
Preaching In My Neighborhood

Praise God! After I got home from work, a lady came to me and asked if I would pray for her and our neighborhood. How she can fill the evil spirits because of Halloween and other evil things that are happening behind closed doors. So I prayed for her and our neighborhood. It was then that I told her that I had a microphone and speakers and could do some preaching, where she said that would be awesome. She also wanted to play some Christian Music through the speakers and I obliged. So right in front of my house did I begin to preach the good news of the gospel for all to hear. At the same time did I play worship music. It was awesome. There were a few people here and there that listened and then went their own way. However, God moved me to walk further down the road to the corner, near the mailboxes. So I told this lady that was where I was going and she went with me. It was there that I continued the preaching and many people began to listen. Some on the top of their car, some sitting in their car, some coming next to me and listening while standing up, and others who were waving at me from their houses. I preached many things which I will discuss later, but the point of the message is that Jesus died for our sins and that there is forgiveness only through Him. I pleaded for people to get rid of their own idols and start seeking God first in their lives. And for the most part, every person who I saw was surprised, but also very happy I came out today. Even people told me thank you and said they were filled with the Holy Spirit when I spoke.

As for the different topics I brought up and taught on, here are just a few. That Jesus died for our sins on the cross, and how we can have forgiveness if we confess our sins to Him. How only by not forgiving one another will we not find God’s forgiveness and grace. That Jesus is the only way to salvation, not through religion. So God wants to save people out of Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and others. Those that will call upon His Name, shall be saved. How only by being born again can we see and enter the kingdom of God. How in baptism, “we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.” (Romans 6:4) This is the beginning of our new life in Christ. We don’t backtrack and get consumed with sinful things that we once did, but go forth in faith in Jesus. He is the one that is able to work in our lives and conform us into His likeness. And this only happens when we abide in Christ. This is when He also abides in us, but we must make a wise choice to let Jesus in. Until we do that, we will continue to walk a wayward life like the prodigal son. And if we are walking in willful sin, like looking at pornography, into drugs and alcohol, then God is able to set you free also. No matter what we are doing now, God is able to set the captives free. This and many other things did I preach these last two hours. It was God who gave me the words to speak, for no way could I have known what verses to quote all throughout the teaching. Amen and God bless you all.

Let us pray:
Thank You, Lord, for giving me words to speak this day. I knew that You desired of me not to go in my house and sit down when I got home from work, but to go forth and preach the gospel. It was so evident that even You sent a young lady to plead for me to go out and preach. Thank You, God, for sending her to my car, as I got home. I had witnessed to her many times in the past and this time she ran to me and told me how she was feeling. How in her house it is very hard for her to praise You, for so many wicked things are happening in it daily. That she needed prayed over and uplifted through the Bible and music. Surely, You sent her to me, to awaken me also. I was ready to go through my normal routine of reading the Bible, writing a devotional, and praying afterward, but today was much more than that. You were desirous that I would show actions also. How I cannot continue to go forth filling myself up with Your Word and not allowing others to be benefited from it also. And if You gave me a gift of preaching and teaching, I should very well use this gift while I still have breath. No sickness was going to bring me down today, for You had a word to share with people in my neighborhood. I know that I am not mighty in speech, but with Your words flowing deep in my soul, I can carry on for a very long time. Even do You bring verses from the Bible to my remembrance as I am preaching. I am amazed how many times it is word for word, for only You could show me those verses in the very hour I am speaking. Lord, I trust in You. Continue to use me as Your willing servant this day and forever. I love You, God. I give You praise and glory. Amen.

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