
There are many reasons why people should not read the Book of Mormon. #1, it teaches a false atonement ...
God Is My Hiding Place
My hiding place is with God and His Word, the Bible. We come to Him for wisdom from on high and bask in His awesome presence as ...
God’s Testimonies Are Our Heritage
When God is with us, He continues to pour out His Spirit upon us. This is when we gain wisdom from on high ...
The True Jesus Of The Bible
Through Jesus's death and atonement on the cross we can be forgiven and be covered by His blood. This is open to anybody who would receive Him ...
Mormonism: Wake Up Call In The Afterlife
Here is the sad truth when it comes to Mormonism in the afterlife. Not only does God send Mormons to hell, but they will learn the following ...
Mormonism: Many Religions Have God’s Light And Truth
In Mormonism, they believe that a portion of God's truths are in various religions. How the one true God gave them a portion of His light ...
Willful Sinners Die And Go to Hell, Including Homosexuals
Who are the people who are not going to heaven? These are those who are fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals ...
Freely Come To God
Come to the Lord freely, having nobody pushing you along the path. In private, ask God to teach you His judgments ...
Only Few Mormons Will Ever Be Saved
The truth of the matter is that very few if any Mormons will ever be saved. These people are so brainwashed ...
Mormon False Teachings: Adam Is The Father
Mormons teach that our Father in Heaven is Adam. How Adam is our Eternal Father, while Eve is mother, of whom gives birth to our spirits ...
Mormon False Teachings: Three Degrees Of Glory In Heaven
What Mormons don't realize is 1 Corinthians 15 is talking about earthly bodies and heavenly bodies, not kingdoms in heaven ...
Living Like Hell While Acting Religious At Church
Every false convert gives only a few hours a week to Jesus and His kingdom. Instead, they live week after week for the flesh ...
No Homosexuals In Heaven
There are NO Homosexuals in heaven. It is for this reason that I go out and warn the people of the LGBTQ community of the wrath to ...
Mormon Temples: Exaltation To Godhood
It is because of the Mormon temples that these lost people believe they will be exalted to Godhood ...
Mormon False Teachings: Building New Jerusalem
Mormons deny the teaching in Revelation 21:1, where it says New Jerusalem will come down from heaven ...
Book Of Mormon Contradiction: Mosiah 3:7 – Part 2
You've heard the Mormons say that Jesus bled from every pore while he was in the garden. This statement does not come from the Bible but from ...
The Lake Of Fire And Second Death
There is a real Hell and worse than that is the Lake of Fire. Our worst nightmares don't even compare to what Hell and then the Lake ...
Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet
I have sang the song many times called, "Thy Word", but never understood its true meaning. This changed when I put my full trust in Jesus ...
Pulling Mormons Out Of The Fire
My true desire in life is to lead Mormons to Jesus. I love them so much as to help them come out of the fire and to ...
Life Filled With Uncertainty And Doubt
Nothing can compare to the depth and richness found within the pages of the Bible. It quiets our doubts, lifts our spirits, and nourishes our souls ...
God’s Wisdom Changes Us
Divine understanding does not operate within the limitations of human knowledge, but transcends it entirely ...
I Will Never Forget Thy Precepts
It is important to appreciate God's commandments. Only then can we be for the Lord and walk in His ways and not our own ...
I Forsook Not Thy Precepts
It is important to acknowledge the Lord our God, and praise Him for His faithfulness all throughout our lives ...
People Continue To Mock Jesus In Vain
Those who mock Jesus and deny His existence will still be judged by Him. It will not look good for them as they kneel down before Him ...
Joseph Smith Changed the Bible: Revelation 12:12
Joseph Smith changed Revelation 12:12. This is so wrong as you will see in this message ...
Joseph Smith Changed the Bible: Revelation 12:11
Joseph Smith changed the Bible with the JST including the Book of Revelation. See Revelation 12:11 for an example of this change ...
Joseph Smith Changed the Bible: Revelation 12:8
Joseph Smith more than added to the Book Of Revelation 12:8, but destroyed the verse entirely his new content ...
Joseph Smith Changed the Bible: Revelation 12:7
The Joseph Smith Translation is a work from the devil. Just look at how Joseph changed Revelation 12:7 ...
Joseph Smith Changed the Bible: Revelation 12:6
Joseph Smith was deceived by Satan to change the KJV Bible. This extended into Revelation 12:6 ...
Joseph Smith Changed the Bible: Revelation 12:4
Joseph Smith changed the Book of Revelation, which includes chapter 12, verse 4 and dozens of other verses ...