
Sinner’s Prayer (08/23/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray for cleansing. That every sin that I have committed this week will be forgiven. Cleanse thou me of every secret fault. I am sorry for going against Your will. Forgive me. My desire is to no longer fall victim to the same temptation again. Lord, I know that I am not able to withstand my fleshly desires on my own, so please be with me, that I may not fall victim to the same sins over and over again. I feel so shameful and guilt-ridden each time that I fall and I wish that You would do something in my life, so that being sinful may no longer be who I am anymore. I wish to live for You and not this world. So give me clean hands and a pure heart. Redeem me from my past life and renew me in this new life that You have set before me. Remove every false belief and speak truth to my soul. Lord, fill me with the Holy Spirit. Allow the Spirit to lead me on Your righteous path. Put in me Your glorious light, that all the darkness will be scattered. It is my desire to no longer walk as the world walks, but to be different. Allow me to become a peculiar and a holy person in Your sight. My desire is to lead souls unto You and no longer lead them astray. My bad example will only destroy people’s chances of knowing You, so please help me to be led by Your great example. Come inside of me, that people will see Your light in me and glorify our Father in heaven. I believe in You, Lord. I worship You and give You praise. I love You, Jesus. Amen.
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