
Today’s Prayer (09/21/2019)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will put Your Spirit inside of us now, that we may walk in Your holiness and no longer serve sin. I know how sorrowful my sins have made me over the years and they could never outweigh what appears to be good on the outside, with what is evil on the inside. I have surely come to know this over the years, Lord, and no longer wish to be tied down in sin of any kind. The guilt that comes from it is too heavy to bear, and therefore, I ask that You become a shield to me from the enemy. Lead me and any other person that is being tempted and tried right now, into Your light and out of the darkness. We don’t wish to be under the cloud of the evil one any longer, but in Your arms forever. We understand that the world we live in is full of darkness, but we can shine bright before those that are lost, that more light will come in. Never will we be able to banish all the darkness, but how amazing would it be oh Lord, if more people decided to stand up in faith for Your cause. Surely, a royal army would be made, as the Holy Spirit is upon us all. So let us walk in faith and do as You command. If there is any sin in my life or a person’s life that desires to follow You, convict us of these sins that we may become Your holy vessels. Surely, our bodies are Your holy temple, and I wish that my life and others will demonstrate this on a day to day basis. My time to follow You and to worship You is not just at church, but every day. You are my rock and my salvation. I’d rather have Your presence in my life than any of the luxuries of this world, for You are my greatest delight and I love You more than anything. May there be less of me and more of You. I trust in You. Amen.
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