Oh Lord, I pray that more people will make a decision to become Your witnesses. The harvest is ripe, but only a few people are willing to get out of their comfort zone, in order...
Prayers (09-2020)
Today’s Prayer (09/29/2020)
Lord, have mercy upon the souls of men. So many people are on the pathway to hell and don’t even realize it. Some of them may think that they are saved, but really their soul...
Today’s Prayer (09/28/2020)
Oh Lord, raise up Your warriors from all around the world. May more people get on their feet and become Your witnesses on the streets. There is so much fear because of the coronavirus pandemic,...
Today’s Prayer (09/27/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will earnestly seek Your hand. That they will find You once and for all and give their lives to You also. That nothing will be held back. Surely, their...
Today’s Prayer (09/26/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will have ears to hear You and eyes to know the truths in this world. Help people understand what is wicked and what is righteous in Your sight. Give...
Today’s Prayer (09/25/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will turn from their sins and follow You. This includes every person who would be called a fornicator, adulterer, drunkard, covetous, porn watcher, homosexual, liar, idolater, and any other...
Today’s Prayer (09/24/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to draw near unto You. That they will give up their sinful ways and fall down at Your feet in prayer. Our sins only do more damage...
Today’s Prayer (09/23/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will be with my new friend, Casey, from here on out. It was an amazing encounter I had with him today, and I pray that he will remember the...
Today’s Prayer (09/22/2020)
Oh Lord, I give You honor and praise, this day and forever. I glory in Jesus, my Savior. Your ways are true and faithful and that is what I want in my life also. Pour...
Sinner’s Prayer (09/21/2020)
Oh Lord, we love You and repent of all our sins. Please forgive us for forsaking You all these many days, weeks, months, and hours. We are sorry for serving other things, for we know...
Today’s Prayer (09/20/2020)
Oh Lord, I long to be with You. Even to be with You in heaven forever. I know that this time on earth is short and soon I will leave this body and return to...
Today’s Prayer (09/19/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will stay in tune with You throughout each day of our lives. That we will not be a friend to this world but stay in Your perfect will. I...
Today’s Prayer (09/18/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to see the error of their ways. That when good Christians approach them of their sins, that they will take their counsel with joy. Even to the...
Today’s Prayer (09/17/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people in the faith will stay far away from Halloween and not participate. That they will not allow themselves or their children to indulge in such things of the devil....
Today’s Prayer (09/16/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will take all our fear away. May we walk in faith and not worry about the times we are living in. You give us the strength we need when...
Today’s Prayer (09/15/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will shine Your light in us. That we will be ignited from the inside out to serve You and our fellow men and women with all our hearts, mind,...
Today’s Prayer (09/14/2020)
Oh Lord, it is my heart’s desire to serve You and to lead as many people as possible to know You. And Lord, I know that I cannot do this on my own. Without Your...
Today’s Prayer (09/13/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that every believer will desire to become Your witnesses. That people will realize that believing in and following You is more than knowing the truth, but also telling others about You....
Today’s Prayer (09/12/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray for salvation for those among the homosexual community. I am not talking about people who will not repent and come to You, but those that are prime and ready to. I...
Today’s Prayer (09/11/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will have faith in You and be baptized. Too many people in our day and age now teach things that go against what You have said in scripture,...
Today’s Prayer (09/10/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will be more willing to stop what they are doing and help others. Surely, You will always stop what You are doing and listen to our prayers, while helping...
Today’s Prayer (09/09/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will all grow in our faith in You. That we will no longer grow colder because of sin but allow You to lead us into Your presence. Keep us...
Today’s Prayer (09/08/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will spark an interest in everyone’s hearts who say they are in the faith to witness their faith with others. It is sad to go on the streets and...
Today’s Prayer (09/07/2020)
Oh Lord, this day I cry out to You for answers. Help me to know Your will for myself and for others. May I learn how to treat people with Your love, respect, and kindness....
Today’s Prayer (09/06/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will gain real faith in You. That their faith will no longer be dead but become alive in them. So many people can worship You in church and say...
Today’s Prayer (09/05/2020)
Oh Lord, thank You for sharing Your mysteries with us, even in Your Holy Book, the Bible. Everything You have made and accomplished is deserving of our praise. Surely, there is no other God in...
Today’s Prayer (09/04/2020)
Oh Lord, I ask that You come inside of me now. Fill me up with the Holy Spirit. Give me over to Your teachings, that I might know Your will and do as You say....
Today’s Prayer (09/03/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will stop giving themselves over to things that will never help them. Things that will only lead them apart from You and not lead them to know You, Jesus....
Today’s Prayer (09/02/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people would desire to know You, the one true God of the Bible, and no longer believe in and follow false gods. What false gods do is cause division in...
Today’s Prayer (09/01/2020)
Oh Lord, thank You for all Your creation. You are the best architect that exists in heaven and earth. Your handiwork is unmatched. What You are able to achieve is stunning in everything about it....
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