Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to turn to You. Even those people that are currently exalted up in their pride, may they be humbled this day. These people need to know that...
prayers (04-2020)
Today’s Prayer (04/29/2020)
Oh God, thank You for sending me into the world, in order to preach the good news of the gospel. I know that there will be obstacles along the way, but I am ready to...
Today’s Prayer (04/28/2020)
Oh Lord, I am grateful to know You. Thank You for saving my soul from hell, that I might be with You forever in heaven. It is a joy to live my life for You...
Today’s Prayer (04/27/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to seek You in all that they do. Then, will their desire to read the Bible and to pray be increased. God, it is in these moments...
Today’s Prayer (04/26/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will never feel like they have sinned too much for You to forgive them. I know that I felt this way for many years of my life, while I...
Today’s Prayer (04/25/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will confide in You in prayer and lean not unto their own understanding. Too many people get into trouble because of their reliance on what they think they...
Today’s Prayer (04/24/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to read and study the Bible for themselves. It is one thing to hear another person speak and even participate in a lesson in church, then reading...
Today’s Prayer (04/23/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will take their belief in You to heart. That they will no longer forsake the day of their repentance, but return to You fully this day. I am praying...
Today’s Prayer (04/22/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will understand the need to be born again. Surely, only people that are born again through water and the Holy Spirit can enter the kingdom of God. Therefore, this...
Today’s Prayer (04/21/2020)
Oh Lord, my heart is torn right now, because of the amount of bloodshed that is in the world we live in. So many people are so selfish in what they are doing. They don’t...
Today’s Prayer (04/20/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to set their sights on heaven. That they will stop worrying about everything the world has to offer them, but what you can do for us. This...
Today’s Prayer (04/19/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will continue to follow in Your righteous ways if they are found doing this now. It doesn’t matter if they had lived for You for a time in their...
Today’s Prayer (04/18/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will awake these people that have once followed You but are now on their own path which leads to destruction. Surely, when You mention destruction in scripture, this can...
Today’s Prayer (04/17/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will remember the importance of living for you and not the flesh. To many people, I am afraid of, are losing their salvation because of their unbelief and sinful...
Today’s Prayer (04/16/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will understand the need to do Your will, even in these dark times that we are living in. I know how doing right and wrong has been skewed because...
Today’s Prayer (04/15/2020)
Lord, I pray that the importance of baptism will resonate in people’s hearts. Even every person that has had the chance to be baptized before and has passed it up, will consider it today. This...
Today’s Prayer (04/14/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that more parents will start raising their children up to know You. Can’t they see the legacy they are leaving for their kids, when they don’t walk in Your ways? So...
Today’s Prayer (04/13/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will wake up to their sins this day. I know that many people that even say they are Christians are doing many sinful and abominable things in secret. They...
Today’s Prayer (04/12/2020)
Lord, I honor You this day and forever. I thank You for the cross. Thank You for paying the penalty of sin, of would we could not do on our own. The sacrifice You made...
Today’s Prayer (04/11/2020)
Oh Lord, thank You for dying for my sins. I am so grateful to know You and to be cleansed by Your blood. For many years did I walk apart from Your love, and didn’t...
Today’s Prayer (04/10/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will not allow themselves to fight their battles on their own. Surely, there is safety and security found in You, when we stop and trust in You. Besides that,...
Today’s Prayer #2 (04/09/2020)
Oh Lord, thank You so much for tugging at my strings, in order for me to go outside tonight. I could have very well stayed inside and been comfortable there, but instead, You had something...
Today’s Prayer (04/09/2020)
Oh Lord, when I look at the people in this world, I can see many of them that are lost and without a Savior. Even many people that say they are Christian have lost the...
Today’s Prayer (04/08/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will have an ear to hear you, even in these dark times that we live in. May they study the Bible daily, that they may know Your Words and...
Today’s Prayer (04/07/2020)
Oh Lord, I love You and give You honor and praise. Thank You for Your presence, and for leading me in the ways that are right. I may not have a way to distinguish what...
Today’s Prayer (04/06/2020)
Oh Lord, may more people humble themselves before You now, so that they do not have to face what they have done wrong in judgment. It would be terrible for people in the faith to...
Today’s Prayer (04/05/2020)
Lord, I just pray that people will desire to do Your will. So many people that say they believe in You are really far from You. They have no desire to listen and obey You,...
Today’s Prayer (04/04/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will not let anything come before You. If we say that we are a believer of You, Jesus, them let us know what is coming against You. We do...
Today’s Prayer (04/03/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will remember You at all times and in all places. Help them to remember who they are in the faith and not go astray. The enemy likes to disguise...
Today’s Prayer (04/02/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray for every Christian in this world. There is much fear right now because of the coronavirus, and I know that this is just the beginning of sorrows. Not too far distant...
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