This message may come as a surprise for people. Many of you may even think I am losing it after I tell you what happened to me, but all I can say is it is true. This even happened in Biblical times as well, such as with Philip. He was transported in the Holy Spirit after baptizing an Ethiopian Eunuch and I was transported in the Holy Spirit while worshiping God in my car. Here is my story… Yesterday, I was driving back from Gooding Idaho to Meridian Idaho, which takes about 2 hours to accomplish. I was set to get back about 5:15pm, according to Google Maps. And on my way back, I finished listening to the rest of the book of Numbers and then wrapped up my drive with praise music. I had just learned so much from scripture and was ready to glory the Lord in song. Now when the music came on I began to praise God through the lyrics and also in my own words. The Lord was given the praise He deserves. Now, as I was driving, I was expecting to hit some very slow traffic with the construction area that was close to Boise, but amazingly, it never happened. I drove in what appeared to be a very calm and already paved road at the normal 80mph. This happened right through the place where there is still construction for everyone else. Even today I felt it. However, yesterday was different and when I got back to the office in Meridian, it was 4:45pm. I had shaved off a good 30 minutes of my time somehow. You judge for yourself, but what happened, only God could do. God put in my path a better way to drive, which got me to my destination much faster. Praise God.
If any of you have read Acts, chapter 8, then you would know that what happened to Philip was very similar to my story. The only exception is that he was placed in an entirely new city by the Holy Spirit. Here is a portion of that story… 1“And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him. And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing. But Philip was found at Azotus: and passing through he preached in all the cities, till he came to Caesarea.” (Acts 8:36-40) Wow! Isn’t that amazing! We have this eunuch who desired to be baptized after hearing what Philip said about his reading in Isaiah. Jesus was the motivating factor since the Eunuch now knew who Isaiah was speaking about and it was Jesus. He was converted that very moment he knew that Jesus came to die for our sins. And after coming out of the water in baptism, Philip was nowhere to be found, for he was now in the city of Azotus. This is amazing how God transported him there in the spirit. And now I know that this is possible, for God transported me also. My friends, God is real and wants to do miracles in your life if you let Him.
Let us pray:
Oh Lord, I wish that every person could be transported in the Holy Spirit, but I know that my wish is not possible. For only those people who truly worship You, believe in You, and do Your will, can this miracle and others happen in their lives. I wish I could give people a taste of what living in Your presence is like, for it is amazing, but I cannot tell people what to do. They must decide on there own that they want to live their life for. I can pray that they will turn to follow You in this life and then be with You in the next, but this decision is there’s. Lord, I do not understand how people can desire to go to heaven when they don’t even desire Your presence while in this life. This saddens my soul to think of all the people who are lost in their sins right now and are headed to destruction and hell. People need to be awakened, that they may draw near unto You now in repentance before it is too late. Having a relationship with You, God is something I would never give up. Your ways lead to true happiness and it doesn’t just happen for a moment. There is joy abundant in the moment and it continues, which is remarkable. How wonderful will it be to have Your presence with me at all times in heaven. I want to be where You are. Most of my life I did not live up to Your standards, but I am grateful to be allowed into Your fold now. I love You more than ever and wake up every day knowing that You are on my side. And if You are with me, who can be against me? Lord, take me anywhere You want me to be. Even transport me in the Holy Spirit to places You need me to be at. I am Your willing servant and I love You. I give You praise and glory, this day and forever. Amen.
Let us read the Bible:
Note: Any Numbered References, found above, are listed below.