Here is what video games do to a person. They not only take time away from God, but they make people forget God altogether. I know this for a fact, since the times I’ve played video games, my desire to seek God was gone. Even my desire to read God’s Word and pray was cramped, so doing what God wanted took a back seat to my own desires. The same goes for TV shows and movies. If I spend my day watching episode after episode, I have a lot less motivation to do the will of the Father. The same goes for movies that I sit and watch. And not only this, the types of images I saw in the video games, TV shows, and movies stuck with me, which overtook my thoughts for God. What is very sad is that my will to overcome temptation became almost impossible at this time in my life, where if I had given my time over to reading the Bible and praying instead, then my defense would be up. So thoughts of looking at porn appeared out of nowhere, along with masturbation, and thinking of women the way I shouldn’t. You know where I am getting in all of this, I hope. If we do not seek God first, then other things will begin to replace God in our lives. We will also do things later on that we will regret. Guilt will kick in to a point of us either justifying our sins or repent and come to Jesus. Doing the latter, which is confession and letting God change us from the inside is what will save a person. Staying in that same sin and dying in the process will cause that person to wake up in hell. So where do you stand with God?
So what do we need to do, in order to be in right standing with God? We need to stay off our devices and TV as much as possible. Yes, I am including our phones and tablets, for those games are also time wasters and keep us from seeking God. Therefore, we ought to come to God daily through reading a chapter or two in the Bible. We should also pray and seek God for answers, while also listening to worship music. Watching Christian ministries on YouTube is also beneficial, for it is just like going to church. But what did Jesus said on this matter? He taught, “but seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33) “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” (Matthew 5:6) And Jeremiah taught, “then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:12,13) What Jesus and Jeremiah mentions are the characteristics of a true Christian. These are those who have laid down at the foot of the cross all their addictions and bad habits. They proclaim that Jesus is enough and these other things are not important anymore. Praise God! Now, to conclude this message, I am not saying that the TV and our phones cannot be used for God’s purposes, for they surely can. Seeking God will help you know exactly how to use them for the Lord, for the Holy Spirit will be with us along the whole way.
Let us pray:
Oh Lord, I pray that we will learn to put You first in our lives. That our desires to serve You will also carry forth to the next. I often wonder why people think that their faith will save them, if they don’t also have an ongoing love and devotion towards You, God. Don’t people realize that how we end this life will be the same mind frame in the next? So if people’s hearts and minds weren’t for You, God, then they didn’t really want to go to heaven anyway. The treasures they built upon the earth were most important to them. And Lord, I am saddened by the take over of video games, TV Shows, and movies in this generation. The sales of video games and consoles have skyrocketed during the pandemic, where seeking You first has plummeted. I know that I have learned my lesson when it comes to video games and TV. I admit that the time I spent playing video games and watching shows was only a time-waster now. And not only that, but I left my first true love in those moments. Thankfully, I left doing these sinful things while I still had time. You put a burden on my heart in these moments, and thankfully I listened to Your warnings. One thing that I am so grateful about, is that seeking Your hand brings me back in right standing with You. I am not condemned but welcomed home again. You are not a condemning God when it comes to our time on earth, but loving and so patient with us. I just know that after this life is over, that my time to repent and get right with You will be over. So I will continue to seek You first and do as You say, my God. Even all my days. I love You. Amen.