Oh Lord, I pray that our hearts will be opened up to You like never before. I know that many people have heard good sermons in church over the years, and even been touched by those teachings. However, the feelings in our hearts are deceitful and can easily betray us. So I am saddened to think that there are millions of people who die under the influence of false teachers. But what will these people say when they reach You in judgment? Will they remain in their unbelief, when it comes to Your true teachings? Unfortunately, they will have to bow down to You and know that what they have believed in all their life was wrong. Surely, there is no other way but through You, Jesus, that we can be saved. We cannot go to heaven another way or think we can sneak into heaven by our good merits. I know that without You leading us in this life, all our own good works are as filthy rags. Only through Your hands of mercy and grace, can we perform good works that are meaningful for Your kingdom. I believe in You, Lord. I honor You and love You more than all things. You are my God and I worship You. Amen.
Prayers (03-2021)
Today’s Prayer (03/30/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will learn how to love one another. That we will remember that when we do good unto others, we are also doing it unto You. So when we help a person who is struggling financially with their groceries, we jump in and pray for them without even thinking twice. And we are not looking for anything paid back in return also. Doing good unto others doesn’t need anything credited back to us, for we just want to love one another as You love us, Jesus. We know that we can be a light in this wicked and perverse generation if we just continue to seek You daily. I know that to be true, for every day that I remain connected to You in constant prayer and studying the Bible, all I want to do is tell people about You, Jesus, and do good unto others. It is the Spirit of God that has transformed me into the person You have always wanted. Sometimes I slip up and do my own things, but I am so grateful that You continue to forgive me when I return to You. It is like my slate is wiped clean all over again. You are so merciful and just, and continue to use me over and over, though my flesh is weak. Thank You, Lord, for continuing to trust in me over these many years. You have given me boldness to speak to people about You and Your gospel. I am also unafraid to approach people in need now and supply their needs. You are my guide and I will follow You. I love You. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/29/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will come to know You before it is too late. Every day, every hour, and every minute people are dying. Even people who are young and old are among the dead. But what concerns me the most about people who are passing away is their belief system and way of life. If they died believing in another way besides You, Jesus, then they will be quite upset about what happens next. We know that in the Bible, every person who dies without following You, Jesus, will wake up in hell. This is because hell awaits people who do not have You, God, in their lives. Even on judgment day, will they be found out guilty and be thrown into the lake of fire. I believe in what Your Words teach us. Even how every sexually immoral person and murderer will automatically have their part in the lake of fire, lest they had repented while they still had breath. This includes every porn watcher, people that have sex outside of marriage, are involved in homosexual acts, and are in favor of or have had abortions. Thank You, God, for this teaching in Revelation 21 and other places in the Bible also. I say all of this in my prayer today, for I hope and pray that people will hear what I am saying and repent of their sins. That they will call upon Your Name, Jesus, in all their confessions. You are so merciful and just. I believe in You and know that we are never too far gone from being forgiven. Thank You for Your mercy and grace. I trust in You, God. I love You. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/28/2021)
Oh Lord, this day I give You praise and honor. I celebrate Palm Sunday and also shout Hosanna to King Jesus. You are my God and I worship You. As much as I wish I was on earth when You were here Jesus, I am just so happy to know You now in this lifetime. I know that there will be a day for Your magnificent return and I hope to see You then. And if not then, but at the judgment seat of Christ. In this place, will I be smiling from ear to ear, just waiting for my turn to have You speak to me. For I have been waiting anxiously for this day to see You and to hear Your voice in person. Surely, You are the greatest thing to ever happen to my life. I was broken before I met You, Jesus. I had nothing going for me until You breathed new life into my soul. Yes, Lord, You heard my cries and came into my life like a rushing wind. I am now anxious each day that I have to serve You. Telling people about You, Jesus, is the best thing I can do in this lifetime. There is so much time in each day and to give You my most precious time is the least I can do for my King. It is my desire that You lead me by the hand. I know that I will be guided to greener pastures if You continue to lead me. I have nothing to fear but fear itself, for You have got me. Thank You so much, God, for leading me from temptation and for leading me into Your abundant light. Thank You again for Your forgiveness and mercy. I love You, Jesus. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/27/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will become less judgy and more loving. That meaningless disputes about the foods we eat will be stopped. I love how the Bible says to keep these thoughts to ourselves and to be respectful to people. Just because I eat meat it doesn’t mean that every person has to want or eat meat themselves. People can be vegetarians, like a neighbor of mine is, and that is wonderful for them. What aggravates me is when people argue over this topic of food. Since the early church began, these have always been unnecessary and hurtful disputations. Where someone who is weak in the faith could stop believing in You, Jesus, because of this. Truly, debates and arguments have led too many people astray, which is so uncalled for. There is a time and a place for helping people come to know Your truth in the Bible, but that is if they are ready. You have taught me to leave stop talking to people who are disinterested and talk to those who are. So I have taken this great advice through my street and Facebook ministry and it has gone wonderfully. And Lord, if you are not leading me, I know that things will not go right, so I will wait till the Spirit is with me before I speak. So, God, I pray that You will keep me in Your presence at all times. Open the hearts of people to know You greater when I do talk with them. I trust in You, Lord. I believe in You, Jesus. I love You. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/26/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will learn to love You, God, even with all our heart, mind, and strength. That this same love for You will radiate upon other people’s lives also. Then, we will learn what it means to be selfless, and rather care for one another than to find fulfillment in this world. I’ve discovered where true joy comes from and it is not from what people or the world has offered me, but what You can do for and through me, God. You are the rock upon which I stand and love it when I am led by Your hand. You continue to lead me into green pastures, which I love. This is when my desires to hurt somebody, to lie, to steal, to look upon women to lust, and to covet what other people have are all squashed. I love it when I am in Your presence. There is no sin in me at these times, for only Your light abounds. It is when I go astray and start doing my own things that I lose track of what is most important. The flesh begins to take the upper hand and its desires start coming out. This is when I am so weak in temptations, as I should be. Because I don’t have Your strength to resist the enemy, I am a sitting duck to the devil’s plans for my life. For this cause have I run to You for safety. While seeking You earnestly all these many days, You have clothed me with righteousness, even the amour of light. And because I am now on Your side, the enemy is no match to Your great power. I am just so grateful, God, for You took me back in, even though I have left You so many times in my life. You never cast me aside and I am so grateful. You are so merciful and patient. I love You, God. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/25/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to look to You in faith. I mean real faith. The type of faith that makes people trust in Your Words in the Bible and not just say they believe. And I am not just talking about portions of the Bible that their church teaches or they read, but all of what has been taught in the Bible. It is when we discard Your teachings is when false doctrines and beliefs are formed. One of these false beliefs is that women have the right to do whatever they want when it comes to abortion. But this kind of belief is only formed when a person becomes resistant to what You have said in the Bible, which is very sad. I wish I could show each one of these lost people the verses where it says You formed us in our mother’s womb and that John leaped for joy in Elizabeth’s womb. I just know that people who already have formed an idea that abortion is ok, it is very difficult to say anything that will change their minds. Therefore, I plead for Your assistance in these matters. Convict people of their sins, that they may come around to listening and doing Your will on earth as it is in heaven. This is my will and other Christians also. I love You, Lord. I trust in You above all things. May my beliefs always be based on Your teachings and not my own self-made beliefs. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/24/2021)
Oh Lord, I give You praise and glory this day and forever. I honor You, Jesus. You are exactly what I need in this life to be safe. There is nothing I’d rather have than to have Your presence in my life. I am honored to have You with me now. I can feel Your presence and it is amazing. What saddens me, however, are all the people in the world who do not make time for You in their lives. For without You there is only darkness. And when we are abounding in darkness is when temptations do come and take control of our lives. I have experienced this over and over in my life and I always feel so guilty and shameful afterward. It is only when I come running back to You is when I am forgiven and strengthened all over again to resist temptation. But the times I let myself ponder upon the thoughts of which I am tempted with, this is when I do fall. Even last night, God, I almost fell because of the lusts that Satan was filling my mind with. It was then that I thought upon You instead, Jesus. I said to myself, it isn’t worth it. I do not wish to cause You to leave me because of me willfully sinning. So in prayer, I called upon Your Name and You rescued me. There is a mission trip coming up on April 2nd and I know that the devil would love to see me fall and lose the Holy Spirit before then. He can’t stand seeing me go out in the harvest while bringing the lost unto You, Lord. But I rebuke Satan and his demons. You are my God and I trust that You will lead me far from temptation when I lean on You in prayer, fast, worship You, read the Bible, and do Your will as it is in heaven. I trust in You. I love You. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/23/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will all find out what You have called us to in this life. Yes, God, You have a work set apart for each one of us who loves You. I just wish that every person could figure out what You want from them in Your church. If every person became a servant for You, so much more good would be happening in our own city, state, and country. Many more lives would be blessed every day, while the lost would be found. And praise be to God, for every person who has become a willing servant for You now. This has meant giving up certain things, but as they will say, it was all worth it. There is nothing I’d rather have than to have Your blessings pour down upon me from the heavens. Do I need things that the world offers me? No. Only if it glories Your great Name do I desire to have it. All I wish Lord, is that the ministry that You have set apart for me will grow and that more people will be reached with the gospel. Telling people about You, Jesus, is the best thing that I have ever done in my life. It fills me up with joy that is beyond understanding. No matter if there are people that come to persecute me because of my faith, I know that this is part of being an evangelist for You, my Lord. Surely, with You by my side, there is nobody stopping me from doing Your will as it is in heaven for my life. You give me boldness to share the gospel and courage that never fails. Thank You. I love You, Lord. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/22/2021)
Oh Lord, I cherish my time to be with You. In Your arms do I wish I could always remain. I am safe in Your presence, God, and I long to always be with You. There is safety when I call upon Your Name, Jesus. I wish others could see You the way I can now, but can only hope and pray that they are also reaching out to You in the same way. So much has changed in the time we are living in now. Where the gospel was once preached in other countries because of air travel, this has suddenly been stopped because of the COVID Vaccine and its associated passport. This has been a great hindrance, of which I come to You now for counsel and direction. I know that You have called us to preach the gospel in all the world, and even continue in this until Your return. It is my prayer that all the world will one day be reached with Your gospel message of the cross and resurrection, even in my own lifetime. Sure, generation after generation has passed with faithful saints, of whom preached, faithfully witnessed for You, even dying for Your cause, Jesus. And if it is Your will that my life will one day be removed because of the persecution of the saints also, let Your will be done. However, if I am supposed to be here as Your witness when You do return in the rapture or the Second Coming, I will also be so grateful. All I ask, for now, is that You continue to lead me and others in the faith day in and day out. Help us know who to reach for Your kingdom. Even if we have to wait till we can go overseas again, may we continue to reach people in our own country, state, and city. There is still much more work to be done. I love You, Lord. I praise Your holy Name. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/21/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will come back to You if they have not already. There is still time for them to call upon Your Name, but it is up to them to look past what they are up to now and make room for Your hands of mercy in their lives. I wish I could have the chance to speak the truth to every person who has fallen away from the faith, but I know this is not possible. For that reason, I pray that people in every town and city will get out of their comfort zones and visit people, even people that the church has said have gone away. And wherever your people go, that they will be an example to the unbelievers. We are Your light in this lost generation, and through the Holy Spirit, the lost can be found once again. I believe that You will lead each one of us to people who have left You and are on the verge of returning. Even to people who have no thoughts of returning, but something about our walk for You, Lord, will spark a rejuvenation of their faith once again. I do believe that many people are simply asleep and need to be woken up. And so we go forth as Your witnesses. We love You, Jesus. You deserve our praise. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/20/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will begin to be anxiously engaged with learning from You, instead of filling up our minds with things from people. So many people are leading people astray, while those that are led away by these false teachings don’t even realize it most times. Therefore, it is important that we are being led by Your hand and not people who are really wolves in sheep’s clothing. In these false religions, the buildings often appear so well made and beautiful on the outside. However, from the inside, of which the teachings come from, they are very dark and wicked therein. And so we have millions of people being led on a path to destruction. In death do they wake up in hell and wonder why it is for them. This is very sad, God, for I know that You wish every person could be saved and go to heaven when they die. But one thing has to happen first, as You have taught in the Bible, that we must submit our lives to You, God. If our minds are still set apart for the things of this world and not to live for You, then we will not want to go to heaven when we die anyway. People may think they do, but really they are wanting things that are the total opposite while in the flesh. And so we, as Your true believers, go forth and run to You, Jesus. Nothing in this life is worth keeping if it is only going to grieve the Holy Spirit. If there are any false teachings in our belief system, we are willing to give it all up to follow You completely. This is my desire and I pray that more people will make the same decision today. Because I am for You, I am not against You, Lord. I love You, God. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/19/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will begin to think straight during this planned pandemic. Yes, I truly feel, God, that this pandemic was planned from the beginning and now we are reaping the evil effects from it. It is sad that people would be developing the coronavirus in a laboratory, before letting it loose on the public. But I know that You know all things, and if I am wrong on this, you will make it mention to me. As for my feelings now, I am overwhelmed by what is being pushed on us God. It seems like the big cities require the mask, but smaller towns do not. Praise God for the small towns. I just wish that in the city I am in now, that things would also get back to normal, but I know that this will not be possible until some time in the future. Surely, there is an agenda for people to conform to wearing masks and also get the different doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. I know that they want to trick people into following these guidelines, in order for them to live in a different type of society, where the government is now in control of our lives. However, I will not allow myself, my family, and my children to follow the plans of the enemy. Satan’s attacks are all over the place right now, but I will not let Him take me down the path of destruction. If this is the beast system, we will see the mark of the beast soon, but only You know God. As for me now, I trust in You and lean upon You for the wisdom I need. Help me to not be conformed to what others are saying is right about masks and the COVID vaccine. I love You more than any special privilege’s the world may offer me. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/18/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will learn to do Your will above all things. There are so many distractions in this life, but the times that we resist temptation and do Your will instead, there is so much more joy to be had. Even a happiness that does not end or last for a moment. Surely, the things we can do for You, Father, and Your kingdom has no end. But when we continue to do things that bring our flesh joy it is always temporary. We are always looking for something better, in order to be fulfilled once again. Many addictions and bad habits are like this, but the day that You take away those things from our lives, there is such a huge relief. It is like our burdens have been lifted and I am a new person. I have a greater willpower to resist temptation and also to live in right standing with You. Thank You. I thank You also for the humility You give me. For I know that I am far from perfect. I fall short all the time and hate it when I do. It is like I have hurt You over and over again, which I am so sorry about God. You know exactly what eats away at my flesh and causes me to fall. But Lord, I pray that You will do something, in order for these things to no longer have power over me. I know that when I am abiding in Your presence, while in prayer, Bible study, and worship, that I am free from any temptation. So, Lord, I know where my safe place is, and that is in Your presence. Keep me ever with You. And when the enemy strikes again, come and take those bullets for me. Build me up in Your strength. Help me to not walk in willful sin, but to run from it at all costs. Yes, God, I do run from even the appearance of sin and into Your majestic arms of mercy. I love You, Lord. I praise Your holy Name. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/17/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will learn to walk in the Spirit and no longer go after the things of the flesh. Those who have true faith in You know exactly what You love and hate in this world. Therefore, they have also made it a point in their own lives to love and hate the same things. Never once do we hate the person, but evil itself. The world may have a specific view on certain people, but our hope will continue, even until the end, that every person who is lost will one day come to know You, Jesus. And we don’t just hope and pray for others, but walking in the Spirit means that we will do as You desire for our lives and others also. It takes courage to get out of our comfort zone, but it is worth it when we see different individuals blessed through our efforts to reach them. One thing I know, God, is that all fear and sin is removed when I walk in the Spirit. This is when fear is replaced with Your guidance and direction, of which leads to much boldness to preach, talk to, pray with, and witness to people. The most memorable times in my life have been on the streets. Yes, God. The times I’ve reached people for Your kingdom is what has stuck with me and brought me the greatest joy of all. I love to pray with people, in order to have them receive You in their lives. I also love to see the homeless fed and clothed, no matter the money it costs. Whatever is needed, I will go and do as You have called me, Lord. And as in the past, continue to lead me now, Lord. I love You! You are my God and I worship You. Amen.
Sinner’s Prayer (03/16/2021)
Oh Lord, we come to You now and ask for Your forgiveness and mercy. We are sorry for falling into the traps of the enemy. We could have done better when it comes to calling out for Your help when temptations came, but instead, we felt we could deal with it on our own and fell. Sorry, God. Forgive me. You know exactly what I have done, and it grieves me to come to You now. It is very sad to know that I have gone against Your best wishes and have succumbed to the devil’s wishes instead. I hope and pray that You accept my confessions as a sin offering on my behalf. I know that you have already suffered for my sins, but I accept Your sacrifice in my life also. It is my desire now to come to You when I feel overly tempted beyond my will. You have delivered me in the past and I trust You will continue to do so. I trust in You, God. Build me up with Your armor, that I may not so easily fall again. I love You, Lord. You are my Savior, Jesus, and I run to You now. Receive me, Lord. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/15/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will learn what it means to run to You. Yes, God! I pray that people will run from their sinful state and into Your marvelous arms of mercy. If we don’t have You, then who do we have instead? I am afraid that too many people are into the things of this world and have left their first love. Where other things have filled their lives instead of pursuing You daily in reading the Bible, praying often, and doing as You have called them. We can make a huge impact for Your kingdom on earth if people would just listen to You. So many people have started to shut out the world with their headphones on when there are people all around them who could be blessed if people just knew what they were going through. Sure, there is a time and a place when we need our time away from the world, but You have also called us to be Your lights in this darkened world. And how can we do this, if everywhere we go we have our earbuds or headphones on and the world is continually blocked out? As for me, God, I am grateful for those many opportunities I’ve had to pray or witness with someone because I heard them speaking and was bold enough to talk with them. You have even blessed many of them to be healed and feel Your peace overflow upon them also in these moments. I am grateful for every opportunity I have to serve You. I love You, Jesus. I pray Your Holy Name. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/14/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will be with all Christians who are married. And that throughout their marriage, they will look to You in faith. Even when times seem very difficult, we need to trust that You know exactly what we need to do next. Yes, God, I pray that You will lead us by the hand. And if a spouse has either left the faith, is on the fence, or an atheist, help us know how to be a great example around them. We are Your lights, even around very harsh conditions and people. But if people do not change and are unwilling to work with us in our marriages, help us know exactly where to go next. I know that You said that people can divorce for reasons of fornication, abandonment, and if a spouse dies. I just pray that people do not jump to divorcing their spouse because of different reasons that are currently circling in their minds. Instead, I pray that people will get the necessary counsel from not just people, but You that they need. You are the best resource we have when it comes to making these decisions. Help us, Lord. We need You. You are my God and I worship You. I love You and give You praise and honor. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/13/2021)
Lord, finding time for You is not a chore. It isn’t a hard thing to do, for You are my greatest delight. I am overjoyed every time that I can be in Your presence and be filled with Your wisdom and guidance. I love to learn from You, oh Lord. I cherish the fact that I have in my hands a phone, of which I can read the Bible so easily. It is so wonderful to use the technology in our time now for Your purposes and glory. I can still remember the days when I needed to open a physical book and find different chapters and verses in question. It wasn’t bad but only took longer. Thank You, God, for ushering into this generation an availability like no other for gaining access to knowledge from the Bible like no other time. There are Bible resources all over the web and in different smartphone apps, of which teach us so much more than we ever knew before. Lord, these resources are truly a blessing. But in all things, I pray that You will lead me in all things that are true. Keep my belief system in line with what is true and faithful. And help others in the same way. Give each one of us a renewed desire to get into Your Word, that Your Spirit may come into us also. I cherish the Bible. You are my God and I worship You. I love You. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/12/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will learn to put You first in our lives. That our desires to serve You will also carry forth to the next. I often wonder why people think that their faith will save them, if they don’t also have an ongoing love and devotion towards You, God. Don’t people realize that how we end this life will be the same mind frame in the next? So if people’s hearts and minds weren’t for You, God, then they didn’t really want to go to heaven anyway. The treasures they built upon the earth were most important to them. And Lord, I am saddened by the take over of video games, TV Shows, and movies in this generation. The sales of video games and consoles have skyrocketed during the pandemic, where seeking You first has plummeted. I know that I have learned my lesson when it comes to video games and TV. I admit that the time I spent playing video games and watching shows was only a time-waster now. And not only that, but I left my first true love in those moments. Thankfully, I left doing these sinful things while I still had time. You put a burden on my heart in these moments, and thankfully I listened to Your warnings. One thing that I am so grateful about, is that seeking Your hand brings me back in right standing with You. I am not condemned but welcomed home again. You are not a condemning God when it comes to our time on earth, but loving and so patient with us. I just know that after this life is over, that my time to repent and get right with You will be over. So I will continue to seek You first and do as You say, my God. Even all my days. I love You. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/11/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people who are addicted to pornography will repent and call upon Your Name today in all their confessions. Then, can they experience Your mercy and forgiveness for their lives. There still is time for people to get right with You, but I am afraid that time has already passed for millions of people as I speak. And among those who have died, are thousands of people who were into porn. This is a very sad statistic that I wish was not the case. All this means is that people are waking up in hell from all around the world, even as I speak. A place that people may not even thought of, while they were fulfilling the lusts of their flesh. But now it is a wake-up call for the ungodly. They had their chance to escape the fiery depths of hell while they still had breath, but they didn’t allow themselves to know You, Jesus. Sure, their parents may be saved, but we cannot rely on our parents or another person’s faith for salvation. Instead, we need to gain that special relationship with You on our own accord, God. This is when salvation begins, for the day that we trust in You, You are able to take us by the hand and lead us on the path of righteousness. Lord, there was a time that I could not break free from my porn addiction, but it was only because I was missing the biggest factor of overcoming it. I needed Your strength to overcome. It was the day that I cried out to You in all my confessions that something began to change. Over the next few days, months, and years, my desire to look at porn began to go away entirely. For You gave me new desires, that are for the building of Your kingdom instead. I love and respect You and my fellow men and women now. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/10/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will understand the downfalls of sin in each of our lives. Help us know what wicked desires and actions do to a person on the inside. How it takes us down a path that leads to destruction. Therefore, it is my prayer that people no longer stay in willful sin, but confess their faults one to another, and most especially unto You, God. How can we say that we are Christian if we are continuing to willfully sin against You, God? There must be remorse for our sins if we think that we are on Your side. And to these people, I ask if they are in constant prayer and supplication unto You, oh Lord? Are they confessing their sins when they do falter, that they may get back up again? The enemy may strike us down, but still, we need to be running back to You for forgiveness and mercy. And even more than this do I pray that people will allow You to build themselves up in Your armor. Only then can we stand tall against Satan and also win the battles. Surely, He does not like it one bit when we have Your presence in our lives. This is because his temptations are no match to the Holy Spirit. Yes, God, when we are living in Your right standing there is a barrier between us and the enemy. He may try to take us down, but as long as we abide in You, Jesus, He will always end up losing in the end. So I pray that people will learn to seek You first in this life. This means that before we do anything for our self that we pray and read the Bible. And not just once a day, but continuing to call upon Your Name in prayer and in our confessions. We desire Your guidance and direction for our lives. Then, can we walk in Your righteousness. I believe in You, God. I love You, Lord. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/09/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will all begin to know You the way it was meant to be from the beginning. That in prayer, people will cherish their time with You. Even to the point of just basking in Your presence for minutes to hours. I am left in awe each time I sit and think upon You, God. This simple meditation, God, often leads me to cry out to You about things that I’ve never said before. I am also able to hear things about my life and what needs to be improved, of which I am so grateful for that wisdom from heaven. If I have strength in this life, it comes from You. If there is patience, it has come from Your hand. No matter what storms come my way, I am ready to go through them because You are there with me. There are no more worries about what will happen next because You always lead me to greener pastures afterward. I simply trust in You, God, to take me by the hand and lead me every step of the way. Because I have grown so much in the faith, I no longer wish to fall into sin. The lusts of the flesh have only led to fleshy addictions, of which I always fight against afterwards. It is just impossible for me to overcome them fully without Your divine help. There are therapy groups, but what I need is Your power to break every chain of darkness. And Lord, thank You for breaking those chains in my life now. My life is secure in Your promises. Each day do I come unto You for more and more insight and knowledge. Help me to grow daily in the faith. I love You. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/08/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will all gain the type of faith that never runs dry. That our hope in Your promises will remain until the end of our days. A faith in You, Jesus. We accept Your sacrifice for sins and come unto You now. And Lord, I pray that if people’s faith is not strong now, that it will increase and not die off. If people’s faith is on the verge of deteriorating, I pray that something happens that will spark new life into them. Sometimes we need a jolt of lightning to wake us up to the knowledge of our sins. And I pray for these lost souls, and for more boldness to go and talk to them. We are Your light in this darkened world, and I pray that more people will shine brightly, that people will see them and glorify You, God, in the heavens. Lord, help us know who needs to hear Your gospel message of hope and who is not ready. Time is a ticking on this earth and we do not know when it is will be our last day or others. Therefore, with urgency do we do Your will on earth as it is in heaven. We ask that You would have Your way in our lives and the lives we touch. Help us to know the things we ought to be doing, day in and day out, that will please You, Lord, and my King. I pray that what I am up to now is respectful to Your best wishes for us God. And if there is anything that needs to be removed from my life and others, make those things obviously aware to us. I will change for Your sake, especially since You are leading me in a way that I ought to live. I love You, Lord. I give You praise. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/07/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will grow more and more in Your righteousness and holiness. Help us to shine Your light before people, that there will be more salvations. Even in our small communities, towns, or cities, help us gain the motivation and confidence to usher into the world Your gospel of hope. People need to realize that we have all sinned before You God. Nothing we have ever done is hidden before Your sight. Surely, our lives are an open book to a just and holy God, of whom I worship and give praise and honor. Yes, Lord, I worship You with all my heart, mind, and strength. There is nothing I’d rather have than Your presence in my life. I have so much more that is of worth when You are leading me, than if I was doing things on my own. I have a purpose, for I am a part of Your kingdom. Thank You, God. I give You thanks also for Your laws, of which the Holy Spirit helps me obey. Your teachings, God, are what motivates me to live each day and hour for Your cause. I am able to not lose focus, especially when I continue in Your Word daily and stay in constant prayer. Lord, thank You for Your forgiveness and grace. You died to save a wretch like me and billions of others in this world. We are not worthy of Your great love for us, but when we do come unto You, there is a restitution for all our sins. Thank You for no longer looking at them or keeping me guilty. I love You, God. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/06/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will help us make the best decisions possible. And help us know when we have slipped up and done the wrong things. I know that I need to know at all times and in all places if I am doing right or wrong. If I am ever sinning against You, please bring it to my attention immediately. May that guilt hit me like a rock, that I might repent and get right with You as soon as possible. You are the way to eternal life, Jesus, and I need Your continued guidance and direction for my life daily. Even every hour, I pray that I will be guided by Your righteous and merciful hand and not my own. May You do Your will in my life. Keep me on Your path that leads to heaven. And if there is anything I need to change in my life now, help me know what those things are. Even if I need to apologize to somebody who I hurt through selfish ambitions, give me the courage to say sorry and ask for forgiveness. It is my prayer that You will build me up in Your armor. Help me to not do things that the enemy is happy about. Even if the flesh is fulfilled in the moment, it is not worth sinning against You, God. So what I am asking for is that You will lead me this day and forever. I know that if I fall into sin, it is not Your fault, but my own. I made that choice to walk away from the truth and instead obey unrighteousness instead. But Lord, know my heart, and that it is to not do such wicked things. I am truly sorry if I have hurt You in anything I have done. I do not wish to grieve the Holy Spirit but to make You happy in all things. You are my God and I am Yours. I give You praise and honor. I love You. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/05/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will wake up to follow You. Too many people are on the verge of going astray, and their own good works are not going to help them. It is only when we give in to the Holy Spirit and walk in Your ways can we be rescued from the darkness that has us bound. Surely, God, many people cannot even see that they are in the clutches of the enemy until they finally give into confessing their sins to You. It is at this point that people can see the wretch they have become and repent. Lord, before I found You I was a wretch also. I may have appeared to be good on the outside, but that meant nothing at all. Inside, sins abounded. Even did pornography rain supreme in my mortal body. I had no way to stop this addiction, for it kept me captive. In secret did I do things that I knew were wrong. And this continued for years. You know the bondage I was under. No matter what I tried, nothing worked. I grew more and more distant to the things of God and even got very addicted to shoot’em up games at the same time. And then I remembered something important. I would never be able to stop doing things that were sinful unless I put my trust in You. Then, could You come and transform my life. So one night that I will never forget, I fell down on my knees and cried out to You in all my confessions. Tears were streaming down my face and it did not stop when I went into bed. I needed Your comfort, and before I went to sleep Your arms of mercy came over me. Wow! Thank You, God. It was at that moment that I knew that You were real. I began to trust in You like never before and overtime You kicked out of my wicked heart every evil imagination that came from these games and porn. You did it, Lord! You saved a wretch like me. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/04/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to have ears to hear You. And not just that, that their eyes will be open to see You, God. I know that You are looking for individuals who are fully open to know and do Your will. This starts with an open heart to learn. But Lord, I pray that we will not get mixed up in false religions because our heart is too open to things that may not be true. Some things do look really good on paper, but when reading the Bible I can always know if these things are just hearsay or true. Your Words do speak and that is because the Holy Spirit is with us now. You left us the great gift of all and that is the Comforter. Because the Spirit is able to abide in us, we are led into all truth and can understand things from above. This is my desire, Lord, to know of Your will for my life now and in the future. Help me to not fall victim to things I’ve done in the past that were sinful. I know now what it does to a person who continues to do the same sinful things and then justify it later. This might be good for the flesh in the moment but is terrible afterwards. The guilt and shame that comes from willful sin is the worst feeling ever. I know that the enemy doesn’t even want me to keep trying to do better afterward, but I rebuke Satan in the name of Jesus. Yes, God, if I do fall, I will run back into Your arms. Forgive me of all my sins Lord and give me understanding. I love You, God. You are my God and my King, and I worship You. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/03/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will come to You at all times and in all places, no matter the season in our lives. When things are not going well it is easy to look at the bad things in life and become very discouraged. Surely, this is what the enemy wants us to be thinking. He doesn’t wish us to be full of cheer, while in Your presence. Instead, he wishes that the storms of life will continue to beat us down. But Lord, I trust that You are still our deliver. I know that You can do all things in my life and others of whom I pray for. What we need are more believers coming together in prayer and fellowship. Then, would You be able to move in more people’s lives at once. Church is one thing, but seeking Your hand throughout the week is another. Lord, I am lost without You, but am encouraged and full of life when You are with me. I love it when I am at a brother and sister’s house in the faith and we are praying, reading the Bible, and/or breaking bread together. My heart is always racing in these moments, and I come out of it so alive in You, Jesus. It makes me want more of You and less of me each time. Lord, there are things that I could be doing better. That I could be removing more things that are of the world, of which are holding me back still. And so I give it to You now, knowing that You will replace these things with blessings and wisdom from heaven. Yes, God, I no longer seek what is earthly, but what is in heaven. May Your hand of mercy be more than visible in my life and others that I reach for Your kingdom. I love You, Lord. You are my God, Jesus, and I worship You. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/02/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will understand how much they are needed in Your kingdom. There is so much work to be done, but only a few workers in Your harvest. If people would simply submit their lives to follow You, then they would learn how valuable it is to do Your will. They would let go of anything that is holding them back and come running to You, Jesus, in prayer. It would be game over to the things they used to do that was sinful, and submit to do Your will instead. Surely, giving up things for Your cause is the best thing I have ever done. I am so much better off now than I ever was in the past. My faith is secure in Your grace. Therefore, I walk this earth with a clear conscience and no shame or guilt holding me back. You have wiped it all clean, Lord. Thank You, God. It is my desire to walk in Your abundant light this day and forever. Be there by my side and never let me go, God. I am Yours. As I speak, allow Your words to flow through me. I love the gospel truths of the cross and the resurrection, but love it even more when people hear it and are moved by what You have done, Jesus. I wish that people would understand what it means to proclaim the good news, but they will have to do it themselves to see what it is truly like. It isn’t nerve-racking at all as some may think, but oh so calming and peaceful. Surely, You make everything so much easier to perform when Your presence is near. Thank You, God, for everything You do in me and through me. I will light the way for all to see. I love You more than anything else. I praise Your great Name, Jesus. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (03/01/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will follow You no matter the cost. That they will declare Your Name, Jesus, wherever they go. There is so much darkness in this world, but light can still come, in order to overthrow it. I wish people could have a heart for evangelism, but I know that I cannot cause anyone to become this way, but trust that You will continue to call Your disciples, in order to truly serve You. What a blessing it will be when they finally get on their two feet and see the fruits of the Your salvation. I have seen it in Boise and Utah, as I have witnessed for Jesus with others, especially with Patrick Roy, my good friend in the faith. You have been with me these last five years. Thank You, Lord, for leading me in the harvest, no matter the cost. Many seeds have been planted and I have seen so much fruit. One experience I will never forget is the day that I saw a man hold up a Bible, while on the streets, of whom I gave to him a few months back and say, “Paul, look what I have in my hands. Thank You so much for stopping that day and sharing the gospel with me. I have not stopped reading the Bible since. It has changed my life.” Praise be to God. I pray for more encounters like this, and I know I can if I continue to trust in You, God, it will happen. You are able to open my mouth today like in the past. I trust in Your hands of mercy and miracles for my life and others. You are the great God of the heavens and I will never stop doing Your will for mankind. I give You praise and honor, Jesus. I love You. Amen.