Today’s Prayer (11/17/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that Mormons will see the errors in their ways. I still cannot understand how LDS missionaries can sleep at night knowing that they have taught what is false to innocent people on the streets and in their homes. God, this truly disgusts me. Truly, talking with these individuals is almost impossible. I have tried to reach them and they continually resist. Help me, Lord. The Mormon people have a lot of hate in their hearts towards people like me and others that only wish to help lead them to You. Why do they despise the messenger? Lord, their false teachings are causing a division in the faith. No longer are people trusting in the Bible, but in what their prophets are telling them. And the saddest thing known to man to slip through the doors of a church is the support for same-sex marriage. I am deeply saddened to know that the Methodist Church has gone down this road and now the LDS Church also. Lord, I have family in this cult, and I pray that this news will shake them enough for them to resign. It is better to run from what is false than stay in it and be damned. I love You, Jesus. I trust in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (11/16/2022)

Oh Lord, may Your people come together in anthems of praise to Your great Name, Jesus. We all have many talents that You have given us. Wouldn’t it amazing if we all came together with our instruments and singing voices to give You praise? I would love to see this. But as for me, God, I am here for You. My singing voice isn’t what it once was, but what I can sing I do it to the best of my ability and for You, and You, alone. I worship You, King Jesus. Have Your way in my life. Forgive me, my King. I am not free of sin, but if I do fall, I come running back to You, Jesus. Your blood is what covers me when I confess my sins. Be with me, God. My heart is for You and my wife. With You in this marriage, it is better. Lord, what this world offers me only gives temporary pleasure. I am always left wondering why I fell for it and guilt sets in. You know my heat and where sin has led me. But You have helped turn my heart from wicked things and to follow You alone, Jesus. I love You, Lord. Have mercy upon me, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (11/15/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will learn what it means to call upon Your Name and to also praise You because of Your words in the Bible. Too many people think that You are distant and pray so quickly and without thought. They forget that You are omnipresent, which means Your presence can be with us wherever we are. God, I know that You are here right now with me. In this room, Your presence is all around me. Do I have to look in a certain direction when I pray? No. For wherever I look, You are there. I want You to know how much I love You, and also strive to show this same love to people. So often have I missed the mark and got my big mouth in trouble, and I am sorry. Forgive me, Lord, for saying things to people I shouldn’t. I regret these bad choices. Help me to fight temptation and fleshly desires. Shine Your light upon me, that I might walk in Your ways, Jesus. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (11/14/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will no longer try to find fault with what the Bible says. If they would simply open up the pages and read it as a child, then You would be able to show them heavenly things. I have talked with a lot of people when it comes to street evangelism and social media outreach through Facebook. Many people have been receptive to what is written in Your Word, while one religious group has been against what I’ve written for You since the beginning. Because the Mormon people believe in and teach that the Bible is corrupted, this has led to them also having one of the hardest hearts I have ever seen. Now, looking back at myself while I was in that cult, it is a miracle that You took me out of it. All I can say is “thank You, Lord”. I am in such a better place now. I didn’t realize I was missing out on the presence of the Holy Spirit until I found You outside the confines of that religion. For this reason, all I desire is to teach Your truths, to lead people to You, and to give You praise. Wherever I am, I will glorify Your Name, Jesus. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (11/13/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray for the people in Mormonism. Surely, they have been led astray by their founding prophet, Joseph Smith, to believe in and teach a false gospel. He was so sly to write in his Book of Mormon that payment for sins happened in the garden. He knew this was false but still added this false belief to his book, which has damned his soul to hell. Lord, I know that many Mormons have died over these two hundred years since this cult was established. People have died in their sins while believing in a false prophet and false gospel. This is a great travesty that didn’t have to happen. One man elevated himself to godhood while teaching his followers that they would be exalted to godhood also, which is of the devil. God, these people act very religious and appear to be Christian, but inwardly their beliefs are so vile and wicked. You have shown me that they are on the path of destruction, but I still pray that some of them will come out of it and to You for salvation when all is set and done. They still have time to be saved. I love You, Jesus. I believe in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (11/12/2022)

Lord, be with those when times are difficult. Many of us have a chronic illness and it causes us to have much pain and difficulty throughout the day. I truly wish that healing could come to me and others who need it most. I just know that death comes to us all. Some people don’t have to go through this pain and die while sleeping or instantly in wrecks. Chronic nose and throat issues, like I experience, are terrible. It feels like I have a cold each day, and it is hard to find relief. Lord, chronic back problems cause so many people to fall into depression. Because of my problem, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, and more, we need Your peace to sustain us through these hard times. God, I have seen many people that I know and love die because of cancer. It takes people so fast and leads to many unanswered questions. At funerals, peace is what we all need. We need Your presence and comfort. Be with those who have passed on also, Jesus. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (11/11/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that many people who are transgender will come to know You before it is too late. There still is time for these people to be saved. They may not want to come to You because of their pride and different influences, but I know that many can still be saved through the Holy Spirit. Lead me and millions of other Christians to help these people know what is right in this world. This way they will see that we don’t hate them, but only wish to lead them into a relationship with You, Jesus. I truly believe that even their bodies can be transformed back to how You created them if they had a treatment done already. Lord, You can do all things. Nothing is limited on this earth. I believe that if You were on earth today that people could come to You and be mad whole. The surgery done on their bodies, which made them like unto the opposite sex, would vanish. In an instant, people can be restored back to how You made them. God, I ask that You give this same healing power to Your ministers on earth. Truly, this type of power is heavenly and a great revival would start if this happened. I love You, Jesus. I trust in You, God, to do Your will, and not mine. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (11/10/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that Your will be done in my life. I give you everything that I have today, this life, and the next. I devote my time to You and what You can do in and through me. God, lead me from temptation, that my mind and soul will be fixed upon You. What Satan offers appears good in the moment. There are even pleasures in those few minutes that we take our eyes off of You, but it never lasts. Thank You for giving me and other people sorrow for our sins. Lord, I don’t ever wish to make You unhappy with me. I don’t ever wish to grieve the Holy Spirit. I acknowledge that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and that I ought to treat it this way every day. So look into my life and help me know what needs to be improved upon and confessed openly. Willful sinning is terrible and absolutely evil. I pray that will never become like this. Lord, there is happiness in my life only from You. I have found joy that never ends. You are my hiding place. My strong tower. I love You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (11/09/2022)

Oh Lord, come down and rescue those who are lost. Speak to Your servants and send us where we need to go in order to find these precious souls. I will go wherever You want me to be. Whatever time and place that will be. Give me instructions and I will respond in Your favor. This world is so wicked. The majority of people do not seek You but live for themselves instead. I am seeing more idolators in this world than what I’ve read in Your Holy Word, the Bible. The cults have made up a god to fit their false beliefs. They’ve made up all kinds of false doctrines that the world loves, although none of it is in accordance with Your Words. These people build up temples in order to save people who are dead, not believing that You have already done Your part in saving individuals before their death. Lord, how is it that people live in their false beliefs, abundance of sin, and continue to justify it on a daily basis? These are workers of iniquity. May at least some of them come out of it and be saved. I believe in You, Jesus. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (11/08/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will get right with You in this life. People must know that there are no second chances after death, and that only a few people go to heaven, not the majority. How there will be many people will say, “Lord, Lord, didn’t I do all these wonderful works in your Name, even casting out demons”, but still, You did not know them. God, this is so true about people in Mormonism. They are raised up believing that only they are saved, while in the afterlife, people must accept their baptism or they cannot go to heaven. And so we see people playing the god card while trying to save people they think You are incapable of. This is such a false teaching and much arrogance is shown. I wonder how these people can go to sleep at night and still think they are right with You. I have tried to warn them but most people will not listen. I believe in You, Jesus. I love You. You can all things. Save the least of them. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (11/07/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will learn to do Your will and not the will of the flesh. Satan’s tactics are real and easily given into without Your help. Falling victim to temptation is easy, but because Your Spirit is with me I run from the appearance of evil. Lord, I do this day in and day out, for You are my protector and my high tower. Surely, I am around wicked people every day in my workplace. They speak evil about their customers and vendors they work with. Cursing comes out of their mouths, instead of lifting up people. Lord, I know that many people on this earth would say that they are Christians. They say they believe in You and go to church, but many of these same people are the ones who are angry with others and speak with such disdain. You can change this God. Bring them to their knees in repentance. That they may get right with You. Crush their pride, that they may come to know You, Jesus. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (11/06/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will learn to treat their temple bodies as the people of Israel treated temple buildings. Thank You for tearing the veil on the day that You died for our sins, Jesus. I am so grateful that we now have the Holy Spirit in our lives to lead and guide us. It is wonderful to visit Jerusalem, but the need for temple buildings has ended. Thank You for this teaching, although some cults have not understood this fact. And so we have people erecting temple buildings in order to do their own man-made works. God, It would be wonderful if people that believe in You would read the Bible. However, people trust in the wrong things instead of what You have said in scripture. There are so many false prophets in our mix, which teach things that sound good on paper, but is so evil on the inside. How can I reach these lost people? Only through the Holy Spirit leading me. You can do all things, God. I love You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (11/05/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people in the Mormon cult will repent of their atrocious false teachings. Truly, what they believe in and practice when it comes to their temples is so abominable. It is very sad to see how these people hate Your teachings of hell and the lake of fire and instead think they can play God and save the wicked. How do these people believe this and then go to sleep at night thinking they are right with You? How do they keep their conscience clean when playing God is idolatry and will land them in hell when they die. Help them understand how evil their beliefs are when it comes to doing works for dead people. God, many of these people have asked me if people in their cult will go to heaven, but I cannot fathom it in the least. All I can see is death and destruction for people in this Mormon cult. If only they would repent and understand that hell awaits the wicked, which means fire, brimstone, and torment. I don’t want anyone to go there. I love You, Jesus. You are my God and I worship You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (11/04/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people in all the world will come to know You. Many people have made up a god that does not save them and it needs to stop. The Holy Bible declares who You are Jesus, but because cults say they have living prophets, their view of You is very distorted. They have additional books that they say are more relevant than even Your words in the Bible, as they are relevant to us today. I am speaking of Mormonism. This cult has gotten me very upset. You know my circumstances, God. How many of my family members are sucked into this cult. You have opened my eyes to their false teachings, and especially their false gospel. It is with great appreciation that You have also shown me that their path is destruction and hell when they die. This is all so hard to take in, however, as my mom and dad have both died in this cult. And now Mormon missionaries are coming after more people to deceive. Lord, cause the Mormon church to crumble and fall. I believe in You. I trust in You, Jesus. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (11/03/2022)

Oh Lord, open the eyes of the blind. I am talking about people who claim to be religious but are really blind in their own made up faith. Surely, the Mormons have made-up so many false teachings that it is hard to even count, for it is being added to and changing all the time. This one cult has led millions of people astray and on the path of destruction, but I know that You are stronger than the enemy. Although the majority of these people will die and go to hell, I trust that many of them will still come out of their cult and to You before it is too late. God, raise up Your mighty warriors that will join me and others in the harvest. I am talking about a ministry to reach Mormons for Your sake. For years, I have seen few people come out of their homes in order to engage with these lost people. This is very sad that people are so scared to get out of their comfort zone in order to do Your will. Surely, it doesn’t take much to trust in You and then be led by the Spirit, but people’s priorities are so messed up. I pray that Your people will rise up for Your sake. I love You, Jesus. You are my all in all. I praise You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (11/02/2022)

Oh Lord, I am grateful for Your mercy. Without You in my life, I am so broken and lost. My heart is made dark and the Holy Spirit is grieved. However, I know that You will never forsake me, although I can forsake You. So I plead to You in all my confessions, the moment I know that I am in sin, to forgive me a sinner and renew in me a right Spirit. Lord, do not cast me off from Your presence when I fall. I am sorry for not listening to You while doing my own things. You are my King and I ought to honor You more than I do now. But I am not empty and left desolate in these troubled times. Just like the prodigal son, I run back to You if ever I have sinned against You. May the Holy Spirit always be with me, God. See my heart and that it is sincere. Therefore, restore unto me the joy of thy salvation. I love You, Jesus. Without You, I am nothing. I could gain the abundance riches of this world, but all that means nothing if You are not leading me. I will follow You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (11/01/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people who call themselves Christians will also learn to live out their faith in You. If we love You, then we should also love Your counsel. We ought to be seeking Your hand on a daily basis and not just one day a week at church. When people in our workplace are saying things that are evil, we should not continue in this evil chatter. God, it is so easy to conform to the things of this world when Your Spirit is not with us. And so we see people of all ages fall into the sin of pornography. Without You leading us, we have no control over the flesh to resist such lust. It is in these sins that we are found guilty and framed before the Judge of the heavens and earth. You are our gracious King, God. As a wretched person in Your sight, I have felt this guilt, not knowing that I could be forgiven. The truth is, Your arms are stretched out wide to me still. How deep is Your love? Thank You for hearing my cries. Your blood has covered me and made me whole. I love You, Jesus. I give You praise, my excellent King. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/31/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will repent at large when it comes to the celebration of Halloween. Surely, many people will say that they are innocently celebrating the things on this day and should not have to repent of such wicked affairs. Do they not realize that we are all sinners and when our sins are found out, we need to confess them? You have said in Your Holy Word that we are to abstain from the appearance of evil, and people are not doing this if they are celebrating Halloween. Do they not realize that they are allowing the demonic forces in their lives by decorating their houses, and their children in scary costumes? Lord, help people understand how evil this day really is. How it isn’t all fun and games, but demonic through and through. Thank You, for opening my eyes to the works of darkness. Today, You sent me off in my neighborhood to warn people that Halloween is the day of the devil. Many people got upset, while others were convicted of their sins. I am grateful for You giving me this boldness to share Your gospel truths. I love You, Jesus. I am unafraid to tell Your truth to the world . Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/30/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will find peace with You before they take their last breath. There is so much darkness in this world that appears to be good for the soul when it is so evil. Open our eyes that we might see it for what it is, that we may not fall victim to the schemes of the enemy. As a father, I only want to be an example to my children, that they may be raised up in Your ways. As a minister in Your harvest, I only wish to shed light on what is heavenly that people may begin to build up treasures there also. I love Your ways, God. Help me to be a shining light in the darkness for as long as I live. I can’t wait to see You in paradise. Jesus. I love You, Lord. I give you praise and honor. All the glory to God! Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/29/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will heal my marriage and other marriages also. I love You, God, but it is hard to raise my children to know You when their obstacles in my path. Help my wife and I to come in unison on how to raise our children. They can still be raised to know You better, but I need Your presence to be in my life and my wife’s life also. I love my spouse, but I pray that we can be in unison in raising our children to know You. I am not seeing this from my wife and it makes things very difficult. Thank You, Lord, that my wife and kids do go to church with me on Sundays. Thank You, God, that they do Bible studies with me when asked upon. Thank You, Jesus, that they will pray with me before bedtime. This is wonderful to see. What I am hoping for is my wife and kid’s desire to live for You on their own also. I fear that if I was not with them, they would not go to church, read the Bible, or even pray. Do they do this on their own now, it is unknown, for I never see it. Lord, I know this marriage is on the rocks, but You can help it. As we submit our lives to You, we are healed and made whole. I love You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/28/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people in this nation and in all the world will begin to give You praise. I am not talking about one day out of the week while at church, but every day of our lives. God, just to think of You brings me such happiness and peace. There are many people that mock me because of my faithfulness to You. The truth is, these mockers will have to pay dearly in the next life if they do not repent and get right with You, Lord. Forever and ever will I give You praise. No matter if laughers and scoffers come my way, I will praise You in their presence. No matter if persecutors come my way and people want to take away my life, because of my faith in You, Jesus, I say let it be done according to Your word. I will go down fighting the good fight with You by my side until the end. I know that after this life is over You will raise me up into newness of life. There will be no more tears, sorrow, or death. Thank You, Jesus. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/27/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will destroy all their tarot/magic cards, Ouija boards, and anything that resembles the occult and the dark arts. If people would simply do this for Your sake, they would also seek to live in Your light and holiness. God, the devil’s holiday, Halloween, is coming up soon, and I am afraid that too many so-called Christians see no issue with this day. Today, I was walking the streets, and people who said they were Christians saw no issues with decorating their houses, and taking their kids out trick or treating on Halloween. This is very say that they cannot see how demonic this day really is. Open their eyes, God. I love You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/26/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that more Mormons will come to know the truth of God. I have talked to so many of these people over the years, and the majority are so closed off to Your truth. The moment we say anything that goes against their core teachings they get upset and say that there is contention and leave. God, this needs to stop. If they believe they have the truth, then why are they so scared to speak out against Your true witnesses? This is the spirit of the devil that doesn’t allow them to hear You through us. If only people would trust in You over man, then what we share with them would ring true in their hearts and minds. I pray that many Mormons will come out of their cult and to You for salvation. I love You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/25/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray for a revival to come in our cities. May the Holy Spirit lay hold upon us like the day of Pentecost, that the things we do and speak on earth are from heaven. Before Your return, Jesus, set us apart in Your kingdom. May Spiritual giftings ring true in our lives and also people we witness to. I am praying for more people to be influenced by what is truly good in this life and not what is evil. The world has taken what comes from You and made it sound evil. Therefore, give us boldness in order to stand up for what is righteous and holy. We are courageous in this darkened world because You are with us. There is an army of people that are already boldly declaring Your truth, but we need more people to join in. God, call people out of a life of sin, in order to also live for You daily. Lord, to live for You is gain. You are my everything. My all in all. Have Your way in my life. I love You, Jesus. I give You praise. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/24/2022)

Oh Lord, my God, I give You praise and honor this day and forever. Yes, Jesus, you deserve everything we have to offer You. Thank You for saving a wretch like me. Second chances in this life are so real. I have tasted of Your goodness and grace, and I am now a free man because of Your great love for me. Who am I among the billions of people on this earth? I am no better than anyone else, but still, You came and chose me to be Your disciple. Among the millions of other witnesses on earth, I feel so blessed to be a part of Your kingdom. May the Holy Spirit always be with me. I never want to go a day when Your presence is not with me. Keep me upright and in Your right standing. May every wicked part of me vanish before Your sight. In righteousness do I walk with You by my side. I love You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/23/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people’s lives will be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am praying that people will get radically saved and know what the Holy Ghost can do in a person’s life. God, so many people are living for their own flesh when Your kingdom is ready and willing to be made manifest in their lives instead. Why is it that people are choosing a life of sin, and their same daily routine, when they also say they have faith in You? This is so hypocritical. Truly, we cannot say we are for You when we are also living for the world. All I ask, God, is that people make a choice today to either be on Your side or not. We cannot have one foot in Your kingdom and another in the evil things of this world and think we are saved. If people say they are for You, then Your works for Your kingdom would be on full display. Sin would not abound, for every bit of darkness is scattered in Your Name, Jesus. May people choose You, Jesus, and love You by keeping Your commandments. This I pray, Jesus. May Your Name be forever praised. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/22/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that more people will wake up to their sins before they die. So many people are crying right now in hell. They wish they could have a second chance to be saved, but unfortunately, time has run out on them. So many regrets are now filling their minds as they are suffering in hellfire. May this never be the case for people I care for in this life. I ask this with all sincerity for people that are still living. God, many people in my family do not know You. They are on a path that is suitable to their own belief system, but in doing so, they have separated themselves from the true and living gospel. Lord, I only want the best for people I associate with. They may not like me for how much I speak of You, Jesus, but I love them all the same. How is it that I have gotten a bad rap as the “Jesus freak” in the family? Do they see You in me and try to shame me in the same fashion? I take all this with joy. Thank You, Lord, for manifesting Yourself in my life. I love You, Jesus. I give You praise. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/21/2022)

Oh Lord, my God, lead me and others in the faith to heaven. In this life, there is true joy and peace found in You, my Lord. I am not free from trials, tribulations, temptations, sickness, pain, sorrow, or death, but in all these things Your peace is beyond my understanding. Without You, I can only wrestle with the things of this world and not find the answers I need. All this has changed since I received You, Jesus, into my life. All the darkness is scattered, as You have ushered in Your bounteous light. Thank You for helping me see, think, and hear clearly. All my senses are open because You are now with me. Thank You for healing me as I was blind and could not see. I was deaf in the things of the Spirit until You healed me. Thank You, Lord You are the one that helps me think clearly, instead of my thoughts being overcome by the evils of this world. I was wretched and so lost until the day that You came and rescued me. You heard my cries and had mercy upon my soul. I give You praise, God. My hope is in You. I will live for You now and forever. I love You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/20/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will find time for You in their busy lives. So many people are caught up in things that don’t matter in the long run. They put so much time and effort into sports, outdoor events, going to concerts, watching TV and movies, playing video games, and so many other things, that time for You is forgotten. How interesting it is that Christians have to remind people to pray and read the Bible, which should be part of who they are. It is very sad to know that this is the way of this wicked world. Instead of finding joy that lasts to the eternities, people find temporary joy that only lasts for the moment. And if a person knows You in the least, God, they would feel grief and sorrow for their sins. However, the majority of the people in this world just sweep these sins under the rug and make light of them. Where are Your people, God? Where have they gone? My prayer is that more people would be saved. Only then will they hope in the Lord. I love you, Jesus. I give You praise, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/19/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people’s hearts will open up to people in need. My heart breaks each time I see homeless, and others that are poor. To rush in and give them something to drink and some food is the least I can do. I may not have any money to give them, but knowing that they are fed and are warm at night is what I care about most. So God, lead me to more people who are in need. It brightens my day as much as it brightens their day to see someone help them. I can still remember the homeless lady that I took into Walmart to get some mashed potatoes and chicken, along with a drink. Her face lit up when she saw the food, knowing she hadn’t eaten all day. Lord, when I found out that she hadn’t eaten at all for the day, I almost started to cry. Thank You, God, for putting her on my path those few weeks back. I can still remember helping her like it was today. It is my prayer that You put the same burden in every Christian’s heart to help people in need. May we not let any of these wonderful people leave us without being fed, and even clothed. This Is my true desire. I love You, Jesus. Be me with me, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (10/18/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that many people will examine their lives and get right with You before it is too late. So often do we do something similar day in and day out and forget about including You, God. Whare people doing? Have they forgotten their first love? I hope and pray that people didn’t just pray a prayer once and think they are saved. How deceived are these same people? Lord, awaken people in my city and in all the world to know and follow You. So many people are slumbering, not realizing that tomorrow could be their last day. Therefore, I pray that seeking You first in their lives will become a desire that springs out of more people. Then will people make ample time for You each day and not think that making time for You is a burden. Each day I live, I live it for You. You are my delight and to whom I give praise. I love You, Jesus. Amen.