Oh Lord, I pray that we will learn from Your mighty hand and not from ourselves and others instead. There are good things to learn from in this world, even from school and books, but...
Prayers (04-2021)
Today’s Prayer (04/29/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will learn what it means to truly love You and to stay firm in the faith. You have put this truth in my heart and I hope and pray...
Today’s Prayer (04/28/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will be more open to Your truth. Sometimes it is so close to the touch, but we are so far from it spiritually because of our closed minds. Many...
Today’s Prayer (04/27/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that this family that I helped today at Walmart will be watched over. You know their names, so I don’t have to mention them here. It was a blessing just finding...
Today’s Prayer (04/26/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will all come to the knowledge that You rose from the grave. Yes, Jesus, I am referring to You, my dear Lord and Savior. I pray and worship You...
Today’s Prayer (04/25/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will all learn from You and Your Word, the Bible. That we will not get wrapped up with what our church teaches, especially if it goes against Your Words....
Today’s Prayer (04/24/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will each learn how to be charitable people for You and others. The world has a way to teach us how to be kind and loving, but not the...
Today’s Prayer (04/23/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that Tracee will continue to be healed. That the sickness that was afflicting her body will stay out, now that You have heard my prayer. It has no room or place...
Today’s Prayer (04/22/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that each one of us in the faith will allow You to use us for Your kingdom. Being part of Your body in the church is so important in my life,...
Today’s Prayer (04/21/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will continually remember You by way of communion. This is such an important time that we come together as Christians and partake of the supper of the Lord. Yes,...
Today’s Prayer (04/20/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that each one of our minds will be steadfast on You. Help us to not be tempted by the evil one, but to stay in Your love. There is peace and...
Today’s Prayer (04/19/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will get both feet on Your path of righteousness and stay thereon. Too many people have gone off course and our prayers go out to them daily, in order...
Today’s Prayer (04/18/2021)
Oh Lord, I love You and cherish the moments I have with You in prayer. You are alive and active in my life and in others. Your presence is so amazing and I am in...
Today’s Prayer (04/17/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray for every marriage in my family, my friend’s families, co-workers, and others in this world also. What I am seeing are marriages that are struggling. People giving up hope because of...
Today’s Prayer (04/16/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will learn to respect the opposite sex, as You respect each one of us also. So often when we are in the midst of dating we let our hormones...
Today’s Prayer (04/15/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people in all the world will come to know You. And I am not just speaking of You showing Yourself to them in dreams and visions, but also through...
Today’s Prayer (04/14/2021)
Oh Lord, our God, have mercy upon this wicked and adulterous generation. So many people are full of lust and don’t realize they are on the pathway to hell. I wish that people would understand...
Sinner’s Prayer (04/13/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will forgive me a sinner. Help me to look to You in faith at all times and in all places. You know what I have done today, this week,...
Today’s Prayer (04/12/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will understand the gravity of the sin of fornication. How that people who are intentionally involved with having sex outside of marriage, in homosexual relationships, incest, adulterous relationships, and/or...
Today’s Prayer (04/11/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will learn what it means to truly fall in love with You. Yes, God, I am talking about a person who loves You, Lord, with all their heart, mind,...
Today’s Prayer (04/10/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to treat You as God and not just an imaginary person. Too many people are praying a quick prayer. It doesn’t even seem like they really believe...
Today’s Prayer (04/09/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people in all countries, young and old, will learn to seek Your hand like no other. The spiritual things in heaven are so important to us on earth, but only...
Today’s Prayer (04/08/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that the preaching of the cross becomes important to each one of us in the faith. I have talked to way too many people who are put off by the talk...
Today’s Prayer (04/07/2021)
Oh Lord, help each one of us to love one another and to treat people with respect. Not to say and do things that raise up arguments or contention. As Your faithful believers, we are...
Today’s Prayer (04/06/2021)
Oh Lord, I thank You for this trip. So many people heard the gospel like today. This day may have been short, but again the preaching of the gospel was fruitful. Thank You, God. There...
Today’s Prayer (04/05/2021)
Oh Lord, what a beautiful day this was, much like yesterday. You led us to countless people who were willing to hear the good news of the gospel. What was amazing is that Patrick and...
Today’s Prayer (04/04/2021)
Oh Lord, thank You for another day to witness Your truths to the people in Utah. We were able to meet so many people today as we walk the streets and knocked on doors. You...
Today’s Prayer (04/03/2021)
Oh Lord, thank You for giving me and Patrick words to speak as we preached the good news of the gospel. I pray that many people heard the message and were blessed. May more people...
Today’s Prayer (04/02/2021)
Oh Lord, thank you for this first day of the mission trip. It has already gone as expected, for You have guided us in the ways we are supposed to go. Thank You for being...
Today’s Prayer (04/01/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will make a choice to follow You and not men. Many of these people are false teachers and are only out to deceive us. My family has even fallen...
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