Lord, I love You so much. Thank You for saving a wretch like me. You are so gracious and such a forgiving God. Your mercy endures forever. Thank You for delivering me from the path of destruction. I was on the pathway to hell until You delivered me the evil one. I thought I had it all figured out until You intervened and set my life in order. I did not know what showcasing love to my neighbor really meant until the gift of the Holy Spirit came into my life. I was wracked with guilt and shame most of my life, because of the lusts of my flesh. Only You could come into my life and tame those evil emotions so that they would not get out of control again. Lord, You have poured down from the heavens Your amazing gifts and I stand amazed every day that I have breath. You have given me the courage to walk differently than the world, even in Your holiness do I live my life. If I am made righteous, You have done it all. Nothing I could ever do could conform me to Your ways, oh Lord, but Your mighty hand. So now I wake each day and look to You in faith. If I am called to go on the streets and declare the gospel to the lost, I do it. If I am called to help a brother or sister in Christ, I run to their occasion. Even people of the world, I showcase the same love and kindness towards them, as I do towards the saints of God. This love pours through my faith in You and into the lives of everyone I am around. Lord, I know that You will soon return to this earth. Yes, Jesus, I am ready for that day and long to be with You forever. What a glorious day it will be when we will all reign with You, my king, on the new earth and the new heaven. My wish is to be able to run into Your arms. I love You, God. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (06/20/2020)
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