Today’s Prayer (02/10/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray for the sake of every Mormon who is alive now and not in hell. There is still time for them to repent and give up their false beliefs. You have waited long enough, God, for these wicked people to wake up to their sins and unbelief. Unfortunately, more people will continue to die and wake up in hell like all others in this cult. Why do I care for these people as much as I do, it is because I don’t want them to suffer in the fiery torments of hell when they die. They have a form of godliness but Your power is not in them. It is my prayer that You will feed off of this and take those who are willing to places they have never been before. There are green pastures and a state of utter peace and joy in paradise for those who love You and do Your will. I wish I was speaking of those in Mormonism, but they are the exact opposite. Lord, they are surely doing the work of Satan through their proxy baptisms, washings, endowments, and sealings. They don’t realize that they have opened the doors to the demonic realm by calling upon dead people. Call them to repentance today. I love You, Jesus. I trust in You, God. Amen.
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