Oh Lord, I come to You now and sit at Your feet. May Your presence come into my life and speak to the inner parts of my soul. Help me to sit down awhile and...
Prayers (02-2020)
Today’s Prayer (02/28/2020)
Oh Lord, thank You for this great life that You have prepared for me, even from the foundation of the world. You knew I would be living in darkness while seeking all the wrong things...
Today’s Prayer (02/27/2020)
Oh Lord, I love You. You are worthy of my praise and worship. I honor You this day in my song to You Lord. I sing to Your great Name, God. I exact You, Lord....
Today’s Prayer (02/26/2020)
Oh Lord, help us fight the enemy. Don’t allow the enemy to take control of our lives any longer, but cast every evil force to be far from us. We do not wish to have...
Today’s Prayer (02/25/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that Church Leaders, Pastors and Elders will repent if they are currently making a mockery of You in their church building. What they need to realize is that although they may...
Today’s Prayer (02/24/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people of all ages will see that I am for You. May they come to know how much I love and honor You with all my heart, mind, and soul....
Today’s Prayer (02/23/2020)
Oh Lord, come into our lives and feed us every day that we have breath. Lead us from temptation and into Your love. We desire to know You greater and to have You with us...
Today’s Prayer (02/22/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will continue to look to You in faith and not go off track. I know how the enemy wants to take us down the paths of destruction. His ways...
Today’s Prayer (02/21/2020)
Lord, I pray that I will never stop seeking You. I know that prayer and reading the bible is important, but living out my faith is necessary also. So keep me on the right path...
Today’s Prayer (02/20/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will all be like David and be open to confess our sins before You. We are all sinners and need Your blood to cover us, and I pray that...
Today’s Prayer (02/19/2020)
Oh Lord, in my sickness I cry out to You for healing. I know that the pain I am going through will only be for a time and a season, and then I will be...
Today’s Prayer (02/18/2020)
Oh Lord, thank You for this new life. I am made clean because Your blood has covered me. I am no longer in darkness, for You have come into my life and lighted it up....
Today’s Prayer (02/17/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that myself and others will discover You in an entirely new way. I am praying for salvation for every person that is now seeking Your hand and desires to be delivered...
Today’s Prayer (02/16/2020)
Oh Lord, I am so grateful for the atonement You made for our sins. Because of what You have done for us on the cross, there is no more sacrifice needed for sins. You already...
Today’s Prayer (02/15/2020)
Oh Lord, I love You. I don’t just say this but mean it God. You are the best part of my life. No person or possession I own takes precedence over my love for You....
Today’s Prayer (02/14/2020)
Lord, help us live out a life that glorifies Your Name. We know that we are incapable of doing this on our own and need Your help to accomplish this. So we ask that You...
Today’s Prayer (02/13/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that Your presence will come into our lives, each day that we live. This way we will continue to make the best choices and stay on solid ground. You are our...
Today’s Prayer (02/12/2020)
Lord, it is my prayer that people will not say things that will hurt others, but uplift them as You lift us up. Who is it for me to judge people, for You are the...
Today’s Prayer (02/11/2020)
Oh Lord, I love You and only wish that my children would love on You as well. May they come to know You like I have come to know You personally over the years. Shine...
Today’s Prayer (02/10/2020)
Lord, I am sorry if I have portrayed myself to be something for You, but have not lived up to it in the inside. I know that many times I have said things are wrong,...
Today’s Prayer (02/09/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will prepare for Your second coming and not delay it. It would be very sad to see people that I know and love not be saved because they put...
Today’s Prayer (02/08/2020)
Oh Lord, please help people understand the need to pray. You have told us that all we need to do is knock and You will open the door to us. You are not hiding Your...
Today’s Prayer (02/07/2020)
Oh Lord, give people understanding this day. Help them know if what they are doing is for You or against You. And if what people are up to is not in line with Your standards,...
Today’s Prayer (02/06/2020)
Oh Lord, even when I am weak, You make me strong. You hear my cries and come to my rescue. I am not left alone in my tears, for You listen to every word I...
Today’s Prayer (02/05/2020)
Lord, I pray that people will make a decision to follow You. So many people claim to know You, but really only a few that follow You. These few that know, know what being born...
Today’s Prayer (02/04/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray for every person who currently has a problem with using profanity. I know how wrong this it, for it grieves the Spirit in me when people are using it. If only...
Today’s Prayer (02/03/2020)
Oh Lord, help us learn to love those that have hurt us. The weight that people carry because of the heartache they have caused upon people is already too much, for people to then hold...
Today’s Prayer (02/02/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray for this world that we live in. Too many people are caught up in their lust while causing so much pain and anguish in the lives of those around them. We...
Today’s Prayer (02/01/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will get their lives in order with You before it is too late. Too many people are wasting their lives on things that do not matter, and among them...
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