Oh Lord, I pray that we can all get to the point of not fearing the enemy, but to trust in You for our safety. Our earthly enemies may want to kill and destroy us, but to these wicked people, we will show kindness and compassion. Even love will flow through me and into the lives who hate me. Who is it for me to hate anyone, but hate their sin alone. I love my neighbors and am willing to love my enemies, even to the point of death. As You died for the sins of the world, there are many people who have become martyrs because of their great faith in You, Lord Jesus. We cannot deny what we know and love and will continue to share the truths of Your gospel message, even until our dying breath. As for the spiritual warfare that is taking many souls to hell, I pray that all Christians will rise up in faith, that the enemy will no longer have power over them. Give these people over to righteousness and holiness, which Satan hates. Help people know what it means to walk out our faith and not be just like the world any longer. For You have made us different. We are born again in the Holy Spirit, and now have new desires to live and act for Your kingdom. It is so refreshing to know that You have cleansed me of all my sins and that I am forgiven. How could You save a wretch like me? I will always be amazed at the work You have done in my life and many others like me. What great compassion and love is in You Lord. Your mercy endures forever. I love You, Lord. You are the rock upon which I stand. No enemy will take me down, for I will always rise up to follow You. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (06/06/2020)
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