I wish I could tell everybody about Jesus, but I know this is not possible. I wish every person who I am able to speak to would give their lives to Jesus, but I know that this is not possible either. All I can do is pray and trust in God that I would be led to administer to His elect. That the Holy Spirit would be with me in these times and in all other times in my life also. My life needs to be an example of Jesus’s life, that people may see His light in me also. The harvest is ripe, but if I am not worthy to do be led by the Spirit, then I will not be of service for God. I can try all I want to, to preach, witness, pray with people, pass out gospel tracts, and even feed the homeless, but people will still not be touched by the hand of God. Sure, people may see a zeal of faith in me, but they will know that something important is lacking. That is the Holy Spirit. My friends, unless God is leading me, God cannot do the rest in people’s lives. Which is to convict them of their sins, that they might follow Jesus. That is why we need to get right with God and not let the lusts of the flesh get in the way.
So what are things that take away our most precious time from God? It can be our time using the TV. That can include our time watching TV episodes, movies, youtube, and playing video games. These things can destroy our walk with Jesus if we let them get out of control. Also, our sinful actions are also causing us to drift from following God. We all know what our own vice is. That could be pornography, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, drugs, alcohol, lying, stealing, coveting, and many other things also. Therefore, we need to repent and give up all our wasted time on the TV. We need to repent of all our sins, that Jesus’s blood may cover us and make us clean. Then, will we have time for God and also be worthy to serve Him. Solomon talked about our day and said, “boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” (Proverbs 27:1) So do something great for Jesus and give your lives to Him if you have not done so already. Time is ticking and tomorrow is not promised.
Let us pray:
Oh Lord, I pray that more people in all the world will come to know You. And I am not just speaking of You showing Yourself to them in dreams and visions, but also through true believers who really love and honor You. So raise up more witnesses, that more people may come to know You, Jesus, and be saved. I love to go on the streets and tell people about You, Jesus, but only a few people are doing the same. And it has become even more worse than I thought. Because of this global pandemic, people are giving in to what the authorities are telling them. Not only are they allowing themselves to be shot with untested vaccines, but they are wearing masks and don’t wish to come in close contact with people anymore. I have seen this on the streets also which is sad. And what this has caused are people who are now afraid to evangelize and get close to people, in order to share Your love with them. I wish I could wake people up to serve You, but too many people are good with how their lives are now. Even many churches have stopped evangelism efforts, which is very sad. All I know is that You are my God and can do all things. So I trust that people will get that new desire to still serve You, even in the times we are in now. I believe in You, Jesus. I love You. Amen.
Amen to this! We need to be living for God, not just saying that we are believers. We need to be doers of the word and not hearers only. We need to walk the walk and not only talk the talk.