Today’s Prayer (06/22/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will raise up warriors in Your kingdom. People that hunger for Your words and love to be led by Your hand. I know that this type of person is hard to find nowadays and I pray that You will stir up this type of faith in individuals that say they believe in You. We need more people who are willing to step out in faith and not just keep what they know to themselves. How can we say we believe in You when we are so ashamed to share the gospel with others? As Christians, the gospel of Jesus Christ, which involves the cross and the resurrection, is the power of God which saves us from destruction, as it is said in 1 Corinthians 1:18. We are not ashamed of the gospel, because in it comes Your mighty power. If Your presence is with me, then there is power and great authority from on high. I am grateful to have You in my life, and will never again run from what You have called me to. At first it may seem difficult to stop and share the gospel with people on the streets and even stop and help the homeless, but You are the one that gives us this boldness. Just like Jonah, You were willing to be there for Him, if He would just give You a chance. Praise God, that something happened to him, while he was in the belly of the fish. I just pray that more people will also come to a realization of what they are doing for and against You now. And if there is sin in their life, come and cast it out immediately. Sin is what deters so many people from serving You, and it is very sad that people allow these willful sins to linger in their lives. If people would just live out their lives for You, then they would also gain the gift of the Holy Spirit and no longer fear what people think of them. I love You, Lord. Your ways are true, and I pray that more people will start doing what You say. I give You glory, this day and forever. May Your ways become my ways. Amen.


Today’s Prayer (06/21/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people who say they believe in You will also put You first. So many people I have talked to over the years that call themselves Christian don’t have much time in their day to read the Bible and even pray. They are so consumed with the things of this world, that making time for You is less important to them. These are people who are lost but think their salvation is sure, when really they are in jeopardy of going to hell. Even, unknowingly do they walk these dark paths which lead to destruction and don’t find out that they wasted their whole life until it is all set and done in death. Lord, this is very sad news to think that the majority of people out there are really entering through the broad gate, and not the narrow gate, which leads to heaven. I wish that people would look at themselves in the mirror and start repenting of their sins. Then, will they see how far gone they really are in the faith, and wake up to their sins. Then will they call upon Your Name for mercy. Surely, forgiveness is given to everyone who is humble and desires to be born again. There is hope for people who desire to be cleansed by Your blood, Jesus. People cannot go down other paths and expect forgiveness, but only through seeking You first and making You the God of their lives. So come into these people’s lives and cast out all the idols that they have created for themselves. Then, will they understand the need to do Your will and put aside other things that are sinful. Other things that are not sinful can still take place, but should never consume what we do or become our priority in life. People just need to be awakened to understand this truth. As for me, I will continue to walk in Your ways till my last breath. I love to worship You, learn from You, serve You, and be guided by Your hand. I also love to help others in need and pray for them also. I love You, Lord. I give You praise and honor. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (06/20/2020)

Lord, I love You so much. Thank You for saving a wretch like me. You are so gracious and such a forgiving God. Your mercy endures forever. Thank You for delivering me from the path of destruction. I was on the pathway to hell until You delivered me the evil one. I thought I had it all figured out until You intervened and set my life in order. I did not know what showcasing love to my neighbor really meant until the gift of the Holy Spirit came into my life. I was wracked with guilt and shame most of my life, because of the lusts of my flesh. Only You could come into my life and tame those evil emotions so that they would not get out of control again. Lord, You have poured down from the heavens Your amazing gifts and I stand amazed every day that I have breath. You have given me the courage to walk differently than the world, even in Your holiness do I live my life. If I am made righteous, You have done it all. Nothing I could ever do could conform me to Your ways, oh Lord, but Your mighty hand. So now I wake each day and look to You in faith. If I am called to go on the streets and declare the gospel to the lost, I do it. If I am called to help a brother or sister in Christ, I run to their occasion. Even people of the world, I showcase the same love and kindness towards them, as I do towards the saints of God. This love pours through my faith in You and into the lives of everyone I am around. Lord, I know that You will soon return to this earth. Yes, Jesus, I am ready for that day and long to be with You forever. What a glorious day it will be when we will all reign with You, my king, on the new earth and the new heaven. My wish is to be able to run into Your arms. I love You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (06/19/2020)

Oh Lord, I give You thanks, this day and forever. Thank You for being there in my life. Thank You for protecting me from the enemy. There is peace in my life because I am safe from every wicked and vial temptation that the enemy throws at me. I may not have been able to escape these sinful things before, but You have built me up to be the person I am today. If I am righteous, You have made me righteous. If I am holy, You have made me holy. If I am pure, You have made me pure. If I am filthy, the world has made me this way. If I am lusting and coveting things I shouldn’t, then my flesh has taken over. I know when I am for You and when I am against You. And sin is what destroys me from the inside out each time that I fall. I know that I have left You and I am sorry. So Lord, keep me ever in Your presence. As You have set me free from a life of bondage and sin, I have been given a clear mind, so that I can think clearly and make the right choices. The sins of this world are exactly that, very sinful and filthy in my eyes. Why would I wonder any longer in sin, if it is only going to lead me to feel more guilty and shameful later on about my life? It is like a roller coaster ride of depression and guilt that I do not wish to go through anymore. So take my hand, dear Lord. Help me to fight the good fight and not fall victim to any more addictions that will only take me down a place I should never be. Where You are is where I want to be. And I know that You are calling me to love one another. To not be so caught up in what benefits our own flesh, but what can benefit one another instead. You are who makes me selfless. I cannot do this on my own. So thank You, God. I love You, Lord, and to love one another is the least I can do. I give You praise and great glory! Amen.

Today’s Prayer (06/18/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will read the Bible for themselves and not just get all their theology and beliefs from their church, pastors, priests, bishops, teachers, and other Christians. This way of learning is only good if people decide to back things up with the Bible, and not take everything people say as fact. I was lost for many years of my life, while believing in things that were wrong, but seemed right. I did not know this, however, until I truly researched what You really taught in scripture. I decided that if You were able to teach me things, then I would rather believe in what the Bible says over man. Then, You did something amazing. You opened my eyes to Your truth, which is found in scripture. I saw things that I never knew before. My questions were answered each day that I read the Bible. I thought I would hate unlearning things that were wrong, but it became delightful in my sight. I loved everything You were teaching me and still do. This means more to me than the years of learning something different. Lord, I now have a road map that I know for sure comes from You, which makes me very happy. Wow, You are so good to me, Lord. I have something real to trust in and not worry about it being torn and tattered by other people’s misinterpretation and even additions to Your words. Surely, my understanding has been enlightened and it all began the day that I cried unto You for forgiveness and mercy. You heard my cries and had compassion for my soul. This led me to desire more and more of what the Bible says, and You did exactly what I thought You would, which is allow me to see things clearly. I know that You are much bigger than what people make You out to be. You are the Lord God Almighty and deserve our time and attention. Thank You for Your wisdom and understanding. I was desperate to know the truth and much knowledge was gained thereafter. Thanks again, God. I love You so much. Doing Your goods works is all I desire. Keeping Your commandments is what I am made for. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (06/17/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that more people will examine their lives. That they will not wait until judgment to see if they are found innocent or guilty. It doesn’t have to end badly for people as long as they still have breath. There is still time for people to repent and give their lives to You, Jesus, in prayer. Then, You can take a wretched person like I was and conform that man, woman, or child, into the person You wish they would be. We are either living in our old life still or have been given a new life. This new life cannot be gained any other way, but through Your mighty hand, Lord. We must call upon Your Name in prayer, and then forgiveness can take place in our lives. As we enter baptism, can the fire of the Holy Spirit enter our lives, and renew our souls. Lord, all I desire is to live this life for You. I have been found unworthy most of my life, but since You cleansed me of all my sins, my thoughts and desires have been moved to trust in You now. Therefore, I pray that You will continue to use me all the rest of my days. Shine Your light down from the heavens, even upon my life and other Christians, that more people will see You in us and want to follow You. Help me to be a good example to everyone round about me. Help me to always make the best choices. I know that my flesh desires certain things, and will often lead me on an entirely different path, which is evil if I am not looking to You in faith. Therefore, keep my eyes looking upward. Guide me in everything I do. I do not wish to conformed like the world any longer, but to have Your purity and righteousness flow into my life daily. Cast out any wicked part of me that still exists and replace these things with Your love. I love You more than what this world offers me. I love You, Lord. I give You glory and praise.

Today’s Prayer (06/16/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that more people will be desirous to not only pray and to do Your will, but to also give offerings and even tithing to their church. Even I have been a part of the group of believers that hasn’t given when I should have, and I am sorry. I haven’t been ready and didn’t have money on me when offerings have gone around, which I regret. I hadn’t gotten money out of the bank, in order to put it in a basket, which was very careless. And as it went from me to the next person, without me giving a thing, there has always been much guilt that has filled my heart. Oh, how guilty I have been for not giving at times when I know the church needed it most. Even though I have given many times before and still do give, I am sorry, Lord, for not being a willing giver when You have called me to be one. Even as a cheerful giver, this is what all believers ought to be doing, even as unto You, oh Lord. We don’t give forcefully, just because others are doing it, but because we love You and want to help the building up of Your church and Your kingdom. No regret of what we offered, for it is all out of love that we do such things. Thank You for giving me all that I have. I just give unto others and Your church, because You have given me so much. I love You more than money. May having money never be a deterrent of giving towards others who need things more than I do. Even when I do not have much money and am in a bind, help me to just trust in You and still give what I can anyways. I know that Your blessings will pour down from the heavens, if we would just trust in You. I believe in You Lord, and know that You will always provide for my needs. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (06/15/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people in all the world will begin to get right with You before it is too late. Every person will either be found guilty or innocent come judgment day. There will either be rewards in heaven or the lake of fire as their outcome. And I wish that more people would be saved before the Great White Throne comes there way. It will be in this place that people will not be able to escape the fear and guilt that is in their hearts. It is a fearful thing to fall into Your mighty hands, oh God. So I pray that people will not die in their sins, but die in their glowing faith in You. A faith that is made alive through the Holy Spirit. Lord, I look to You, for You are the author and finisher of my faith. How can I go a day without seeking You for wisdom, and allow any day to go by without being filled with Your presence? I no longer care for the luxuries of this world, but only the goodness and grace that comes from You, my Father. My delight comes from You and not anything else the world could ever offer me. The day that You opened my eyes to Your truth is when my life began. I gained wisdom from heaven and was set upon a rock. This rock is You, Jesus. There is a firm foundation that set my feet on the straight and narrow path which leads to heaven. What a glorious time this will be to enter paradise after this life is done, but then to also come before You in judgment. I will be ready and willing to run into Your arms, oh Lord. It is my prayer that You will call out, “well done, good and faithful servant”. “My child, come into the rest that was prepared for You since the foundation of the world.” Wow! God, You are so good. I can’t wait to enter Your kingdom and dwell with You and other faithful Christians alike for all eternity. There, we will be blessed for all eternity. I love You, Lord. Thank You for saving a wretch like me. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (06/14/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will have compassion in their hearts to help individuals who are lost and hurting. This world we live in is in dire straights, where darkness has filled the earth. Only by Your light beaming into people’s lives, can new life be restored unto them. Even by Your majestic power, can broken lives be restored in full. I believe in You, Lord. Your ways are higher. I just pray that more people would be willing to take a stand for You in these dark times that we live in. This means walking out our faith and not just saying that we believe. That all people that say they believe in You will go forth and be a light unto this lost generation. People need to know that as Christians, we are made different in Christ the Lord. Our lives are set apart for a greater purpose, and this is to know You and do Your will instead of the world. We can be guided, but only if You have us by the hand. We can make it through difficult times, but only if You are supplying our peace that we need each day. Storms will come and make life difficult for everyone, it just matters if You are there with us, so that things will be easier to bear. As for me, I trust in You. You are the rock of my salvation. To know You, Jesus, is all I desire. To live out what You have called me to is all that I desire to do and accomplish. May Your thoughts become my thoughts. May Your commands become even more sweeter to my taste, as life goes on. I love Your ways, but I pay that I will love them even more, as to serve You more diligently than I ever have in the past. Keep my life unspotted from the evils of this world, while giving me over to that is which is pure and holy. I love You, Lord. I give You praise and glory, this day and forever. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (06/13/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that more people in our day will stop making images, statues, people, and things their gods. Every idol worshipper will not inherit Your kingdom, so to these people, we must call them to repentance. That they will worship only You, Lord, as their one true God. Anything else needs to be exterminated out of their lives, lest they experience the second death in the lake of fire. Lord, I pray that Your will, will be done, no matter the consequences upon the wicked. Surely, the wicked will perish in their unbelief, lest they repent and be right in Your sight. I pray that more people will do this and come to You before it is too late. It is my desire to see many more souls be saved and go to heaven when they die. I know that hell is filling up every minute of every day, because of those people who are dying. So I pray that fewer people will have to go there in the near future. Surely, people do not have to experience torment and pain in the life to come, if they would just decide to follow You, Jesus. All that matters is that people begin to seek You and not the world, and then You can do a mighty work in their lives. Even every false belief can be cast out, and Your true teachings of the Bible can bring forth fruit in their hearts. Thank You for dying for our sins. Thank You for making a way for salvation to come to more people. If people of all walks of life would simply call upon Your Name, then they would be saved from death to life. I am saved, because of the sacrifice You made on the cross. You have heard my cries and have had compassion for my soul. I may have been a vile sinner, but You have cleansed me and washed me of all my sins. You have torn from my life all idols and every unclean thing, that I might serve You valiantly. Thank You, Lord. All I desire to do heed Your will from here on out. No matter what it is, I will go forth and do it. Your ways are higher and lead us on the path to eternal life. I love You, Lord. I give You praise and glory, this day and forever. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (06/12/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will wake up to their wicked ways before they die. May these people of the world no longer be a worker of iniquity come death. There is still time for them to repent and get right with You, God. However, time is ticking and every minute that I pray this prayer, I fear that someone is dying and going to hell. What a sad place this will be for these people when they open their eyes in fire and torment. There is a way out for these wicked and evil people. They don’t have to suffer when they die. You already paid the price for our sins, but it is up to us to repent and get right with You before it is too late. I just fear that this pleading from me and others for these evil people is only going in one ear and out the other. This causes me to shiver inside, for I know that death and hell await them. I wish that many more souls would repent and be allowed into Your heavenly abode, but I cannot twist their arms. I can only talk truth with people that will listen and hope that the seeds that were planted gave root. That the Holy Spirit convicted them of their sins, in order to lead them to confession and repentance. Your hand of mercy is for us still, but most people deny their chance to be cleansed. So Lord, wake people up to their evil standing before You now. May they see themselves in the mirror of how You see them. That they may know that their lifestyle is evil and needs to be changed, in order to be saved. Surely, there is no playing games with You God. We are either for You or against You. There is no middle ground. There is no faith with words alone, but with action only. This is saving faith. I love You, Lord. Your ways are true. Any other way is a lie from Satan. Lead me on Your path, that I might not be destroyed, but go to heaven when I die. My desire is to do Your will now and forever. My heart is Yours. Amen.

Sinner’s Prayer (06/11/2020)

Oh Lord, I am so sorry for what I have done. I know that I have done terrible things, which are evil in Your sight, and I just ask for You to forgive me. I am ready to give these things up today. I confess these things to You because only You can forgive me. Hear my cries and have compassion for my soul. This I plead. I need Your mercy to get over what I have done. You are the Lord God of all and I freely accept You as Lord of my life also. Help lead me from here on out. May I begin to live the life that You have prepared for me. Take this old life and make me new. Cleanse me of all my sins. I offer You my heart and my soul to You, that I might do Your will instead of my own. I ask that You do a work in me now and for the rest of my life. I am ready and willing to go and do what You would ask of me. Lead me by the hand, God. What You desire, I will do. I fully surrender to You now. Change my life, that I might walk in Your light, and that darkness may scatter. I desire to be comformed to Your ways and not my own. Lead me from temptation, dear Lord. I need Your help all the rest of my days. From here on out will I seek You daily in Your Word and in prayer, that You build me up through the Holy Spirit. Give me the strength to resist the devil. I know that only through Your Name, Jesus, can we be saved. Therefore, I proclaim that You are my Savior, Lord, and God, whom I trust. From now on and until the end of my time will I follow You. I give You, Jesus, glory, and praise. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (06/10/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will become more desirous to live for You and not their own lives. That doing Your will, will become a priority for them. That when people say they love You, that they will actually mean it. That instead of just worshipping in church, that they will also worship You in their home, work, car, and on the streets. Even every day will they come to You in prayer and studying Your Word, which is in the Bible. What I am asking for is more people that are genuine to their belief system and not just say something they don’t care for. Each day I look around and see that Your harvest is so ripe, but there is hardly anyone available to do things for Your kingdom. Instead, people make it a point to tune into their favorite TV Show, sports team, movies, or video games, while all this time is wasted away. So many people that say they are Christians are no different than people of this world. At least the wicked are not hypocrites, but actually do what they say they believe in. Lord, my heart is heavy just knowing that even pastors are teaching their congregation that being obedient to You is no longer important, but to have faith alone. To this, I wonder if these pastors are really saved and covered by Your blood, Jesus. If they were, then they would know that our love for You is shown through our obedience to You. Surely, we love You as we keep Your commandments, as You have taught us, oh Lord. And I know that it was never supposed to be difficult, for You have sent the Holy Spirit to be our comforter. Therefore, doing Your will is that much easier to accomplish. Doing Your will should never be a struggle, for we have the Holy Spirit and even Your angels to bear us up when things are hard. I give You thanks, dear Lord, for being there for us. Even the day that we commit to believe in and do Your will, though it may seem hard in the beginning. I know that You will open doors and allow us to shine forth as You have planned for our lives. Thank You, Lord. I believe in You and will follow You all my days. I love You more than anything. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (06/09/2020)

Oh Lord, thank You for this day and every day that I have breath. It is a pleasure to wake up and know that there is a new day to serve You. It brings me great joy just to follow You and no longer be pained because of my old lifestyle. Thank You for hearing my cries and helping me turn from my sins and follow You. It was sure worth it. I would not want to go back to my old way of living for any amount of money in this world. This new life is meaningful and I feel so much love and peace now. My life has been amazing, since my day of baptism. You have filled me up with the Holy Spirit, the day I came out of the water, and now Your fire radiates out of my whole being. My only desire now is to be a light unto the world. Not to experience the pleasures of the flesh, but to experience the pleasures of the Holy Spirit. There is joy in this world and it is found in You. Everything else is only for a time and space and often has consequences with it, but Your joy is eternal and brings along with it a clean conscience. It is much different than feeling pleasures in the moment, but then being wracked with guilt afterward. What You offer us has no pain involved with it. If there are tears, it is tears of joy and longsuffering. One thing I know is that sickness still comes our way, but having Your presence near makes it easier to endure. I know that this life is a vapor and will end sooner than we know it. Therefore, I see each day as the day of Your return or my last day to serve You. So I go about my day as if it is my last. I will not leave this earth, having fallen back into sin and death, but will continue to serve You valiantly. I only wish to love You and my neighbor. If people are blessed, I am happy. If people come to You and are helped in any way, then I am well pleased. I love You more than anything the world offers. All I desire is to be with You, Lord Jesus, now and forever. One day, I will run to You when this life is over. I will run into Your arms, dear Lord, and tell You how much I love You, praise you, and adore You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (06/08/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that more people will develop a generous and kind heart. That more people will desire to help the less fortunate, and also give what they can for their needs. I know that I have gained a lot from the jobs You have given me, so it is the least I can do to help other people who have fallen into difficult and dark times. Lord, help me find people like this, that I might pray with them, and help them in their time of need. I will do all that I am able, with Your by my side. You are the supplier of all of our needs, and I just pray that what I have to offer will bless other people’s lives. I may not be rich, but what I do have can go a long way to helping Your kingdom and those in it. Lord, take everything that You have given me now and allow others to benefit because of it. You have given me so much and are also able to take away. As for me, please take and give to the homeless, the pour, the full-time missionaries, and anyone else who is hurting financially right now. Who is it for me to take and not give to someone else who is more in need than myself. My money is Your money. I love You more than what money can give me. What brings me the greatest joy, Lord, is what Your money and my service can do for the growth of Your kingdom. Surely, I am only a spec of sand on a seashore, but if more people were willing to give to others in need, then more and more people would be blessed also. Lord, it is my desire to deliver peace, even the peace that goes beyond our own comprehension. The peace, joy, love, and compassion, that can only come from You. So dwell with me all my days, that people will see You in me. I only wish to be a blessing in other people’s lives, not a burden. I love You, Lord. It is a great pleasure to also love my neighbors as myself. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (06/07/2020)

Oh Lord, I believe in You. I trust in You. I know that You are there for us now as You have always been there for us over the centuries. It is just up to people now to realize what You can do for them, before any impact can be made for them for the better. I know first hand that Your hand of mercy is real. That You are able to take a person like me and move and shape me into the person I ought to be for Your kingdom. My amount of sins were great, but You still looked past them and had mercy for my soul. I am amazed that You were able to take me by the hand and also kick Satan to the curb. I was not left helpless, but have Your comfort and peace to carry me onward all my days. Even temptation is easier to withstand, because You dwell with me in my heart. Wow. You are such a great God, who loves us more than we will ever know. Thank You for protecting me these many months and years since I came to You in prayer. The enemies have been near, even at the door, and still You have not let me face them alone. Thank You for building me up and allowing me to have the necessary strength to fight these battles. I know that You are always watching out for me and others that truly love You with all our hearts. Even Your angels are here also to help us, that we may not fall. They comfort us, and I am so grateful to have them near me at all times. One day I know that I will be with You, my Lord, and all the angels in Your heavenly abode. What a wonderful time this will be. Until then, keep me safe from the storms of life. Help me draw near unto You and not the things of this world. Keep me from falling into sin, that I may the Holy Spirit with me at all times. My desire is to shine Your light, that all people will see You in me. Then will more people desire to have what You have given me, and also run to You as their personal Savior. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (06/06/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that we can all get to the point of not fearing the enemy, but to trust in You for our safety. Our earthly enemies may want to kill and destroy us, but to these wicked people, we will show kindness and compassion. Even love will flow through me and into the lives who hate me. Who is it for me to hate anyone, but hate their sin alone. I love my neighbors and am willing to love my enemies, even to the point of death. As You died for the sins of the world, there are many people who have become martyrs because of their great faith in You, Lord Jesus. We cannot deny what we know and love and will continue to share the truths of Your gospel message, even until our dying breath. As for the spiritual warfare that is taking many souls to hell, I pray that all Christians will rise up in faith, that the enemy will no longer have power over them. Give these people over to righteousness and holiness, which Satan hates. Help people know what it means to walk out our faith and not be just like the world any longer. For You have made us different. We are born again in the Holy Spirit, and now have new desires to live and act for Your kingdom. It is so refreshing to know that You have cleansed me of all my sins and that I am forgiven. How could You save a wretch like me? I will always be amazed at the work You have done in my life and many others like me. What great compassion and love is in You Lord. Your mercy endures forever. I love You, Lord. You are the rock upon which I stand. No enemy will take me down, for I will always rise up to follow You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (06/05/2020)

Oh Lord, I love to proclaim the good news of Your gospel on the streets. I love to see people draw near unto You and stray further away from the things of this world. It is amazing to see people want to pray with me for Salvation and desire to be healed. I know it is not me that is leading these people, but You in this prayer of salvation and healing. I have seen many people come to faith, just because I decided to step out of my house and do something great for Your kingdom. Sure, I could have sat idly by and watched some shows on TV or Netflix, but instead, I put those things aside and put You first. Doing this day in and day out has changed my way of life and way of thinking. Now I know that so many things like video games, TV, and phone apps are just time wasters. Surely, this is Satan’s ploy to lure more people away from Your kingdom, and not be for it. This is so sad that people would rather be filled up with the junk of this world, instead of being filled up in Your presence. And how can people go on and say they are Christians if they are not living in Your light? If we were in Your light, then we would be shining forth for all to see. Even our lives would become holy vessels for the building up of Your kingdom. This is where You can take a person like me and rear them up to become Your messenger. Surely, I am not a good speaker. I often stutter and get nervous in big crowds. However, all this changes after I pray and simply step out in faith. All the anxiety is turned into boldness. There is no more fear because Your strength abides in me. My stuttering disappears and I am able to speak with Words from Heaven. You open my mouth and deliver to people glad tidings of great joy. It is life-changing, and we really need more people on the streets with me and others. I see so many people I cannot reach on my own, but they would be reached if people would step out in faith with us. Lord, would You open people’s hearts to become an evangelist? I pray this will happen. In Your mighty Name, I pray this. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (06/04/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will understand the importance of doing what You say, no matter if it entails work from our end. I know in life that all things are not given over to me or others on a silver platter, but we have to work to achieve things as well. The same I’ve learned from You. There are things that You have called me to do, and only by doing these things have I gained a deeper and richer knowledge of Your Word. It took making time for You each day, and opening and studying the Bible a couple hours each time. Then, my eyes were fully opened to doing Your will and not my own. Even my passion for going on the streets and doing evangelism didn’t come to fruition until I made it a weekly occurrence. Then, the Holy Spirit came alive in me and I was able to see many souls be saved and come to You. Even people were healed left and right, just through praying for them. Some of these healing came later on, while others were on the spot. For this reason, I know that not everything happens in our time, but Yours. You are the author of our healing, so I leave it up to You when this will fully come to pass in my life and others I pray for. One thing I know is that I do not need to have recognition for things I do for You. I would actually hope that things were done in a way that people would run to You and not me. I am only Your servant, and my desire, Lord, is to only lead people to know You, Jesus, as their personal Savior. I need no gifts or money from people while I am out and about doing Your work. Instead, people should be honoring You with their gifts, not people. Yes, Lord, we are to come to You in worship and praise, not man. We do this while delivering up to You our whole hearts to serve and to know You better each day. My gifts are heavenly, not from this earth. What You do for me brings me joy and peace that lasts. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (06/03/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will get right with You before this life is set and done. All I know is that this life is short. Therefore, live each day to serve You. I have joy in my life while in Your service. There is love in my life when I am seeking You. I have peace when I find You in prayer. Even my burdens are made light because You carry them for me. This life may be filled with sorrow, sickness, and pain, but I know that all this for a brief moment, for in heaven, all these issues with the flesh will gone and done with. Even our pains will be no more. All our sorrows will be over. I will have no more need to cry, for my joy is in the Lord who saves. What a wonderful time this will be to be with You, even forever in Your kingdom. Lord, if it was Your will I would say take me as I am now. Into paradise, take me where You are. I want to be where You are now and forever. I don’t care for the things of this world any longer, but the things that will last in heaven. Therefore, I am so happy that You have bestowed upon my life these spiritual gifts. I may not have been able to serve You faithfully before, but now I am more than able. You have taken every fleshly sin nature from my being and replaced it with Your holiness. Therefore, I do not wish to live in willful sin anymore but to walk in Your standards of purity. I know that no unclean thing can enter Your kingdom, so I pray that You will cleanse me with Your blood, Jesus. Cleanse me of all wickedness, that I may better serve You and not fall back into my formal lifestyle. It is my desire to endure all my days in a saving relationship with You, Jesus. Help me all rest of my days. And please take me into paradise, when my life is done, even by the hands of Your angels. I wish to be with You and even see You in judgment. It will please me more than ever to hear You say, well done thou good and faithful servant, where I will enter Your heavenly abode forever. I love You, Lord. Where You are I want to be. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (06/02/2020)

Lord, I pray for every person that is currently heading to hell right now. May this not be their final destination come death. Instead, lead these people to repent of their sins and cry out to You for forgiveness. I do not wish to see people that I know and love spend their eternity suffering in hell and then the lake of fire. This would be so awful if they went there and could not join me and others in heaven. If people could just know that in heaven there are no more tears, sorrow, or pain. It is a joyful place where we will be forever in Your presence, oh Lord. Oh the things that we will see and experience in heaven, and even the new earth, for those that loved You and honored You in the way they lived their lives. Lord, I know that since I found You will I never again walk in willful sin, but according to Your will. I will never again allow the homeless to go hungry and not have their needs met. There are so many things I will not do again, for I know it goes against Your perfect will. Lord, anything that draws me away from You is not good but evil. So I will trust in you always, in order to withstand these temptations. Lord, I do not care about the riches of this world, but the things I can do for others with my time and money. If I am not building up Your kingdom in all I do, then I must be standing idly by and must be awakened. Lord, too many people think they are saved, but have still not given their whole lives to serving You. Their faith is by word alone still and is therefore lukewarm an unsaved. So awaken them to really know You in prayer and in Your Word, the Bible. Then, will they begin to honor You, even for all their days and find rest in Your presence come death. These are those that will escape the bonds of hell and be with You forever in heaven. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (06/01/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to have a more generous heart towards full-time missionaries and those on mission trips. So often do these people struggle to find a place to stay and even have the food they need to survive, where so-called members of the faith live much better lives. How is this Lord? Where is the kindness and love for men and women of God anymore? Where has their love gone towards if it is not for the welfare of the people serving in Your kingdom? I can think of a few places where people are spending their money, instead of on people who need it most, and it really saddens me deeply. How can people be so selfish when many other people are suffering? Not only do the homeless need our care and support, but these people that are serving in Your kingdom, day in and day out, are also in need of our help. These are those who we should be willingly opening our doors to. And instead, these people have to search and search for someone who is humble enough to take them in and even feed them. Lord, I pray that all this will stop. Even in Your mighty Name, Jesus, I desire this with all my heart. I pray that people who are serving You will no longer have to worry again about things any longer. Even where they stay the night and the food they will eat will be furnished for them. I know that a change is coming in the hearts of all Christians, and I rejoice just knowing this. There still are good Christians out there who want to love on those more in need than themselves. Their money is not squandered on things of this world, but for the building up of Your kingdom. I love You, Lord. Your ways are pure and holy. They are also loving and kind. I pray that I will become more like You every day. That Your characteristics of love and kindness will become who I am. I love you, Lord, and am grateful to be apart of helping any full-time missionaries, including people on a mission trip. Helping them is helping Your kingdom go further than ever before. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (05/31/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that we will all become more kind and considerate of other people’s needs. That we will begin to look past ourselves and into the lives of others around us. So many people are suffering and are in dire need of our help and even our prayers, but too many people are caught up in their own selfish needs. The selfishness in people’s lives is causing others to not get the necessary help they need. So, Lord, I pray that more people will be given a heart to bless others. That we will volunteer to pray for people while we are chatting them online and in person. That we will notice if there is anything that people need and jump at the opportunity to help them. Even if it means to feed the homeless, help our neighbors trim their trees, mow their yard, and rake up leaves. These are simple things but can bring much love into another person’s life who is unable to perform these things on their own. For this reason, do I pack the trunk of my car with things that will bless others throughout the year. If it is blankets, hats, gloves, water, snacks, gospel tracks, Bibles, and other things that You put on my heart to do. I do this so that I am ready to give when an opportunity arises. I would hate to be unprepared when I am on the road and a homeless person has a sign. Lord, I’ve had the best encounters with people when I have stopped and helped another person. After parking my car and getting the necessary supplies out of my trunk, in order to give to the homeless person fills me up with much joy and peace. I’ve seen countless people be overjoyed and even come to tears because of this also, and I am just grateful for the opportunities to love on them. Lord, this is the best thing we can do, and I hope that more people will do the same. This may also mean getting food from a fast-food restaurant and delivering it to the homeless person as well, which is love in the making. We have so much love in us to share with one another. It is just a matter of time that people get out of their comfort zone and start being a light unto the lost and broken-hearted. We can be a blessing of hope to another person at home to our neighbors, in stores and at the register, and on the streets. We are Your hands and feet and I will go and do what you would do if You were here. I love You, Lord. You are my greatest joy of all. Amen.


Today’s Prayer (05/30/2020)

Oh lord, I pray that people will desire to have the Holy Spirit in their lives. That this thought of having You with them at all times would actually reside in their hearts. I know that this will take a miracle for most people, but I pray that there are still some people who are willing to do this. You are looking for those who are broken and humble of heart, and who need a Savior. These desire mercy and forgiveness, along with a better life. They are tired of finding temporary joy which only leads to guilt and shame. Lord, narrow is the gate which leads to life eternal and I pray that more people will desire to go through it. Take them out of the wide gate that they are traveling through right now. That You may lead them in the ways that are righteous. Once people experience the type of joy that they can gain while in the Spirit, they will never look back. Even Your very elect will want a double portion of Your spiritual gifts in their lives. These are those that saved and desire to also share the good news of the gospel message with their friends. For how can we be saved and not want to tell anyone else that You can save their lives also. As I’ve read in scripture, we are the light of the world. This is speaking to those who believe in and also live their lives for You. We don’t hide our faith under a bushel but shine our lights for all people to see. This is a dark world that we live in today, but so many people’s lives can still be impacted for the good. If they would just allow You to light up their lives, amazing things would start to happen for them and others around them. I am talking about people who desire to be made alive in You and not be found wanting any longer. Your ways are so good, but only a few people can see this. I just wish that there would be more people saved from the power of Satan and no longer be on the path which leads to hell. Your ways are holy, but also leads us safe way to heaven. Who will follow You is the question? As for me, I will follow You until the end of my days. I am nothing without You in my life. I love You more than anything else. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (05/29/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will wake up to their sins. That people will no longer put off the day of their repentance. Surely, every person that is into idolatry will one day experience the wrath to come, come death. We cannot trust in anything or anybody else, but you, Lord, for salvation. There is only one Name under heaven that we can be saved, and it is Christ Jesus. So please help people that are living in a state of idolatry to wake up. I do not wish anyone else to die and open their eyes in the fiery depths of hell. This is so terrible just to imagine, so I know that experiencing hell first hand must be absolutely terrifying in every fashion of the word. This is the place that was prepared for the devil and his angels, but has been opened up to wicked people as well. It just kills me to think of all the people that are now in this dark place, where there is no water to quench their thirst. Lord, while people are alive now, help them know what their idols are. I am not just talking about carved idols and statues, which are absolutely wrong, but the idols people make for themselves outside of that. God, people do not realize that serving their smartphones, their TVs, gaming consoles, and other things, while only saying they believe in You. This is not true faith. Surely, if people are caught up in what they have accumulated because of money, it will be their downfall come death. Lord, awaken people like this. Help them know that giving their attention over to things that go against you is so wrong. Also, help them know that who they give their time to is their god or idol instead of You. What I wish is that people would understand the need to give You time instead of other things. This I pray that they may live in Your love and one day go to heaven. Every idol that is in a person’s life can be loosed from them, but they must be willing to give things up. A humble person, who wishes to live for You and not the world, is what is required. I love You, Lord. You are my greatest joy. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (05/28/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people in this world will learn to understand the difference between a man of God and a wolf in sheep’s clothing. So often do both of these types of people appear genuine on the outside, but only one of them is genuine in the inside. What is sad is that these false prophets outnumber those people who really have the gift of prophecy in our day. So, Lord, I pray that people’s minds and ears are open to learning what You have said in the Bible, for it pertains to our day. That they may start seeking You out often in prayer as well. This way they will see who is really a charlatan and who is legit. Their eyes will be opened, much like mine have, and finally see the truth and no longer be led astray. Oh, how I love You and wish that more people would be pointing people to follow You, instead of seeking followers for themselves. It is really sad to know that even churches are now teaching people to follow their prophets, namely the Mormon Church. These people cannot even see the deceits they are under. Their eyes are blinded, so they continue to follow their prophets and are led astray. They may think that they are on the path which leads to heaven, but really they are on a path that leads to hell. Surely, we cannot follow men and be saved, but only believe in and follow You, Jesus for salvation. There is no other Name under heaven that we can be saved, but through You, Lord Jesus. I trust in what Your Word says and will never again follow prophets, but only hear them out if they are truly a man of God. I know that You will make this known to me and others. The gift of prophecy is for this day also, but the real purpose of our journey now is to trust in You, Jesus. We follow You and nobody else. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (05/27/2020)

Oh Lord, I am so grateful to know You. You are so good to me. Thank You for saving a wretch like me. For many years I was so far gone in my own sinful ways. I had no cares in the world about doing Your will, but my will instead. If I was taken care of physically because of sin, I was happy. So my demands were temporarily given to me in the pleasures I felt in sexual sin. I had what I wanted in the moment and that was all that mattered. It didn’t matter that I was defiled because of the things I saw and did. I had joy in the moment and that is what mattered most. I lived like this for years until one day everything came crashing down on me. I was no longer living a secret life but was now exposed for my wrongdoings. Even my wife and kids knew everything and I was very shameful. What I did wracked my soul and I felt like dying inside. Lord, at this time, I was flooded with guilt and shame. No longer was self-gratification good anymore, for it brought unto me so much pain and sorrow in the end. I didn’t want to look at porn or be involved with any other women but needed Your help now. Surely, I did not know that You still cared for a sinner like me, but I hoped and prayed that You would at least give me a chance. And so it was that in my brokenness, I was made humble. I cried out to You in all my tears and You came to my rescue. You heard my confessions and had mercy for my soul. What a great God You are. I did not deserve Your mercy and compassion. I was destined to hell, but You opened the gates of heaven so that I might enter. Thank You, Lord. Now I know that anyone can be saved. A person can be the worst person to have ever lived, and do all the wrong things, but if they would humble ourselves before You, there is mercy still for them. Your mercy endures forever and never fails us when we call upon Your Name. I love You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (05/26/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will wake up to their sins this day. That people will stop messing around in sin but come to You, God, for full deliverance. There is a time for temporary pleasure in the flesh, but also a time of reckoning before You in judgment. And I do not wish to see more people go to hell because of their life of pornography and fornication, which is sex outside of marriage, but to see more people come to faith and repentance. So deliver such people who are currently under the bondage of sin and death unto new life. Will You also lead them to good people in the faith, who will be able to fellowship with them, and also help them on their journey? I fear that lest this happens that people will go back into their evil tendencies once again. Therefore, also awaken more people in the faith to open up their doors and lives to people who are struggling in sin, but want out. To find such people and help them find rest in Your presence is what is needed. Lord, You are so good to us, and it is about time that we showcase this same kindness and compassion towards others in need. Even these people who were in the bondage of sin, but have repented, as believers, we voluntarily seek to help them. So that they are prayed over and also to our same Bible studies. This is the fellowship they need while being in homes where the Holy Spirit is present. Surely, people can fall, and fall again into the same sinful lifestyle, but until they know how to start living differently, will they slowly go back on the same path of destruction, once again. So instill in these people that already cried out to You in their confessions, desires to read the Bible daily and to pray often. Then, will You be able to fill them up as You have filled me up, and lead them also on the path of righteousness. I love You, Lord. Your ways are pure and holy, and I will cling to You all my days. You are my Savior and I give You praise and glory. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (05/25/2020)

Oh Lord, thank You for Your mercy. I don’t know what I would be doing right now if I was still in my state of brokenness and without any mercy shown. Surely, I would be left in a very difficult place, where depression would have set in by now. For I would have hoped You would forgive a wretched person like me. However, this did not happen and You did extend your mercy and forgiveness anyways. No matter what I had previously done, all those sins were washed away in Your blood. Thank You, Lord. I am in such a better place now. There is so much joy in my life than ever before. I love to walk in Your ways, for it does bring happiness into my life. I am not left in guilt or shame, but only peace. However, the opposite can be said when I decide to not forgive as You have forgiven me. In these moments, I am not the person I should be for You, but the opposite. Instead of showcasing kindness and compassion, I’ve shown anger and disdain towards certain individuals. And for this I am sorry. I can’t believe that I could be so arrogant and haughty over such a small thing when You are so willing to forgive my sins. For this reason, I knew that I was not acting like You would at all. I was self-centered, not selfless. So in my brokenness, once again, I came to you in my remorse. How could I stoop down to such a level of not showing kindness and mercy to those that deserve it? It was then that I realized what I had done and ran to call and see the person I have or they have offended. No matter the differences, I told the people that I love them. That there were no more hard feelings towards them at all. This I know came from You, God. With the Holy Spirit present in me, I was able to break down the walls that were built up and restore the friendships that were lost over time. Thank You God for giving me direction on this matter. I love You. You are my deliverer. Surely, Your mercy endures forever. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (05/24/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will read the Bible with an open heart. That they will look past everything they have ever learned from their pastors and teachers and even themselves while in Bible study before. That they will allow the Holy Spirit to move inside of them, that they may receive knowledge from on high. These people do not know that what they may have learned things that are false over time, so it is important for them to be continually teachable, especially from You, God. Surely, the day that we stop wanting to learn more is when we will fall into the lies and deceits of evil and naïve men. These false teachers are everywhere, and it is just because people do not read the entire portion of the Bible. Certainly only parts of the Bible are spoken of and covered in many churches and even in people’s own readings. This is sad since everything that is spoken in scripture is still useful for our learning today. Lord, I love the fact that we can now search the Bible and find exactly what we are looking for right away in Your Word. Technology is very helpful in this way. It is very useful indeed, especially when harder verses appear and we need some clarification on them. It is awesome that later verses and chapters do declare the meaning of what we just read. Even the verses and chapters before what is ready help us to understand the context. Lord, I just wish that people would desire to take into account the whole portion of the Bible as a learning tool for today. I have done this and my mind has been invigorated because of all the mysteries You have unfolded upon me. I am a new man just because You have given me wisdom. Thank You God. I love what is written in scripture. It is what leads me and guides me in this darkened world. And if anyone needs guidance I do. I don’t need people swaying me to believe a certain way, but You leading me in what is right and what is wrong according to Your Word. Thank You for directing my path. Continue to lead me all my days and away from temptation. I love You Lord. Amen.

Sinner’s Prayer (05/23/2020)

God, I am sorry. I have done wrong things and openly confess them to You now. Please forgive me. Have mercy for my soul. I accept You as Lord of my life. Lead me from hear on out. Help me to live the life that You have prepared for me. I give You my life and my soul for You to do a work in me now. I am ready and willing to allow You to change my life, that I may be conformed to Your ways. Lead me from temptation all my days. Cleanse me of all my sins. I will seek You now from here on out. Only through Your Name, Jesus, can I be saved. You are my Savior and I trust in You. From now and till the end of time will I seek You. I give You glory and praise. Amen.