Today’s Prayer (03/06/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray for those in the Mormon faith. My heart is aching because of people who are stuck in a cult and aren’t aware of it. I’ve had family members tell me that I am no longer welcome in their homes because faith is different than the Mormon faith. This has caused a rift in my own family, Lord. It is hard to see my wife side with such people and say that my witnessing to Mormons is wrong. All I know is what You have shared with me these many years. For most of my life I was lost. I was incapable of overcoming sin on my own. My beliefs were of the devil, and it is hard to believe that I was willing to die for it. Thankfully, You came down and rescued me. You saw that my heart was open in the summer of 2012, and that was when You stepped in to save me. Did I know that I needed to be saved? Absolutely not. I thought my faith in the Mormon religion was all I needed, and I would be with my family for all eternity in heaven. Oh, how I was wrong. You have taught me, God, that only a few shall be saved. I do pray for family members to go to heaven, but I know that it is not promised. I love You, Jesus. I give You my life to serve You. Amen.
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