Sinner’s Prayer (08/31/2020)

Oh Lord, I love and honor You, this day and forever. May Your will be done in my life forevermore. Take me as I am and transform me into Your right standing. Cause me to live a life that is pleasing in Your sight. Give me over to doing Your good works. Lead me into Your light and cause all the darkness to scatter. I don’t wish to be affiliated with the things of this world any longer. Keep me set apart from anything that causes me to sin. Lord, Your ways lead to eternal life and anything else leads to destruction and hell. I choose this day to follow You and no longer be a slave to sin or temptation. May the devil no longer have any power over me. Come and abide with me. Give me over to Your desires and I will do them. Give me wisdom, that I might learn and be filled by the King of glory. I have lived in and tasted enough of what the world wants to give me and fill me with, but if it doesn’t lift You up, I am ready to give it up. Let nothing else keep me apart from You again. I confess that I am a sinner and need You in my life. You are the Lord God of the heavens and I believe in You, Jesus. You are my Savior, and only through You can I go forth in your light unto this lost generation. I lay down all my sins as Your feet, that You may take them away and cast them into the pit. Brake down every stronghold in my life. Break every chain. Transform my life into the person You wish me to be. I am ready. Forgive me and find mercy for my soul. I love You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/30/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that more people will come to You, even as their personal Savior. That people would begin to cry out to You as Job did in his afflictions. Then, would You also come to their rescue also. Too many people are currently living a life of sin, where darkness abounds and death is at their door. People do not realize that playing around with sin is like playing with fire. It leads a person to hell and destruction come death. How this is the time to repent of our sins, while we still have breath. Even if we are living our life for You, Jesus, I pray that this faith will not grow dim. Life’s trials face everybody in life, no matter how strong they are in the faith or not. Therefore, it is up to each of us to continue to call upon Your Name in prayer often. To lift You up above all things and to express everything that is in our hearts to You. Lord, I know that You do not wish that we hold back anything in pray. For everything that we have to say is important. Even if we are currently suffering and what we have to say are more questions than thanks, it is needed. Surely, wisdom is necessary in these moments, though giving thanks is also very important. Therefore, help people know that in our darkest moments to always remember to find things to be grateful for and express them to You in prayer. Lord, I wish to always have You come and answer me that I might hear Your voice, but I know that You also use the Bible and other people to speak to me as well. Therefore, help me to always be found learning from You, no matter what it is and who it is that You send to me. I love You, God. I give You glory and praise, this day and forever. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/29/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will come to know You personally. That they will begin to fear You and do as You say. Truly, the rest of Your creation hear and obey Your voice, but only a few people on earth can do the same. How is it that animals, fish, insects, and even the weather patterns obey You, but we cannot do the same? I will never understand why there are so many atheists out there when the truth of Your creation is so evident. How beautiful are the mountains, valleys, oceans, rivers, trees, flowers, animals, fish, and even people on this earth. You are the great and magnificent architect of all things heaven and earth. We even have Your written Word which explains how the creation took place, which is marvelous. Lord, I cannot understand how people that have read the Bible would not have a belief in You also. That their faith would not be evident in how they would live their lives. So many people are so interested in doing their own things, but still many of them say they believe in You. This makes no sense, for to believe in You is to also follow and obey You. Surely, these people are asleep and need to be awakened. I cannot do this on my own, but need You to speak through me and other men and women of God. Fill us with the Holy Spirit, that we might lead them to know You. Keep us in Your bounteous light, that people will see us and also desire to know You and give You praise. I love You, Lord. I give You glory and praise, this day and forever. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/28/2020)

Oh Lord, my God, please hear my cries and heal my sister Heather. She is suffering right now because of flu-like symptoms and is not getting any better. Even though she is tested and it isn’t COVID, I worry because of her health. I know that You heard the prayer that I offered up for her at her house. You were with me as I prayed. Even as I asked that You would cast out the afflictions in her body and heal her, You did this with me. Lord, thank You for Your presence and for leading me in the prayer through the Holy Spirit. It was evident that I was not alone in the prayer, for You were there. All I ask now is that she recovers from her sickness in full. Come to her now and deliver unto her peace. Uplift her and help her know that she is loved. I did my best to uplift her and bring comfort to her in my time with her. Now, I pray that You will do the rest. Lord, prayers are going up for her from all around the globe. Please listen to them also. I know that prayer can move mountains and that more people who pray will allow there to be mighty miracles that have never been seen on earth. I believe in You, Jesus. You are my healer and my fortress. Thank You for delivering me from my bondage and for consoling me in my trials. I have suffered much because of sickness also, and You have helped me along the way. If it is Your will also, will You also bring full healing to my body? I have suffered from a chronic chest congestion for some time and pray that You will heal me. I love You, Lord. Only with You in my life am I see free. There is freedom in the Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/27/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will remember You all their days. That people will understand that doing Your will one time a week does not make them Your disciple. Lord, help people know that abiding in the things of this world is evil. That we are to be separate and only through Your presence in our lives can we achieve this. Lord, You make us different. We cannot flee iniquity on our own, but only if we start abiding in You each day. Lord, be with us always. Help us gain Your understanding and begin to distinguish what is true and what is false. Lead us far from sin and into Your light. I need You, Lord. Be my teacher at all times in my life and help me to always know Your ways and not my own. Help me to be a wise teacher and not a person who treats other people with animosity or disrespect. I want to share the truth of the gospel, but do not wish to skew the importance of it or change it in any way. May the simplicity of the gospel be upon my lips when I speak. And please call more people in the faith to walk in it. I know that You have done this before, but these people who have resisted You need to be awakened from their sleep. Too many people are on the path that leads to destruction and need to be made aware of this before it is too late. I wish to see more people be saved and come to know You as their personal Savior, Jesus. You are mighty to save and I love You. I give You glory and praise, this day and forever. May Your Name be glorified and lifted up high. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/26/2020)

Oh Lord, I give You honor and praise this day and forevermore. You are my God and my Savior. I lift my hands up high and glorify Your great Name. On bended knees do I fall down at Your feet in worship. Thank You, Jesus, for redeeming me from the fall. I had no way of changing my wicked ways, but You came and did the work I could not on the cross. There was only darkness to be found in my life, but You have come and scattered it all. Where light abounds, I am there with You also now. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You for saving a wretch like me. I would not be where I am today if I was not washed by Your blood. What a gracious gift it is to know that You suffered and died for my sins. Wow! Thank You, Lord. I owe everything to You. I am not worthy of Your offering for mankind but come humbly at Your feet in thanks. I bless You, God. Lord, come and abide with me. I love Your presence and wish to know You better each day. Teach me all things that I need to know in life. Guide me by the hand and give me the necessary guidance and direction I need. Allow the comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, to help me stay strong in the faith. I know that there are many evil forces out there and I do not wish to fall victim to the lies of the enemy again. So keep me upright and righteous in Your sight. The world can think what they want about me and my stance with You, but I know that in the end, I will be with You forever. I don’t need the luxuries of this life, but only the spiritual gifts that come down from my Father, who is in heaven. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/25/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will stop judging one another and defaming their good name. So many people attack different people in the faith when they know nothing about their deep and intimate relationship with You, God. This is very disheartening and I pray that if people have concerns about someone that they will come to the person themselves and not spread lies. And if people come to the person who they think is in sin or has said false things, then have them come to them with love and respect, not with any anger. Surely, a spirit of animosity is never going to help anyone come to know You, God, even if they are wrong. Lord, help people know that we cannot be the ones convicting people of sin, but only Your Holy Spirit. Therefore, we must be led by You and not ourselves. Otherwise, we may be jumping the gun and saying and doing something that we will soon regret. Lord, I have many people who think I am a false prophet and a false teacher, which is hurtful. They say that what I teach is wrong according to their own beliefs. Therefore, people have spread lies about me to other people and then come at me with anger and disdain. Lord, help these people know my true heart for You. May they know that I love You with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. Everything I do in life is for You. You are my Redeemer and the Lord God of my life. I wish people would want to talk to me about my faith instead of attacking me. Now I know how Job was feeling when He was being persecuted by his friends and other people. Lord, may Your will be done in my life. I need Your understanding from the Bible and prayer. Teach me Your ways and don’t let my views change because of people’s own views on things. I love You, God. I give You praise and glory. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/24/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people in the faith will learn to watch their mouths and how they come at people via chat/texting also. Surely, to put down another person is evil and does not come from You, but the devil. I wish that people would learn their lesson when they leave from conversations and the other person is now feeling crummy and even depressed. I just can’t believe it, Lord, that people can call themselves Christians when they are hostile towards other believers. This makes me sad that we have these ravening wolves in the church. I say this because I can’t see them as Christians or Your saints if they cannot treat others with kindness and respect. Surely, I know that I was once like them and was very disrespectful to people and I am sorry about my past. Please forgive me for my pride and short cummings. As for now, I do not wish to hurt anyone, no matter their faith. If there is something that needs to be addressed, I will do it with love and respect. May Your will be done in my life and not my own from now on. I know how destructive I can be around others if I think I know it all, so please keep me on the low down. Help me stay focused on You and not be elevated in pride. I am happy to be brought low and humbled in Your sight. It brings me great joy to know that Your will is now being done and not my own. Lord, I admit that I do not know everything concerning the Bible and never will. All I know is that the Bible is true and I gain more understanding from daily it as I read. Your insight and knowledge have moved me to love You more and my neighbor more. Thank You for reaching me and for bringing me into Your light. I love You, Lord. I give You praise and honor, this day and forever. Amen.

Sinner’s Prayer (08/23/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray for cleansing. That every sin that I have committed this week will be forgiven. Cleanse thou me of every secret fault. I am sorry for going against Your will. Forgive me. My desire is to no longer fall victim to the same temptation again. Lord, I know that I am not able to withstand my fleshly desires on my own, so please be with me, that I may not fall victim to the same sins over and over again. I feel so shameful and guilt-ridden each time that I fall and I wish that You would do something in my life, so that being sinful may no longer be who I am anymore. I wish to live for You and not this world. So give me clean hands and a pure heart. Redeem me from my past life and renew me in this new life that You have set before me. Remove every false belief and speak truth to my soul. Lord, fill me with the Holy Spirit. Allow the Spirit to lead me on Your righteous path. Put in me Your glorious light, that all the darkness will be scattered. It is my desire to no longer walk as the world walks, but to be different. Allow me to become a peculiar and a holy person in Your sight. My desire is to lead souls unto You and no longer lead them astray. My bad example will only destroy people’s chances of knowing You, so please help me to be led by Your great example. Come inside of me, that people will see Your light in me and glorify our Father in heaven. I believe in You, Lord. I worship You and give You praise. I love You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/22/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that more people would begin to fear You and to have a heart to keep Your commandments. Many people do not realize that are doing when they are breaking Your commandments. There is no love in their heart for You, but still, they say they believe in You, which is upsetting. So many people are distancing themselves from You in their sins when they could be rescued from all their addictions and bad habits starting today. Surely, there is nothing in our lives that You cannot break the chains for. We may be deep into a specific sin and it may look like there is no way out, but in our faith, You can take us by the hand and lead to safety. We can only do so much on our own but can do anything when You are leading us. People may think that we are crazy and the things we say we do are not possible, but You make all things possible. Even the supernatural takes its rightful place in our lives when You are in us. Lord, Your ways are righteous and holy. Your commandments lead us out of the dangers in life and help us become a peculiar people to others. We don’t wish to look religious but only appear as Your followers and not the followers of this world. People may come and judge us harshly and even persecute us for our faith in You, Jesus, but we know that this is supposed to happen. For we are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God in us. People of this world can try to harm us but after this life, we are blessed forever in heaven. I love You, Lord. May Your ways always be my ways. Keep me on Your path all my days. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/21/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will learn the difference between doing things that are holy and unholy in Your sight. I love the Bible for it is our best source of truth when it comes to doing Your will or the world. I love to look to You for understanding, for You continually pour out more and more wisdom when I search the scriptures. I once thought I knew a lot about Your Word, but I was so wrong. Every day that I read the Bible, more and more verses come to life and I am that much stronger in the faith. Lord, I love it how Your teachings convict me of my sins, for I would never want to continually live a life that goes against You but only live my life for You. I am sorry if I have sinned and ask for Your forgiveness and mercy. Your ways are true and faithful and all I can say to them is, “Your will be done”. I may not be capable of living up to all Your commands, but You are able to help me. So Lord, help me stay vigilant and strong in the faith and be not drawn in any direction where Your light is not there. I would never want to be apart from You, so keep me on Your righteous path which leads to heaven. Lord, I wish for not only myself but others to also come to faith and no longer live in their sinful ways. There are many people out there who have done some crazy bad things as I have, but there is still hope for them. They may be of the world now, but still, they can be redeemed and cleansed by Your blood. Lord, cast out all the darkness in their lives and lead them into Your light. Help them become a peculiar people, as You have done for me, a person who is holy in Your sight. I love You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/20/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will desire to be set free from every evil force in their lives. If anything is keeping them from Your presence and doing Your will, come and convict them of their sins and false beliefs, that they may start making the necessary changes in their lives. I know that the day that I got rid of all my UFO TV Shows from my DVD collection that there was a big sense of relief. Many other things have also been removed from my life like most TV and movies, including violent video games and even pornography. All this I owe to You, Jesus. I don’t even care to watch TV anymore, for I would rather seek Your hand, gain more understanding, and then go out and make a difference in this world. How could I still be a slave to sin, if You have come and set me free? The answer is that I cannot do things that are evil and still feel good about myself. You have put a new spirit in me and even now can I see who is in darkness and who is in your light. Surely, people with piercings all over their bodies are far from You. Even people who have put tattoos on their bodies have drawn attention to themselves, although it is evil in Your sight and ours. Surely, we can see that people have made a poor choice to defile their bodies, which is Your holy temple, and they are not yet sorry for what they have done. If they were, then they would do something about their piercings and tattoos. Lord, bring a conviction to these people in sin and lead them to a new way of life, where You are leading them and not the world. I love You. Your ways lead to eternal life. Take me by the hand and lead me all my days. I give You praise and honor. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/19/2020)

Oh Lord, I wish that every person could be transported in the Holy Spirit, but I know that my wish is not possible. For only those people who truly worship You, believe in You, and do Your will, can this miracle and others happen in their lives. I wish I could give people a taste of what living in Your presence is like, for it is amazing, but I cannot tell people what to do. They must decide on there own that they want to live their life for. I can pray that they will turn to follow You in this life and then be with You in the next, but this decision is there’s. Lord, I do not understand how people can desire to go to heaven when they don’t even desire Your presence while in this life. This saddens my soul to think of all the people who are lost in their sins right now and are headed to destruction and hell. People need to be awakened, that they may draw near unto You now in repentance before it is too late. Having a relationship with You, God is something I would never give up. Your ways lead to true happiness and it doesn’t just happen for a moment. There is joy abundant in the moment and it continues, which is remarkable. How wonderful will it be to have Your presence with me at all times in heaven. I want to be where You are. Most of my life I did not live up to Your standards, but I am grateful to be allowed into Your fold now. I love You more than ever and wake up every day knowing that You are on my side. And if You are with me, who can be against me? Lord, take me anywhere You want me to be. Even transport me in the Holy Spirit to places You need me to be at. I am Your willing servant and I love You. I give You praise and glory, this day and forever. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/18/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will fill this church with the Holy Spirit. May there be an outpouring of Your gifts upon the people in our day. I know that the time is at hand when You will soon return, Jesus, so we are gearing up to preach the gospel to all the world. I just desire that more laborers will come out of their safety zones and be a part of the harvest. We need more witnesses to fill the streets and be Your willing movers and shakers in the world at large. This world is in deep sleep when it comes to the things of God and they need an awakening, both body and spirit. Sin is killing them and they don’t realize it. This is why the Holy Spirit is so needed in all our lives. I need to be led daily by Your hand, but if other believers are not, then they are no different than the world. Surely, people may say that they love You in worship, while at church, but living a life that is full of sin makes them hypocrites. This cannot be happening if people desire to be saved. So please, Lord, awaken them. Come and do a mighty work that has never been seen before. Pour out Your Spirit like in times past. I pray that people will start dreaming dreams, having visions, and start prophesying. I have been given dreams and visions from on high and You have allowed me to see the future. Thank You, Jesus. May this gift of the Holy Spirit come regularly as I seek Your hand. I also pray that other people in the church will come to know You personally. That they will find time to pray, read the Bible, and go out and do Your will daily. This is what it means to love You. Then, can they encounter things that are not of this world. Your ways are higher. I love You, Lord. I give You praise. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/17/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people in all the world, who are Christian, will also read the Bible for themselves. So many of them are listening to their pastors and that is what is carrying them forward during the week. However, if there is nothing said about the importance of doing Your will and having good works in our lives, then people will continue living their own lives apart from You. And I would hate to see these same people die one day and stand before You in judgment, while they hear You say, “I never knew You.” This would be terrible and so awful. So many of them would say, but I did what the pastor of my church said throughout the week. I did my best to worship You on Sundays and learn from You that day. However, what they don’t realize is that our everyday walk apart from You, God, are distancing themselves from You. So if people are spending most of their time doing their own things and finding less time for You, oh Lord, then I wonder if they are even saved at all. I know that baptism is a big deal in people’s lives, but I often wonder what people are doing afterward. Is there any change in their lives because of knowing You? Lord, please come and convict these people of their sins. I am afraid that the majority of people are not going to repent unless they are taught about this in church. This is what saddens me, for if people would just realize that turning from their sins and following You is the best thing we can do in life. This is true faith and not faith that is dead. Lord, Your ways lead to eternal life. Therefore, I have decided to reach out to You daily in prayer, reading the Bible, and going out and doing Your will for mankind. I love You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/16/2020)

Lord God, I give You praise and honor. I love Your ways and not the worlds. Your ways are holy and I need more holiness in my life. I am sick and tired of the flesh trying to lead me into sin, where all I want is to be in Your light. May the lusts therein have no more power over me. I know that I will never stop being tempted by the devil, but I pray that he will not have any more control over my life. It is not worth having worldly things in my life or having temporary pleasure because of sin. Therefore, I want You to dispel the darkness and lead me in Your light. Lead me in all things righteous and holy. Keep me in Your love. I will obey You, my king. Build me up with Your armor. Help me to know what is right and what is wrong, that I might always choose Your will above all things. My heart’s desire is to be with You in heaven for all eternity. So take me by the hand and lead me on Your holy and righteous path, even until the end of my days. I believe in You. I trust in You. I love You with all my soul, my mind, my might, and my strength. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/15/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that as Christians and followers of You also, that we will desire to do as the Bible teaches. So if You have spoken in scripture to not print anything upon our bodies, which in our terms is tattooing, that we will stay far away from such things. That we will not allow anything to defile our bodies, especially markings. Lord, I know that our bodies are Your holy temple, and how I could say that I love You if I am going out getting tattoos? The answer is I cannot. Surely, such people who are into carving up their body, thinking it is art, are also far from You. They may say that they love You, but they do not care for what You have taught in scripture. If they did, then they would not be indulging in such evil practices. Instead, they would be abiding in You at all times, that they may become good examples to their children and not bad ones. Lord, on our own terms, we will fall and not be able to escape the sins and temptations of the enemy. Surely, he has put a stronghold upon people who are into the tattoo business and I pray that You will release them from His clutches. In Your mighty Name, Jesus, I pray. I believe in You, Lord. God, will You help people that already have tattoos know how sinful it is to get more? It was already an unholy act to do what they have done to their bodies, so I pray that they will learn from their past and not do it again. There are ways for people to get tattoos removed, so I pray that people will look into these places as well. Our bodies may have been tattered, but they can become holy again unto You, oh Lord. As for me, keep me in Your presence, that I may not fall victim to the ways of this world, which lead unto death. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/14/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray for every person in the faith. That they will realize that Your desires are so much greater than the desires of the devil. Satan can tempt us with so many things that seem so good for the flesh, but there is always guilt and pain that comes along with it. We can’t stay on Your righteous path if we keep giving in to his desires and not Yours. So equip us with Your armor, God. We can’t be victorious against the enemy on our own strength. Come and build us up in the Holy Spirit and allow Your Words to abound within us all day long. As we look to You daily and read the Bible, help us remember what is taught, and follow You. Now, for those people who say they believe in You and are currently far from You now, convict them of their sins. Help them understand that these feelings are good for them and not bad. How in their brokenness, You can come and rescue them. All they need to do is lay down their sins at Your feet and Your mercy is for them. People do not have to live a life of fear, pain, guilt, shame, or depression. Your goodness and grace are ready to flow deep into any person’s lives who are ready to live for You. Surely, there is nothing like Your love and desires for our lives. I feel stronger when You are near. I am even strong to resist temptations and follow You instead. So abide in me all my days and never leave my side. Keep my mind focused on serving You until my days are done. I love You more than anything this world can offer me. I am content in the things You bless me in, so why do I need anything else to sustain me. Lord, come and shine Your light, even now. Cast out all the darkness that remains in my life. I choose You. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/13/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will desire to give up things in their lives that do not belong to them. They may have things in their possession that they’ve had for years, but was not rightfully theirs. These things need to be made aware of and then given up. I know in my heart that I have taken things from people, especially my neighbors. I have borrowed things and not returned them. And then when I finally realize what I have done, it was sometimes years until I remembered. My flesh may have said don’t worry about it, but I know it was wrong in Your sight. People may have forgotten about these same things as well, long ago, but that doesn’t mean it is right to keep them. I know that the enemy wants us to not worry about these things, but I know He is wrong. So even though I felt very guilty when I knocked on doors of my neighbors, in order to return their possessions, I felt like a load was taken off my shoulders when I did this. Even telling them sorry and what I could do to repay them felt so good. Lord, I just wanted things to get right between me and my neighbors, including my family, when I have wronged them also. So Lord, continue to speak to me daily. Help me remember if I have taken or borrowed something that is not mine and should be returned. I don’t care if I got something extra from Amazon, I will call them up, in order to return the extra item. What is lost does not belong to me, but the person who lost it. This teaching comes from Your Holy Book, the Bible, and I am so grateful that You have taught Moses and the people this. Now I know what is right and what is wrong. I don’t have to second guess or hope I am doing Your will, for You have taught me in scripture. Therefore, I am ready to obey You. I love You, Lord. Your teachings do lead to life eternal, for those who obey them. I give You praise and honor, this day and forever. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/12/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that every sinner will come to You in repentance. That they will be brought low before You, and allow You to open their eyes to this wickedness of this world. Open their mind, God, and show them how Your goodness and grace trumps everything the world tries to offer us. True wisdom can only be found in You and not what people think they know and trust in. As for me, I honor You, God. I know that You are my maker and can do all things good in my life. I trust in You like a parachute, of which I will never take off, for You are my Lord and my strength. Without You I am nothing. Not too long ago, I was counted with the wicked. I did everything under the sun that my flesh desired and still, I found no joy or happiness that lasted. In all this, I always came up empty. How guilty I was while thinking of all the sinful things I had committed. I was worthy of death and destruction, but then You came to my rescue. You heard my cries and had compassion for my soul. I never thought I could be forgiven, but You were different than the rest. It was like You saw my potential and didn’t care about my past. What a great God You are. I didn’t know that this kind of love existed until I found You. Wow! I am blown away at Your goodness. Thank You for saving me, forgiving my sins, and for leading me on a path that I can encounter Your light all my days. Darkness has been scattered and I only want to be with You now. Lead me wherever You desire. I will go and do as You command me. I am Your servant and I love You. I was once a willful sinner, but now I am Your child. Thank You, Father. I give You praise and glory, this day and forever. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/11/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that we will all call upon Your Name and let You help us know what to do and say to people. Many people are prejudging people without even knowing them first. So many people are defaming others and slandering their good names. This is very sad and needs to stop. Sure, there are false prophets and anti-Christs all around the world, but who can help us know who these people are? Only You can God. So I pray that You will lead us and not our own self. That the Holy Spirit will be with us at all times. It would be sad if I accidentally said something about someone that was wrong and now people who should trust them do not anymore. I know that I have done this in the past and I am very sorry. You know when those times were and I pray that You have forgiven me. Lord, I know that You have given me another chance to be saved and never once put me down because of what I used to be. Therefore, I pray that I will also never again put any person down. Instead, help me to love one another as You love them. I desire to always know what You would have for me to do when I talk to other people, for I will accidentally do say and do something wrong if I am leading myself. Lord, I pray for people who are slandering other people right now. If these people think they are Christians, I pray that they will repent and turn to You, Jesus. May they no longer do this, but desire to help and say sorry to the person instead. Too many people could be saved if people would only lift them up and not tear them down. I love You, Jesus. Only You can help me become the type of person You were on earth and not myself. I give You praise and glory. I trust in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/10/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that more people will desire to keep their integrity with You, just like Job did. Sexual sin is tearing families apart, while also making singles not feel like they need to get married. Surely, fornication, adultery, pornography, and homosexuality is tearing down the importance of marriage. Surely, lust has filled the atmosphere in our day and many people in the faith have allowed it to seep deep into their lives also. This is very sad, for I know the guilt and shame that comes along with it. I’ve hated the times that I have willfully fallen into sin, for my conscience was seared. Even my desire to do good was tainted, where my desire to look to You in faith is now far gone. Wow! The devil really knows how to push our buttons and is having much success. I wish I could say that I have not allowed these types of sin in my life, but I would be lying. You know everything I do in life God, and I know that I am not a Saint. You have heard my cries each time I have fallen, and I am so happy that You have taken me back. It may have taken some time to get Your presence back in my life again, but it was never Your desire for us to leave Your side anyways. It was us as sinners that grieved the Holy Spirit and therefore, we have distanced ourselves from You, oh God. And to those many times I have fallen, I am sorry. I know that I have done wrong things and pray for Your forgiveness. I do not wish to have Satan come over my life again. Instead, build me up in Your mighty power and keep me far from the clutches of the enemy. I wish to come into Your presence and become holy as You are holy. Cause me to fear You and to not desire to do things that I know will haunt me later on. I love You, Jesus. Thank You for Your mercy and grace. I give You praise. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/09/2020)

Lord God, I pray for people who I know are suffering and other people in my community who are suffering as well. I hate it when things are rough for me and can only sense how it is making others feel at this time. Surely, when times are hard, I wish people would cry out to You for help, for I know that You are a gracious God and desire to do all things for our good. But sometimes our afflictions are for our benefit, even though it may not seem this way at the moment. For later in life after we are healed by Your mighty power can we tell others about this miraculous event and stir up people to follow You, Jesus, also. Lord, it is my desire to help people know that You are listening to our prayers, but that Your answers come in Your own due time and not our own. We cannot speed up our own recovery based on our amount of prayers, unless it is Your will at that very moment that we pray. And Lord, I wish that more people would call upon people in the church to pray and to help them in these dark times. People need to be made aware of our needs. Then, can good Christian people come to their homes and pray over them. Even a healing can take place if It is Your will. I know this to be true, for Your mighty power is still working on this earth. I have seen Your healings first hand and I know that the people who have been healed were meant to be in those in those moments. What we need now are more people of faith that will also pray for others. We need Christians to rise up and no longer be afraid of speaking healing by Your mighty Name Jesus to those who are sick and afflicted. And Lord, I pray that more people will rise up and desire to look to help and pray for others who are afflicted. That they will get out of their houses and do something great for Your kingdom. Thank You Jesus for everything. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/08/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will find the comfort they need when times are hard. I know that life is full of its ups and downs and I pray that if anybody is suffering right now, that You will send people to them. Then, will they receive the assistance they are desperately needing. Surely, they need Your presence with them also. So I pray that people will remember to call upon Your Name when it seems like no help is in sight. I know that You care for our needs and will remember us when we call upon Your Name in prayer. Even do You go the extra mile and bring people into our lives that have a caring heart and are ready to do what they can to help us. I trust in You, Jesus, and I pray that You will come and cast out every bit of depression, sickness, guilt, brokenness, and the darkness that surrounds these people now. Lead them into Your light, oh Lord, and help them find comfort among their sorrows. Help people who are in pain and sorrow, find peace and joy that comes from above. Your will be done, of course. Even now do I worry about a friend who is very depressed and on the verge of suicide. I am just one man who is able to help him remotely, but he needs more people who are willing to get out of their comfort zone to help him also. I wish I knew the people in his city who I could call for help, but I am unable. So Lord, will You do me a favor and convict people who are hearing this prayer to comment and be willing to reach out to him also. I would love to see more people pray for this man and also be willing to message, call, and visit him. Thank You, Jesus. I give You praise. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/07/2020)

Lord, I love and honor You. You are my God and I worship You today and forever. Thank You for saving me from a life of filth, and into a life of righteousness. There was only darkness in my life, but You came and scattered it all while ushering in Your bounteous light. I am not alone any longer, for You are right there with me now. Wow, I am so blessed. How could the God of the heavens and earth desire to be a part of my life, when there are billions of people on earth? I am like a spec of sand on the seashore and still, You have come and made a place in my soul. How great is our God? I cannot comprehend Your power and might. All I know is that I am safe when You are near, and I don’t want anything else but to have Your presence with me. Never do I wish to fall deep into sin again, but to always be found doing Your will for mankind. So Jesus, my Lord, who is the Alpha and the Omega, please hear my prayers. I need You to be my guide. Every day, as I have new breath come and take my hand and lead me into green pastures. Don’t allow me to fall under temptation and sin, but keep me in Your arms forever. I believe in You, Jesus. I know that only You can take me into heaven. So I put my trust in You. Every day do I look to You for answers to my problems and for Your wisdom. This life is hard and only with Your direction can I know where to go when all seems lost. I know that one-day things will be much better when You return or in death. Then, can I be in Your presence for all eternity and not have to worry anymore about being sick, sorrow, being thirsty or hungry, being tempted, or death. All of life’s problems will finally be over. I can’t wait, Lord. So come Jesus. I am here waiting for You. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/06/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that more people would search the scriptures, in order to discover Your wisdom from on high. So many people have a Bible, but it has soon gotten very dusty over the years. How often it is that people have to be reminded to read the Bible that they finally pull it out and begin reading? Even for our ease, the Bible is easily accessible on smartphones and tablets today, but still, people are less likely to use that app compared to others on their devices. How often does it even become forgotten just like their real Bible at home? This is very sad. I know the gems that can be found for those that read Your Words. Therefore, people are missing out. Lord, it is because of the fact that so many people cannot find time to read, or even do Your will anymore, that false doctrines creep into certain churches. They may appear so good on the outside, but so far away from the truth on the inside. And so we have people being called as a deacon at the ripe old age of 12 years old in a certain church, where the Bible says they are to be married. The characteristics of a deacon, including bishops, and other key members of Your church would all stay in their purest form if people stood for You and not what their church wants. Sure, it sounds fair on the outside to allow young men to hold the calling of a deacon and even women to hold the calling of a pastor, but where is this found in the Bible? Lord, people have made the church to be their own, and not what is said in scripture. Therefore, many different churches have become so far from You and they don’t even realize it. It is my prayer that they will wake up to their sins and repent before it is too late. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/05/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that every person who has the gift of tongues will always use this gift for edifying the saints and for bringing souls unto You. Surely, this gift is used to showcase Your signs from heaven, but it can do nothing good unless an interpreter is with them. I believe what the Bible says and that we should keep quiet or speak normally if people cannot hear and also understand us. Sure, this may not be the norm of evangelical Christianity today, but if people are keeping to their own beliefs that don’t agree with Your words, then they should be counseled to one on one. Even with the desire to lead our brothers and sisters into the saving knowledge of Your words in the Bible and not their own. It is my desire that people would read the entire Bible and never stop reading it. Then, would Your words be written in our hearts. We will be able to give a word of knowledge to people because we are carrying with us what has been spoken in scripture. And Lord, so often do people fill their minds up with the junk of this world, where Your teachings are now clouded and cannot take root in their hearts. Therefore, I pray that these same people will eventually find freedom from all their junk, which is very sinful in Your sight. That they will be willing to give it all to You and be forgiven. The same goes for people who feel they are ultra spiritual and can speak with the tongues of angels. Let them be humbled down a little as they read what this gift is for and when to use it according to 1 Corinthians 14. I am grateful to have read this chapter so many times in life. I love it, for Your Words are alive and active to those who read and cherish them. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/04/2020)

Daily Prayer:
Lord, I pray that all my friends, family, including relatives, will all come to know You one day. I would love to see these wonderful people in heaven, but they need to first make a choice to believe in You unto salvation. So many people have it wrong when it comes to being saved. They think they can continue living their own lives and just believe in You. And this is very sad to know of and see. Don’t people realize that doing Your will is important? Don’t people realize that only those who love You are those who keep Your commandments? The Bible is clear about these things and to not even call You Lord if we do not do what You say in life. So Lord, please wake these people up from their slumber. May they come to You like I have and others and then experience what true joy is really like. I love You, Lord. I just wish more people I know and love would desire to be saved and then become real Christians. People that hat honor You in what they say and do. I say these things in thy holy Name, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/03/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will continue to give me wisdom. So often does the enemy come and tempt me with things I know the flesh desires. However, You have built me up to fight against him and even the win the battle. Thank You, Lord, for Your armor and Your strength. I could never withstand the fiery darts of the devil if You were not continually with me. On my own, I am weak and have no way to do that which is right and honorably to You, Lord, who art in heaven. However, with the comforter in my life, which is the Holy Spirit, I am made courageously valiant for Your righteous cause. Oh, how I fear and tremble before You, for You are mighty and just God, who is also all- powerful. I love and respect You and know that You have grafted me into Your fold, because of Your great love for me also. You saw my potential and was the only person who could lift me out of my sorrows. There was destruction and darkness on my path, but You came and lighted up my life and my path. Now I wish to tell everyone about You, Jesus. May more people be less proud in their own man-made knowledge, but desire to know what comes from above. We can only know so much from textbooks, college courses, professors, and other religions, but nothing will take us to heaven but through our faith in You, Jesus. You are the truth and life and no person on this earth can come our Father in heaven but through You. I know things that I never knew before not from man, but from You, Lord, who saves. I just hope that more people will also be open to You before their last breath is taken. Surely, more souls can be saved, but they must decide to make You, Jesus, the Lord of their lives. I give You glory, God. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/02/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to understand what You have said in the Bible and also retain Your teachings in their hearts and in their minds. Too many people have come up with their own belief system that goes against your will and it is very hard to talk truth to such people. What we need is all closed-mindedness to leave people, in order for them to know You. I can’t do this on my own, but I know that You can. Lord, I have tried to talk to certain people about the “Black Lives Matter” movement and how it goes against Your perfect will for mankind, but they will not listen. Instead, we have racism and gay pride being lifted up in our society. I wish people would understand that the “Black Lives Matter” movement lifts up the gays, lesbians, and transgender movement as well. Surely, people need to find out more information about things like this for themselves before they go all in to back them up. And so we have violent protests happening all around the U.S. and Canada, because of people who are pushing “Black Lives Matter” upon others. What I am sensing is an evil spirit in such people, of which needs to be released and cast out. All their anger needs to be replaced with Your endless love. No spirit of animosity will ever enter Your kingdom, of which is righteous and pure. Lord, may Your will be done when it comes to the dark world that we live in. I pray that Your light will begin to shine once again in specific individuals who truly love You and aren’t afraid to lift You up when times are hard. I know that it could cost us our lives to say that “All Lives Matter”, but it is the truth. Every person in every nation is important. Out of every people group are special individuals coming to You and being saved. Praise God! Thank You for sending Your witnesses to these remote places. I believe in and trust in You. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (08/01/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will not lose their faith while in these difficult and dark times we live in. There are many hardships that we are all facing when it comes to losing a loved one in death, losing a job, finanical issues, going through a chronic illness, marriage and family issues, addiction problems, and more, including sin. Everyone has something they are going through which we cannot fix on our own. So, Lord, Your presence is what we need in order to buffer the storms and not be swallowed up in them. The enemy would love to take us captive and put his clutches in us all, but You are stronger than he is. His temptations have so many holes in them, which always lead us to feel guilty and shameful afterward. And it is not worth losing my relationship with You, Jesus, over my fleshly lust, covetousness, or lying. What the world offers cannot compare to what I have built up with You over these years. You mean more to me than anything else in life. Lord, to You I give the highest praise. I give You honor and praise, this day, and forever. There is no one like You, God. Thank You for saving a wretch like me and for pointing me on the right path. I would still be on the path of destruction until now, but You have delivered me from death and hell. I owe my life to You. You did not have to pay the price for my sins and the rest of this world, but You willingly died for us all. Thank You, Jesus. It pains me to know how much You suffered for me, but I am so grateful You did it. Lord, it is in these dark times that I need Your light in my life. Only through Your guidance and direction can I know which way to go in life and be safe in return. Therefore, I will keep You close to my heart all my days. I never want to lose You again. Heaven is where I desire to be, for You are there. I love You. Amen.