Oh Lord, You are so good to us. Thank You for trusting us with Your kingdom on earth. Although You have not been on earth for the last two thousand years, Your Spirit has been...
Today’s Prayer (03/24/2023)
Lord, help people know who You are. Not to presume that they are speaking for You, but actually allow You into their lives. We have too many people who prophesy things out of their own...
Today’s Prayer (03/23/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray for the sake of the Mormon people. So many of them still look up to the man, Joseph Smith, when he is easily seen to be a false prophet and a...
Today’s Prayer (03/22/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that Mormons will learn the true history of Joseph Smith. If only they did, they would see him as a false prophet. Surely, Joseph was a con man and not Your...
Today’s Prayer (03/21/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that not only I, but thousands of other Christians will have success witnessing to Mormons. The success being, leading them to You, Jesus, for salvation. Helping them unlearn the lies that...
Today’s Prayer (03/20/2023)
prayOh Lord, I pray for the sake of the people trapped in Mormonism. I say trapped, for many of them feel like they have no escape, lest they lose their father, mother, children, spouse, friends,...
Today’s Prayer (03/19/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that Mormons will stop putting all their trust in their church leaders, when they should be trusting in You and Your Words instead. God, it makes me sick inside just thinking...
Today’s Prayer (03/18/2023)
Oh lord, I pray for the sake of the Mormon people. They are lost in their false beliefs. It cannot be all their fault, for they are under the mind control of their prophets. At...
Today’s Prayer (03/17/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray for the sake of the Mormon people Help them know and realize how far gone they really are. These people proclaim that they believe in and follow, You, Jesus, but in...
Today’s Prayer (03/16/2023)
Oh Lord, help break free the Mormon people from their false teachings. It is so clear how crazy their beliefs are when reading the Bible. Especially when I read the Book of Revelations, namely, chapter...
Today’s Prayer (03/15/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that people in the Mormon faith will come to realize that there are actual gifts of the Spirit for people and just people who claim to be prophets. How being a...
Today’s Prayer (03/14/2023)
Oh Lord, please help the Mormons trust the Bible and stop doubting its truths altogether. Their Book of Mormon may say that plain and precious truths were lost over time, but this is only to...
Today’s Prayer (03/13/2023)
Lord, I pray that people will seek earnestly to have the gifts of the Spirit in their lives. So many people could have You in their midst if only the spirit of God was with...
Today’s Prayer (03/12/2023)
Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray for the sake of the Mormon community at large. These people are deceived and aren’t even aware of it. They have Your Name in their church’s title, but all
Today’s Prayer (03/11/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray for the sake of every person that is brainwashed in the Mormon cult. The way they brainwash their victims is very efficient but sad at the same time. What this makes...
Today’s Prayer (03/10/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray for my Mormon friends and family. Even to those people who hate me, I pray for them also. Help them come to a realization that I am only witnessing to them...
Today’s Prayer (03/09/2023)
Lord, it is sad to look into the Mormon faith and see that their teachings go against the Bible. I have tried to reason with them, but I am continually called a basher. They also...
Today’s Prayer (03/08/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray for anyone in Mormonism that is capable of being saved. I never know who will be accepting of Christian teachings. I know that the gospel needs to be taught in all...
Today’s Prayer (03/07/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that many ex-Mormons will be saved. I am speaking of Mormons now that will one day come to You for salvation. This would mean denying what they were taught and allowing...
Today’s Prayer (03/06/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray for those in the Mormon faith. My heart is aching because of people who are stuck in a cult and aren’t aware of it. I’ve had family members tell me that...
Today’s Prayer (03/05/2023)
Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray that You will wake Mormons up to know You. I know that it doesn’t come with us reasoning with them without the power of the Holy Spirit with us.
Today’s Prayer (03/04/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that people in the Mormon religion will begin to examine the Bible in comparison to their own man-made scriptures. If they simply did this, instead of taking everything they’ve learned as...
Today’s Prayer (03/03/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray for these lost souls in Mormonism. They don’t realize it, but their works are all in vain. Their temple works are of the devil and nothing of it is founded in...
Today’s Prayer (03/02/2023)
Oh Lord God of the heavens, come quickly. I am grateful for this life on earth, but it would be better with You physically with us. I receive You as my Lord and King. This...
Today’s Prayer (03/01/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray for the souls of Mormons. They are on the path of destruction now, but I know that some of them are at least searching for truth and are ready to give...
Today’s Prayer (02/28/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will be ready to enter our heavenly home when we die. Surely, You are preparing a place for each of us that love and walk in Your ways. You...
Today’s Prayer (02/27/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that fewer Mormons will have to die and go to hell. I know that this is not the case for those who still believe in their wicked beliefs and practices, but...
Today’s Prayer (02/26/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that people in the Mormon church will stop believing in what their church teaches but compare and contrast their beliefs with the Bible. If only this would happen, the total membership...
Today’s Prayer (02/25/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people in the Mormon church will learn to appreciate Your words in the Bible. Only then will they stop undermining its value, while thinking their current teachings are more...
Today’s Prayer (02/24/2023)
Oh Lord, I pray for the sake of the Mormon people. They are under a great deception and aren’t even aware of it. Since this cult came on the scene, Joseph Smith had been declaring...
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