
Live For Jesus

On this beautiful earth there is so much good to partake of. The Lord desires for us all to experience joy in this life. He built this earth that we could have the things we need to be happy. However, just like Adam was told not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, we are told not disobey His commandments. The more we sin, the farther away we are from God. God cannot partake in unholy temples. Our body is a temple and we should not tarnish it in any way. Drugs and Alcohol make it so that we cannot think clearly. Anything our body is addicted to is a substance that has taken the place of God. We need to give up our sinful cravings in order to discover God. Jesus doesn’t expect us to change on our own. If we might humble ourselves before Him, in worship, He will come to us. Call upon the Lord and plead for His healing. Ask for His hands of mercy in your life, that you might escape the chains of addiction. I pray that you might give up your old ways of life that are contrary to God. Pray that you may be forgiven and found worthy before Him.

If you are sincere in your actions, the Lord will free you from slavery. The more you seek Him the more you will dislike sin and love God. The more we worship the Lord, the more we will feel of His love. This love will turn into a devotion of serving God. To love God means to give up one self and to follow Jesus. As we come to know the Lord, our heart will desire to keep His commandments. Nobody will have to compel us to love God and others. God’s love will enter our hearts and teach us how to live. Living for Jesus will be a blessing. Let us always honor our King by the way we live. Oh Lord, when I am alone, fill me with your love. Let my thoughts be clean before You. Let my mind be focused on You each day that I wake. Let me always find time for worship. Let my heart find rest in your presence. Let my mind be opened to your truth as I read the Bible. Your love is most important in my life. I love and adore You. Be with me always. I will love and cherish You all the days of my life. Till my dying breath I will worship You. I can’t wait to one day greet You with joy in heaven.

Genesis 2:15-17
15 Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.
16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat;
17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”

YouTube video

Artist: Jeremy Camp
Album: Precious In His Sight: Lullabies And Worship Songs (2015)
Song: Give Me Jesus

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