Today’s Prayer (02/23/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray that more people will repent and give their lives to You. This is almost impossible for many religious people, for they already believe they have the truth. I have reasoned with these types of people over the years and to no avail. This includes Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Baptists, and others. Mormons say that I bring in the spirit of contention and that I only want to Bible bash their beliefs. They then bow out from talking to me. JWs only want to hear what their cult leaders have taught them about Jesus, like Mormons, and when I continue to engage with them they leave. Lord, these two religious systems are so far from You, and aren’t aware of it. As for the Baptist, he believed that repentance was not necessary and had his pastor kick me out of their church when I refuted this. God, why is it that people are so hard-hearted? Only You can help them stop erring in their own ways. I love You, Jesus. I trust in You. Amen.
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