Lord, I pray that people will make a decision now to follow You. And may this decision be permanent in their hearts and minds. So many people have walked for a time for Your cause,...
Prayers (09-2019)
Today’s Prayer (09/29/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will put their trust in You and start living out their faith, starting today. May they find rest in Your presence and overcome what is holding them back...
Today’s Prayer (09/28/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that every person in the Mormon faith will open their eyes to the truthfulness of the gospel. Open their hearts, that they may have eyes to see and ears to hear...
Today’s Prayer (09/27/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will wake up to their sins and repent. There are many different sins and addictions that will destroy a person’s life, if they are not rescued from by You...
Today’s Prayer (09/25/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that people of all the world will come to know You. Just like the day of Pentecost, I pray that the fire of the Holy Spirit will reign down upon these...
Today’s Prayer (09/24/2019)
Oh Lord, I am so grateful for the cross. Thank You for dying for our sins and paying the price for them that we couldn’t. It is because of what You have done, is that...
Today’s Prayer (09/23/2019)
Lord, my heart aches just thinking of the lost souls in this world. Truly, the majority of people have not made You a priority in their lives and are therefore, on a path to destruction....
Today’s Prayer (09/22/2019)
Lord, I pray that people will come to know You as their one true God, and no longer serve other idols in their lives. Surely, people have put their worldly things in place of You,...
Today’s Prayer (09/21/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will put Your Spirit inside of us now, that we may walk in Your holiness and no longer serve sin. I know how sorrowful my sins have made me...
Today’s Prayer (09/20/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will come to know You through Your words in the Bible and through prayer. Help them be convicted of any of their sins, that they may walk in Your...
Today’s Prayer (09/19/2019)
Lord, I am so grateful to know You through Your Words in the Bible and through my time in prayer with You. For You have heard my cries and helped me along the way. I...
Today’s Prayer (09/18/2019)
Gracious Lord, I love You. You are my God and I honor You. Thank You for hearing my prayers and having mercy upon my soul. I cried out to You in all my brokenness, and...
Today’s Prayer (09/17/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray for every member of the Catholic Church. May they wake up to the idolatry in the church and in their lives and leave that that false religion today. Your ways are...
Today’s Prayer (09/16/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that the preaching of the cross will become meaningful in people’s lives. May people understand that because of what You did for us, Jesus, that we have forgiveness of sins. Thank...
Today’s Prayer (09/15/2019)
Oh Lord, You are too good to us. We don’t deserve Your great love, but You continue to show it to us each day that we pray and read the Bible. As we draw near...
Today’s Prayer (09/14/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will make the right decision to believe in and follow You, before their life is over. I do not wish to see my family and friends go to hell,...
Today’s Prayer (09/13/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will understand the reason to be a witness for You and settle by doing other things. It all comes down to their willingness to serve You Lord, and...
Today’s Prayer (09/12/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will respond to Your call for them and desire to live their lives for You and not the world. Though the world may have them now, You have the...
Today’s Prayer (09/11/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that people in every false religion will wake up to know Your truth of the Bible, and one day repent before it is too late. There is more than what they...
Today’s Prayer (09/10/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that the Holy Spirit will come into people’s lives. May every wicked part of them now be removed in Your holy Name. It is so important to believe in and follow...
Today’s Prayer (09/09/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to understand how dark and evil these video games that kill people, Halloween, and horror movies are. Surely, by partaking in these things are they inviting Satan...
Today’s Prayer (09/08/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will desire to learn follow You, by reading the Bible daily and praying to You often. It is one thing to know what the world teaches, but to follow...
Today’s Prayer (09/07/2019)
Oh Lord, I want You to know how much I love You. You have been so good to me, as to come to my needs and save me from my sins. I know that I...
Today’s Prayer (09/06/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to call upon Your Name in prayer and actually desire to hear You out when You respond. For surely You do respond to our needs when we...
Today’s Prayer (09/05/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will be saved, before their own life ends in death. May more people come to know You, Jesus, for salvation. I know that so many people have a...
Today’s Prayer (09/04/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray for every person that desires to be saved, but isn’t truly saved yet. Speaking of these so-called Christians, many of them are living outside of Your grace and don’t even realize...
Today’s Prayer (09/03/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray for those in marriages that are having a hard time. Surely, it is hard to bear the times we have with our spouse when love is absent. We can hardly go...
Today’s Prayer (09/02/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that Your love will enter my family, my marriage, and my relationship with my children. I know that my life for You is strong, and the same goes for Your love...
Today’s Prayer (09/01/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray for those people that are suffering right now with depression and suicidal thoughts. I know that many people that I know and love are in despair right now and need You...
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