Oh Lord, I pray that more people will repent and give their lives to You. This is almost impossible for many religious people, for they already believe they have the truth. I have reasoned with...
Today’s Prayer (02/22/2023)
Oh Lord, I long for the salvation of more people in this world. Things are so dark and even many religious systems are teachings things of men in order to reach the masses, which is...
Today’s Prayer (02/21/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray for people who are so prideful and full of themselves. These people are everywhere, even in many different religious systems. It is sad when I meet a person who believes things...
Today’s Prayer (02/19/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray for more revivals to take place in all the world. I am grateful for what I am seeing at the Asbury University in Kentucky. Praise God that thousands of people have...
Today’s Prayer (02/18/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will rise up and follow You. That they will no longer be a prisoner to the things of this world, but will allow You to help them break...
Today’s Prayer (02/17/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray for the lost people in Mormonism. They are so deceived and don’t even realize it. How can they put on their god hats when entering their temples and think there are...
Today’s Prayer (02/16/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will come to You and also be used for Your kingdom. To come to You humbly, in order for Your presence to be in their lives. With the...
Today’s Prayer (02/15/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that Mormons will see how false their teachings really are and run away from them and into Your arms. This is what I have been hoping for the many years that...
Today’s Prayer (02/14/2023)
Oh Lord, thank You for my wife. We have been together now for sixteen, almost seventeen years, which hasn’t always been easy, but worth it still. What a wonderful woman she is. Not only is...
Today’s Prayer (02/13/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to live their lives for You. This life is short and the majority of people are wasting their days living for the flesh. It is very sad...
Today’s Prayer (02/12/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will allow You to judge the dead and not think that they have any right to change their destination. Mormons really have some nerve to play god, while doing...
Today’s Prayer (02/11/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will be drawn to know You. This way the Holy Spirit will penetrate their lives and revere You as their King, Lord Jesus. Truly, Your kingdom is upon the...
Today’s Prayer (02/10/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray for the sake of every Mormon who is alive now and not in hell. There is still time for them to repent and give up their false beliefs. You have waited...
Today’s Prayer (02/09/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray for these lost Mormons who have absolutely no fear of God. Maybe if You shook them up and down they would wake up. They need You to show them the truth....
Today’s Prayer (02/08/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray for Your hand of mercy. Your people have sinned greatly in Your sight, but we are sorry. Hear our prayers. Our confessions are sincere, and we know the gravity of our...
Today’s Prayer (02/07/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that Mormons will stop closing their hearts to You and Your witnesses that are in all the world. We are only trying to help them know You, but they continue to...
Today’s Prayer (02/06/2023)
God, have mercy upon us. We are sorrowful for our sins. Look into our souls and see that we are sincere. We no longer desire to live in willful sin but have forsaken them to...
Today’s Prayer (02/05/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will understand how fortunate they really are, having been saved out of the midst of this wicked world. We were once vile sinners until You found us, Jesus. We...
Today’s Prayer (02/04/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will come to know You. Instead of basking in the things of this world, they would choose to do Your will instead. I love Your ways and only...
Today’s Prayer (02/03/2023)
Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray that people will not be confused when it comes to the true gospel message from the Bible. It is hard to believe that people would tamper with this most
Today’s Prayer (02/02/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray for an urgency to get right with You. There are thousands of more people who could be saved, but they would rather see You in Your wrath than not. How hard...
Today’s Prayer (02/01/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray for the lost people in Mormonism. They don’t realize the wicked path they are on. Their church is full of darkness and led by Satan, but they cannot see this. Instead,...
Today’s Prayer (01/31/2023)
Oh Lord, help us to learn to forgive others. Come and dissolve every bit of unforgiveness from our hearts. As we long for Your forgiveness and mercy, help us to forgive others in the same...
Today’s Prayer (01/30/2023)
Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray for people who are lost in the LGBTQ Community. These people love what is evil and justify their sins like there is nothing wrong. Surely, the devil has caused
Today’s Prayer (01/29/2023)
Blessed and honor to Your great Name, Jesus. I honor You, dear Lord. There is no one like You. I am blessed just to know You and have Your presence in my life. Keep me...
Today’s Prayer (01/28/2023)
Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray for those who are in countries where persecution is on the rise. I know that many people have lost their lives because of their faith in You. These martyrs
Today’s Prayer (01/27/2023)
Daily Prayer: God, there isn’t anyone I can trust that will always judge me righteously but You. I know of nobody who has judged with righteous judgment each time like You. When it comes to
Today’s Prayer (01/26/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that Your presence will be with us now. Come and abide with us, Jesus. We welcome You in our homes or wherever we may be now. Come and guide us, while...
Today’s Prayer (01/25/2023)
Oh Lord, I give You my life. All my evil thoughts, I give it over to You. Everything I have said that was wrong, I give it to You. I am sorry. Everything I have...
Today’s Prayer (01/24/2023)
Give ear, oh God, to Your people. You have led the children of Israel in the past, so come and do the same for us. Shine down upon us, that Your light will scatter the...