Oh Lord, I long to be with You. Even to be with You in heaven forever. I know that this time on earth is short and soon I will leave this body and return to my Maker in heaven. What a time this will be. Lord, there are days that are very hard, but still, You give me the strength to carry on. I’ve lost many friends over the years, but I have never lost Your love in my life. People have deserted me and stopped answering my phone calls, but You have never stopped answering my prayers. There may be few people who wish to join in with me in ministry, but I know that Your multitude of angels are ever with me. I am not alone, for the Holy Spirit is leading me daily on Your righteous path. You have taken hold of my life and made me new. What a day it was and still is to be born again. I wouldn’t trade the place I am now with You for anything else. Thank You, Jesus, for saving a wretch like me. If I have sinned against You this day, please forgive me. Lead me far away from temptation. Your path is what I desire to be on now and for the rest of my days. Keep my eyes fastened upon Your perfect will, that I may never stray from Your desires in my life again. It is my will to never forsake You and to lead my family in the ways that are righteous also. May my daughters and my wife see You in me and rejoice in God, my Savior. Help me to be Your witness and to lead the lost to know You. I know that I can only plant seeds and You are able to water them. I believe in You, Jesus. I can’t wait to be with You, one day, on this new earth and new heaven. I love You! Amen.
Today’s Prayer (09/20/2020)
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