Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to turn to You. Even those people that are currently exalted up in their pride, may they be humbled this day. These people need to know that we cannot just take and do what You have not supplied us. Instead, we are to wait upon You, God, in prayer, and then You will lead on a righteous path, which glorifies You and Your kingdom. We have so many people out in the world that have forged their way into the life they are living now. Even the jobs they have gotten and the marriages they are in are based on a lie. And what is sad is that there are pastors in churches who are really there for a paycheck and not for the welfare of Your flock. Surely, every pastor, teacher, evangelist, preacher, and Elder need to understand that we have a special duty to feed Your sheep and to not scatter them. We also cannot do anything if You are not with us. We can do things on our own for a time, but corruption will come into play over time, where people will no longer be following You, but their leaders instead. This is the corruption that I wish to get removed from every church and out of society in general. If people love and honor You, then I pray that they will display this in their everyday life. May more people walk in Your light and not after their own self-worth. We glorify You, oh Lord, in all things. If I have done anything special that gives people to talk about, it is because You have done it. I hope and pray that I have never exalted myself up in my evangelism or ministry efforts. If I have, then I am so sorry and repent. Continue to humble me as You humble every other person in Your church. Surely, I am only here to work in Your kingdom, in order to see more souls be saved and to see people in the faith draw nearer unto You daily. I love You, Lord. You are the rock upon which I stand. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (04/30/2020)
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