Today’s Prayer (03/23/2020)

Oh Lord, thank You for all that You do for me, God. Surely, Your mercy endures forever. As I rest in Your presence at this hour, do I sing out in praises to Your great Name. I exalt You, Lord. Let Your Name be lifted high. Here my voice and acknowledge me this day. Give ear to my words, for I am Yours. Above all else do I wish that You would do a work in my life. I do not wish to have my flesh get in the way of accomplishing Your will any longer. I acknowledge that You, Jesus, is my Savior and my Lord. Remember me now and forever, as I seek You each day in the Bible, prayer, and in doing good towards others. I will follow You wherever You lead me. Take my hand and guide my path in the ways of righteousness. Holy, holy, is Your Name, and I wish to dwell only in Your holiness. Make in me a clean heart, where the Holy Spirit can dwell in. I have cleaned out my closets so that nothing can come before You any longer. But if there is anything left in me that still defiles me, destroy it. Make me pure before You, so that the devil will no longer have his way in my life. Lead me from temptation, dear God. Build me up in Your armor, that I may fight the enemy with the Word of God, which is my sword and shield. I pray that I may not fall victim to the enemy, but always be found in Your arms. I am truly sorry, if I have wronged You, and wish to be made whole, once again. I love You more than this world can offer me. I know that the things that I can obtain in the flesh are only temporary, and my desire is to have Your love in my life at all times. Your joy is eternal, which overwhelms my soul with gladness. Thank You for delivering to me Your peace and Your mercy. I am forgiven because You are merciful and gracious to allow me into Your fold. I love You, Lord. You are my God and the rock upon which I stand. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/22/2020)

Oh Lord, I am grateful for the Holy Spirit, which is in me. Thank You for showing me things that I would not be privy to see otherwise. Even in my Spiritual eyes, the deceits of men are made clear now, where Your will is made evident also. It is my prayer that people will also see what I have in regards to the Mormon church. Lord, Just reading in 2 Chronicles 4 has helped me understand more that their teachings are man-made and not of You. How could they desecrate Your holy house by making the molten sea to be a place for baptisms for the dead? This is so evil, and because Satan has his power upon this cult, people cannot see how deceived they really are. Lord, if people in that church would just stop reading their Book of Mormon, but read the Bible daily, then You could unfold many things unto them. They would see that this molten sea was made for the washing of the priests, and for nothing else. And when it kicks in that manmade ideas were added to their religion, like baptisms for the dead, in order to appeal to their members, it will become repulsing in their eyes. God, their first prophet, Joseph Smith, who instituted these false teachings into their church has a lot to pay for now that he is dead. I know that You are the judge, but I pray that He will get what He deserves. I just can’t believe that people in my family are tied down to this man-made church and cannot see the lies therein. It really saddens me to think that Your Spirit is in me, but that they don’t have ears to hear. They have closed their heart off from anything I have to say, and I pray that this changes before death takes them. I wish many more people would be saved, including my family, who are in Mormonism. Lead them out of this cult and into Your light, oh Lord. I trust that You can do this. Make a way for me to speak to them once again. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/21/2020)

Oh Lord, I honor You this day and forever. I worship You now and give You praise. Thank You for leading me in the ways of righteousness. I prayed for Your guidance and You delivered. If I am wise in any fashion, then it is because You are with me. There is nothing good in me, except if it comes from You. I know that I am loved, and this brightens my day. Even when the storms of life are raging, You are here to lift me up. Your peace has come into my life like a fire, and my soul is at rest. Thank You for taking all the anxiety and all the fear. I am grateful just to walk out my faith and not to have to worry any longer about what others are thinking. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ any longer. People can call me names and even hurt me, but I will stand tall among all this. For I know that Your temple is in me, and I will not let down for a moment, in order for it to be desecrated. I know what it took to build up this relationship over time and I would not give it up for anything. People can offer me the world and exactly what my flesh desires, but still, I will not let my guard down. Walking in Your holiness is what brings me joy. I love it when You are in my life, but hate it when You are not. Therefore, for me to be a worker in Your kingdom, I am ready to carry on the mission You have in my life. Help me stand strong in the faith like others have before me. There have been great examples of people in the faith that have died honorably for You, and I will also go out having endured in the faith. Lord, being with You in heaven is the ultimate prize that I am looking forward to. Sure, I wish my family and friends would also be saved, but I know that it is up to them to make the decision to follow You, Jesus. As for me, I can’t wait to one day walk through the gates of Your temple in heaven or the new earth, whichever comes first. I pray that I will be found worthy to enter in. I love You, Lord. You are my God and I trust in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/20/2020)

Oh Lord, I love what is happening in your church right now. So many faithful men, women, and young adults are volunteering to serve You, that Your kingdom will go forth upon the earth. Even the greeter I spoke with at church on Sunday was so kind and loving in what she was doing. Not only was she willing to pass out the programs and different flyers, but she was also willing to stop and have a real conversation with me. Lord, I know that You need more people like her, who willfully volunteer their time to serve You with all their heart, mind, and strength. We may not have the most glamourous job, from what other people may think and say, but what we do is for the building up of Your kingdom on earth, and that makes us happy. No matter what people may think, every willing person is needed for Your church to thrive upon the earth. Every person is a part of Your body. We are all Your members and what You are calling us to do is great in Your kingdom. I just pray that You will continue to use me wherever I ought to be serving You, including street evangelism. I am ready to step in and make a change in this world for the better. And I know that with You leading me, I can finish well before my time is up. I do not wish to bow out early because of any circumstances, but leave this earth having served You till my final breath. You mean more to me than anything this world can offer. I’ve found freedom and joy that cannot be compared to. When I am in Your service is where I am the most joyful and Your light is shining forth. It is when Your presence is with me, that people are blessed and love is overflowing upon this earth. What we need are more people to serve You, then this world would be a better place. I love You, Lord. It is my prayer that people will step up to the plate and no longer be bystanders, while others are serving You faithfully. We need these people also, so spark inside of them an interest to serve You also. In this, I pray. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/19/2020)

Oh Lord, I know that You desire for every believer to come to You in prayer often. However, so many people are glued to their phone, tablet, computer, TV, gaming consoles, and other frivolous things. When asked if people are reading the Bible daily or praying often, they often come up with excuses, instead of an emphatic yes. This is really sad to witness, especially when family members complain about me reading the Bible with them. Who is it for me, who loves the Lord with all my heart, mind, and strength, to think that people want to ignore You God, who profess to believe in You. This really breaks my heart, God. I wish I could just wake them up from their slumber. Too many people are living for the world are in sin, when they ought to be living for You instead. Oh, how this generation is different from years past, where people used to look to You in faith, even each day of their lives. Where now people are mostly inclined to seek You on the weekends only. Lord, if people would just know that You are waiting to bless their lives, then maybe they would want to give You a chance. I do not wish to see people die in their sins and one day say, Lord, Lord, haven’t we done all these great and many things in Your Name? To these people, who wish to justify their salvation come judgment day, has really missed the mark of seeking You while they had breath. You have taught me that it doesn’t matter if I’ve read the Bible, prayed for many people, and even healed them through Your Name. What matters is what we are doing now for You. This is what matters most. So, Lord, I come to You now and ask for Your guidance and direction. Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may know the right path to follow. I wish to be fruitful for Your kingdom in this life, and no longer give allegiance to things that don’t matter come death. It is to do Your will that I wish this and not my own. I love You more than anything else. I trust in You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/18/2020)

Oh Lord, thank You for first blessing me and my family with the things that we need. Because I have been given so much from You, I know it is up to me now to give also. How could I just take what You give and not also want to give back? I would be so selfish to be blessed by You and not be selfless in return. Lord, I know that I have the things I need in this life, in order for my wife and children to have a home, a car, and food on the table. For this reason, I am ready to give back to anybody who is less fortunate than I am. It is the least I can do to pack the trunk of my car with blankets, winter hats, gloves, water, snacks, Bibles, and gospel tracts, in order to bless anybody I see. No matter the money that goes towards all of this, I am ready to give back to people who have found themselves in hard times. And Lord, I know that Your church always has a need for tithes and offerings. For this reason, I will prepare myself, each weekend I go to church, in order to have the funds ready to give. Lord, I do not wish to give grudgingly but to always do this with a willing heart. I can see the great need for what the church I attend is doing in the world, and if my offerings can help out with what they are up to, praise God. It is my prayer that churches will continue to stay open every day of the week because of the generosity of its members. We should never be seeing churches close down because of a lack of funds. Lord, I pray that as I and other people open our bank accounts to the giving of Your house and others, that we will see the fruits from it. That people will be blessed and Your kingdom will go forth and flourish upon the land. I love You, Lord. How can I keep the money for myself and not give an offering back to You? For this reason, do I give. I love You, Lord, and to give brings me great joy. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/17/2020)

Oh Lord, I know that as long as You are there for me, then who could be against me. I have nothing to fear, for You fill me up with courage and give me the strength to live another day without being afraid of the outcomes of this life. As long as You are doing a work in me, then I am made glad. If you are not there, then I am sad. So, Lord, it is my great pleasure to do Your will and to keep Your commandments. I will remember what You have taught us in scripture and keep this counsel with me at all times. For I love it when Your words are in my heart, for they are also a light unto my path. I have direction because of prayer and the Bible. I do not have to worry about slipping and falling because of temptation, for You are there right by side. Therefore, as long as your presence is with me, I feel safe, even from the storms and trials that I face. The world may be crumbling before my eyes, but there is no need to fear, for You have me in Your arms. No plague can take my focus away from the God of the heavens, who gives me breath. I am alive because You have come and rescued me. Who knows what my life would be like now if You were not apart of it. I would surely be cast out, and if died, I would not be in a happy place, but be suffering for my sins in hell. Lord, You have heard my prayers and have had compassion for me. If I am happy, it is because You have forgiven me. Your mercy has set my life in motion and on this new path of righteousness. I know that there is much more for me to do in Your kingdom, and I am ready to serve You with all my heart, with a willing mind. But if there is anything in my life now that needs to be distinguished, then I repent of it. Make me aware of anything that doesn’t belong in my life, that the Holy Spirit will be with me at all times and in all places. I wish to light up the world and have more people come to faith in You, Jesus, but know that I cannot do this if I am on my own. I trust in You, Lord. I love You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/16/2020)

Lord, there is nothing more that I’d rather do than to honor and praise You. If I am doing anything on the contrary, please let me know right away. I do not wish to hurt You or to cause You to be angry with me. For I love You, Lord, with all my heart, mind and strength. Every move that I make in my life is for You. Take every evil part of my life away from me, that I may walk fully in Your sight. God, I surrender my life to You now and forever. I wish to no longer walk in willful sin, but to have Your Holy Spirit be inside of me at all times and in all places. There is no worth in the things of this world, especially if they do not honor You. How displeasing would it be for me to say this and to walk out my own life during the rest of this week and the future. I would be such a hypocrite to even go to church and raise my hands up high in worship, but then go back to doing things that I know are sinful. So, Lord, I am ready to give up anything that doesn’t please You. Take everything out of my life that shouldn’t be there now. Help me find and destroy anything in my house that defiles me and leads me far from Your presence. May the things I do during this week bring about fruit for Your kingdom, and not pleasure for my own flesh. My joy is found in Your presence and not what I can do on my own. So Lord, take me by the hand and lead me from here on out. I am ready to follow and to serve You. May I begin to experience what true joy and love are really like, day in day out. I love Your words in the Bible. They are a light in my life and my path is made straight because of the teachings therein. I confess my sins and pray that You will forgive me. I trust in You, Lord. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/15/2020)

Oh Lord, thank You for all that You do for me. I am so blessed, God. Even in these dark times that I live in, You are the one that lights up my life and causes me to not fear. How can I be afraid, for You have me in Your matchless arms? Each day that I trust in You, do You carry me away under Your wings, that I may be safe from the enemy. Pestilences and diseases may be round about me, but You are my shield. No storm that I face can take me downward when You are there pointing me upward towards heaven. As other people are full of fear, Your Spirit fills me with gladness. I have much to give thanks, even in these trials in my life, for You lift up my souls from the sting of death, and raise me into eternal life with You by my side. Even the angels are given charge over to protect me because they serve those people that honor You with their whole hearts. My refuge is found in the Lord. No place on earth can I be safe, but only in Your presence, oh God. The world may crumble at my feet, but I will fear no evil that is before me. You are my protector and I can do all things because You strengthen me in the Holy Spirit. The ways of darkness are before me, but Your light is brighter than noonday. As people fall by the wayside, I will stay upright. Thank You for keeping me in the ways of righteousness. I am never alone. Lord, I pray that You will also be the Savior for others in this world who are suffering and are very anxious right now. People need to know that there is safety and security found in You. You are the Lord of our salvation and are waiting on people to call upon Your Name, in order to be saved. I love You, Lord. I give You praise. Guide my path and keep me from harm’s way. Deliver me from the evils of this world. I believe in You. I trust in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/14/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that everyone I know and love will soon find out, if they don’t already, about my faith in You. I do not want this to be unnoticed from anyone that I associate with. And Lord, I pray that people will not just see that I believe in You because of the words I speak, but also by my actions. If I am not living my life out for You, then my faith is dead and not real at all. For how I can say that I love You and still be like everyone else in the world? How I can declare that Jesus is Lord, and continue a life of sin? So, Lord, I repent of all my sins this day. I do not wish to have anything left in secret any longer, but be in the open. Then, will people know the person I once was, and the person I am now am for You. I was once a liar, a fornicator, an adulterer, and much more until my heart was given to You fully. You heard my cries and had mercy for my soul. Now I know that You are real, because of all the many blessings that You have bestowed upon my life. If there is anything that I want to do now, it is to tell everyone about You, Jesus. I want people to know that there is a way out of a life of sin. There is no need to fear death. People can still be rescued from all their pains, their anxiety, their depression, their guilt, and their shame. For people that know me, it is one thing to know me as a good coworker, friend, brother, son, or relative, and to be known for my faith in You. I wish that no person would ever think that I was a hypocrite of what I said and not did. Instead, I wish my life would be an example of my faith in You, Jesus. I dedicate everything I do now and until I die to Your service. Whatever You would have me do in Your kingdom, I will do it. I love You, Lord. I trust in You above all things. You are Lord and I give You praise and honor. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/13/2020)

Lord, I pray that people will see the coronavirus as a plague in these last days. May they understand that we are living in dark times and to be prepared for Your coming. We don’t want to be on wrong standing with You and die in our sins. It would be so fearful to wake up in hell when we knew the whole time that we could have repented. Lord, this virus outbreak is fearful for the unrighteous, for they are on the path of destruction. The righteous, whom Your blood has made us this way, are at peace, for we know that it is only a sign of Your coming, oh Lord. Surely, what we need is more witnesses in the world now, in order to declare the truth of God to the wicked. Just as John, call up people with willing hearts to prepare the way of Your Second Coming. Give us wisdom, oh Lord. Make us courageous for Your kingdom. Fill our hearts and minds with things to speak. We are made bold because You dwell in those people that love You. Lord, I know that right now people are panicking and buying all food, toilet paper, masks, hand sanitizer, and other cleaning supplies, but they cannot run from Your wrath. People can get all they need to feel secure when the world is crumbling, but really this is only a false sense of security. We can get all we need in life from the world and feel comfortable, but all this will fall apart come death if people are not for You. Surely, if people are not for You, then are against You. To these people, Lord, cause them to come to repentance before it is too late. There still is time, even in this great coronavirus pandemic for people to know You as their Lord and Savior. I love You, Lord. I trust in You for salvation. Lead me by the hand and help me stay on course. My only wish is to do Your will and be with You in heaven, one day. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/12/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will learn to listen and obey You, and also learn to give You honor and praise. How can we listen and obey You and not praise You in worship? How can we honor and praise You and not listen and obey You? This makes no sense, why we would want to do one thing and not the other. As true believers, we must also desire to love You with all our heart, mind, and strength. None of this can be lacking, if we say we love You, Lord. Therefore, we listen to You often, for we are Your sheep and can hear Your voice. And because we are Yours, we obey Your every word for us. It is like food for our souls and honey to our taste. We love everything You do for us God, and rely on Your blessings day in and day out. We follow You because You gave us a great example to live by while You were on earth, Jesus. So we ask that You shine Your light upon us, that many people will see You in us. It is amazing just to know that You are working in our lives and are able to bring us to this place of great joy. Therefore, we do lift our hands in worship to our mighty King. We honor You, Lord, through our songs of praise. If we sing out and play our instruments before You, it is to exalt Your Name on high. Your Name is greater than all other names. There is no one like You in the heavens and the earth. You are all-powerful, wise, merciful, forgiving, loving, kind, compassionate, caring, and considerate of our needs. You are our Father and will never forsake His children. Thank You, God. I love You so much. I praise You, Lord. May Your Name be lifted High. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/11/2020)

Oh Lord, thank You for every person that is currently serving You in their church. There are many things they can do for the sake of Your kingdom in the church and outside of it. Evangelism efforts and mission trips are also wonderful. Every one of these people have decided it was important to help others come to know You better, and because of this, their light is shining forth. You have said that as believers, we are to be the light of the world, and these people are lighting it up for all to see. These are not ordinary men, women, and children, but people who diligently love You and want to do Your will. I am grateful for being led to do evangelism efforts here in Boise and also mission trips to Utah. You have prepared a way that I could be so courageous as to open my mouths to people on the streets and share the gospel message of the cross and resurrection with them. Before I came to know You as my personal Savior, I was very timid and even stutter as I spoke. However, now I am given words to speak with clarity each time. Thank You, Lord. I am also so grateful for the “Jesus Is The Light Church” Facebook page and Church. These wonderful members, who are subscribers, diligently want to know You better and I am so blessed to be a pastor over them. Lord, I want everyone to know that You live and have the power to change their lives if they would just trust in You. Nothing we have ever done can keep us apart from Your presence if we would just confess our sins and forsake them. You are calling everyone to be repentance. There should be no person that has their name removed from the book of life when they die, for all people have a chance now to know You as Lord and Savior. I love You, Lord. You are the greatest part of my life, and to serve You is all I desire. Continue to give me the roles I should be in, while in Your service, and I will act on them. Thank You, Lord, for everything. I believe in You. I trust in You. Amen.


Today’s Prayer (03/10/2020)

Oh Lord, I give You thanks this day and forever for all that You do for my life. I am so blessed with the family I have. My wife is a wonderful spouse, who I trust in and love with all my heart. My kids are also too good for me like my wife is. I am so happy to see my whole family beginning to seek You daily. I love the guidance You have given me and my wife, in order to raise my children up correctly. There have been trials and hard times, because of job losses and other financial issues, but You have always found a way for things to get better. I am so grateful that I have never given up my trust in You, for You have continually come to my side and given me rest. Where I cannot get over my anxiety on my own, You are able to help me. I know that You will give us rest and make our burdens light, and I have experienced this first hand. Things are not getting worse, but better each day that I seek You. You are my rock and my firm foundation. Keep my eyes fixed on what needs to happen in my life, in order for Your will to be accomplished and not my own. I know the things I wish could happen, but I know that everything is according to Your will and purposes and not my own. For this reason, I ask that You keep me on the straight and narrow path which leads to heaven. I hope to take many souls with me to heaven through my evangelism efforts on earth. It breaks my heart to know of people dying and not having known You as their personal Savior and Lord. I don’t wish people to go to hell, but be saved by Your hand in heaven. All I know is that You are God and are more than a stature, but alive and well. I give You glory. I give You praise. If I lift my hands up to worship You, it is because I love You with all my heart, mind, and strength. It is my prayer that people will fall in love with their king, as I have. Thank You for everything, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/09/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will see the importance of reading not only the Bible but a translation that You have preserved over time. This version I know for a fact is the King James Version Bible. You called different men of God in 1611 for that amazing translation, which has made it through the test of time. People have tried to corrupt the Bible with other translations, but they are easily found out when people simply go back and start reading the KJV Bible again. There is nothing I’d rather rely on than Your Word, of which You have preserved from generation to generation. Thy Word is pure and anybody who defiles it is a liar. And what is sad is that it is hard to still find a good church that uses Your preserved KJV Bible anymore. I like certain churches that I have attended, but it always aches me from the inside out when I see the pastor using a different translation. I try to follow along with what is being taught in scripture, but words and phrases are so different that it gets confusing. And Lord, I know that You never meant the Bible to be confusing, but clear for the mind to understand. For this reason, I love to study the KJV Bible on my own time each day. I don’t have to worry about other people’s translations getting in the way and confusing me anymore. Lord, if pastors are reading this prayer, convict them of their sins, if they have also given up on using the KJV Bible. May they no longer put it down, but lift it up and use it in their church also. It is a lie from Satan to say that it is hard to read and understand. If people would just give Your Word a chance, then it would become a light unto their path. Thank You, Lord, for showing me this truth. I am so much happier since I switched to using the KJV Bible. Every word and verse has come to life. You have opened my eyes that I might see. Thank You. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/08/2020)

Oh Lord, thank You for all that You have done for us on the cross. We were not able to be forgiven of our sins until You paid the penalty for our sins in Your suffering. This sacrifice is the greatest offering that men and women will ever know and come to understand when they look to You in faith. Surely, what You did for us on the cross, and while You were alive and well on earth, we could learn a lot from. If people would just lean on You, then they would come to realize all the great and many works You did for us. What I am amazed at now is that these works have not ended. You may have finished Your work on the cross, but Your works are continuing to pour out of every believer that puts their trust in You. You have said, we are able to do greater works because the comforter is with us now. Thank You, Lord. My faith is never complete unless the Holy Spirit is with me and I am out doing Your will. This is what brings me joy, not the will of my flesh. I can do and accomplish many things in this life, which is well and all for the praise and satisfaction of people, but all this is filthy rags in Your sight. Unless I am filled up with the Holy Spirit and living for You, then my works don’t matter. I can do and achieve many great things while I am alive, but if You are not being glorified in it, then it is all for my own boasting and not Your will. So please use me for Your kingdom. I know that my faith without Your works is dead. So breathe in me all my days the Holy Spirit, that Your spiritual gifts will come forth out of my life. It is my desire to be a blessing in Your kingdom for everyone that I come in contact with. I love You, Lord. I boast in my Lord and my Savior. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/07/2020)

Oh Lord, thank You for preparing me to be with You one day. It is all I wish for to be in heaven with my King when I die. None of these earthly pleasures mean anything to me, but only the times I’ve had with Your presence in my life. Your blessings are what brings me joy, not what the world offers. People can take everything I have physically, but if I still have You, then my life is complete. No person is able to steal the joy I have in the Lord, my God. Your love and peace are what bears me up each day. You are my cornerstone and the rock of my foundation, oh Lord. I am able to think clearly and make better choices because You are with me. I don’t have to worry about being the victim of Satan’s lies, for You have me by the hand, and are my protector. I look to You in faith, for I know that You will always be there for me. I know that one day I will be with You in heaven. Even if it is while on earth during the millennial reign, my joy will be fulfilled. On this new earth or new heaven, wherever You are residing, I hope to be there with You. Even into Your Holy Tabernacle in the heavens, which will one day come down to earth, do I wish to enter in. There will I enter into Your holy city and bless You forevermore. I love Your commandments, and the laws that You have for us are imprinted upon my heart. To walk in Your laws is what makes me truly happy. Therefore, I hope to enter the doors of Your temple, and be allowed in to eat of the tree of life. I am Yours, my Lord, and You are mine. Be with me all my days, while on earth and in heaven. My reward comes from You and not from anyone else. So Lord, come quickly, as I am ready to receive You. You are so glorious and reigneth supreme on earth and in heaven. Holy, holy, is your Name. I lift You up high. I magnify Your Name. All the praise and honor to the Name of the Lord, my God. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/06/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to seek Your hand, that they may be able to distinguish right from wrong in this world. The devil is so crafty and more often then not makes things appear to be good on the outside, although his plans are filthy on the inside. This only leads people that fall for his schemes to be guilty and shameful afterwards. This temporary pleasure that we get from lust and worldly treasures are good for in moment that we indulge in them, but these actions always have consequences afterwards. We are not only racked because of our sins, but people around us are also hurt by what we’ve done. People may also feel used and not trust us anymore because of the choices we made. And I know that Your wrath is upon the wicked, but Your peace is upon the righteous. People living in sin ought to repent and come to You in prayer while asking for forgiveness, lest they die in their sins and have to face You in judgement. This will not be a fun time, but very fearful, for they did not know You and now know the place they will be sent to for all eternity. And knowing this Lord, it makes me very sad to think of all the millions of people that are in this same boat. This world has become so filthy, wretched, and wicked, and it will take a life change to come out of the mess people are in. It will take Your hand to pull people out of the mess they have caused. And for people to regain trust in them, it will take Your mighty hand to pierce the hearts of people to forgive them also. As You forgive us as sinners, we are to forgive others as well. We do this because we love You and want to be forgiven ourselves. Who is it for us to keep grudges when You don’t do this when we repent? So lead us on Your path, which leads to heaven. May we depart from evil and get in right standing with You, starting today. I believe in You. I trust You. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/05/2020)

Oh Lord, thank You for all that You do for us. Surely, as we seek Your hand You bestow so many blessings upon us. It is hard to even count all the many things that You have done for me. Many of the wicked people out there may appear to be well off on the outside, but they are only in bondage on the inside. They have no salvation when it comes to their own doing, but only destruction. Even what they thought they had will be given to the righteous in blessings. Surely, what is in store for us in heaven I cannot even comprehend. All I know, Lord, is that You are preparing a place for me, and others that believe in You, and there will be mansions there. What that will be like, I do not know. What I will experience when I am in heaven, I do not comprehend. All I know is that there will be no more sickness, death, depression or heartache, for You will wipe away all the tears from our eyes. What an amazing time it will be to be with my God for all eternity in paradise. I cannot wait for the time that I can see You in person and run into Your arms. There, I will give You the biggest hug I’ve given someone, for I love You more anything this world can offer me. You are my greatest joy. Lord, be with me all my days, that I may be able to be called home when I die. I hope to make this a reality someday of being with You in heaven. At the same time, I am saddened to think of all the people that are being defiant to You. All the people that are not listening to what You have called them to do. People that are living their own lives, instead of working in Your kingdom. These people have much to fear when they die, for Your judgment is already upon them. I do not wish to see people cast into the lake of fire, but that they would repent and come to You. Open the eyes of the blind and the hard-hearted. I wish to reach them for Your kingdom. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/04/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will open people’s eyes to their sins and to confess their sins openly to You in prayer. Then, will they be desirous to do Your will instead. Too many people are focused on gratifying their own flesh, where Your will is being dishonored daily. People don’t even realize that their bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, and if they do, they are mocking You in how they choose to live their lives If people are not seeking You in what they do and watch, then they ought to repent. I ask You, Lord, to wake people up to their sinful lifestyle. Help them realize that You can see and hear everything that is happening in their lives. So what they watch on TV, the computer, their phone or tablet, You can see it also. Even their music choices, You can hear it also. And if it is not uplifting and good for the Spirit of God, to dwell in then it is only leading them on a path of destruction. I am saddened to talk to many people that say they are Christians, but don’t give You much or any time during the day. Instead, they’d rather watch their favorite shows, movies, or play video games. It is like I have to remind people to seek You first in their lives, or else they forget. So it is my prayer that people no longer have to make it a goal to read the Bible daily or pray often, but to have this become a part of who they are for You. Surely, people either love You or they don’t. We cannot put on a certain face at church and a different one during the week. If we love and honor You, then our lives would be dedicated to follow You and to do as You say. This should motivate more and more people to get into the Word daily, that they may know what You desire for our lives now. We can think up things on our own, but if it is not Your will, then it is good for nothing. Lord, we need You to lead us and not our own selves. I believe in You. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/03/2020)

Lord, instill in us a heart to love everyone. Help us to not be biased in who we help, but that all people will be benefited because of Your love in us. I know that I am not the one who is doing any kind act, but You, Lord, who is in me. I just pray that people will recognize Your hand in these moments and not speculate if I am doing things for the good or not. All things are good that come from You. So abide in me at all times. Cast out any darkness, that You may stay awhile and abide in me, as I am in You. Light up my life, oh Lord. Take every evil temptation from my mind and heart and cast it far from me. I do not wish to have the enemy trying to take me down when all I want to do is serve You. His lies are not valid anymore, and I want everyone to know that if they would just trust in You for answers, that You would provide for them. People don’t have to wait till they die to receive Your blessings, for they are here for us now. You have amazing talents to give each one of us. Even Spiritual gifts that will take us to the next level in Your kingdom, Lord. If people could be filled up with the Holy Spirit, then they would not wish to live in sin any longer. Instead, they would be reaching out for You at every moment to find peace. Yes, Lord. You are our deliverer. Even us, as messengers, do we go forth in faith knowing that only You are doing the work in us and not ourselves. If we show love or kindness to someone, it is because You did this, and they are blessed because of You, not me. We are Your hands and feet, and I wish that we would all want to be Your disciple. Then, more people would be blessed. Some may not be happy, but the elect will be. I believe in You. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/02/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will understand the need to get themselves right with You. It is one thing to say that they believe in You, and another thing to really follow You. What we do in Your kingdom or the world says a lot about the person we really are. So, as Christians, help people understand that this means that they are willing to be Christlike also. That they are now Your willing servants upon this earth. We are no longer involved with things that are of the world, which will lead us into darkness, but seek first Your kingdom, that we may choose wisely. Even our friends need to know what we stand for, which is doing Your will. People may not be happy when they realize that we are now Your disciples, but we cannot go around with a certain face at church, then what we do during the week. If we love truly love You, then it will be shown in our everyday life. Yes, Lord, You are the one that helps us live a life that pleases You and not ourselves. We can have this motivation to do what is right, but this motivation comes from You. These good intentions to quit doing things that are wrong is because You are in our life now strengthening us. Thank You, Lord. It is my desire to please You and to give You glory, not myself. I do not wish to have anyone follow me, but You alone. May I learn to approach people with the truth of God with respect and love. Help people know that there is a better life to be had, which is in Christ the Lord. We don’t have to live this life in fear, depression, anxiety, guilt, or shame, for You are our healer. Anyone that puts their trust in You will be healed from such things. Even members of the faith will be able to put their hands upon them, that they may be healed of sicknesses and disease also. We are Your hands and feet and I give You the glory. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (03/01/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will start to call upon Your Name. May they realize that You are there for us in the good times and bad. Therefore, when we feel like things are going well, this is when we need You, Lord, to make us stronger. Then, our lives are opened up to You fully, while allowing You to shine down Your light upon us. We can walk in Your light if we just let You in. I know that I am weak if I continue to do my own things, instead of seeking Your hand in my decisions. Therefore, I need Your guidance even when it appears that I have a handle on life. Really my own thoughts can deceive me into doing things I will then regret in the future. So, God, it is my prayer that You will build me up and lead me on the path of righteousness. I may not know what path to follow on my own strength, but am able to see clearly when You are leading me. So come and make Your place in my soul, that I will be ready to fight the enemy when he strikes. I may not have a way to escape His temptations on my own, but can easily fight and win the battle if You are with me. Surely, Satan has something coming, if He thinks that I am open to do anything he asks of me any longer. I have tried what he was wanted for me and all it did was lead to have more shame and guilt in the end. I was never fully happy and always needed more of the drug I was addicted to. Thank You, God, for rescuing me from a life of sin. You have cleansed me of all my sins through the blood that was shed on the cross. You found compassion for my soul. Surely, Your mercy endures forever. It is my prayer that You will build me up in Your strength and armor for the rest of my days. Preserve my life, that I may no longer fall by the hand of the enemy. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/29/2020)

Oh Lord, I come to You now and sit at Your feet. May Your presence come into my life and speak to the inner parts of my soul. Help me to sit down awhile and take in everything that You would wish to counsel me in. I do not wish to be defiant or do my own things any longer, but be Your willing servant. You are what I need in my life, Lord, and the joy that You have to offer me is what is the most fulfilling. I don’t need the luxuries of this world to find happiness, for doing Your will is what makes me the happiest person alive. You are so great in the heavens and earth, and I am so blessed to have You my life. I am amazed that the God of Abraham wants to be a part of my life. There is no one like Your kingdom, for You, my King is great and should be honored and praised, over all people on the earth and heavens above. May Your Name be lifted up high. Whatever You have for my life, be it unto me according to Your will. I am so much better off when I trust in You, and not my own desires. Even my beliefs have meaning when they are built upon Your Words in the Bible and on prayer. What You have spoken is all I need to find peace and direction in this life and the next. Thank You for coming down, Jesus, and redeeming Your people, and even Your adopted children from our sins. We may not be Jewish or be of the Israelite seed but are blessed to know that You died for our sins on the cross. This is the greatest sacrifice for mankind, and I am grateful to be forgiven of my sins. I have freedom from sin, because of what You have done. Your mercy endures forever, and I am so grateful it is for me. I love You, Lord. All the praise and glory to Your Name. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/28/2020)

Oh Lord, thank You for this great life that You have prepared for me, even from the foundation of the world. You knew I would be living in darkness while seeking all the wrong things until I found You, but You never gave up hope in me. So many times did You come and convict me of my sins, in order to draw me unto You in repentance. I just didn’t listen and obey. In my early years, I was very defiant and reckless in my bad choices, because of the lusts of the flesh, but You continued to come after me anyways. Not once did You stop believing in the person I could become. I just needed to stop and believe in You. And so I finally listened and poured out my heart to You in prayer. In my confessions, the guilt was no longer hanging over me, but only Your love was there. I may have distanced myself from You, but in this moment You were drawn near to me, and my life has never been the same again. That one prayer has changed everything about how I live my life. Because You were there for me then, I knew that You would be with me now and forever. I don’t have to worry about having the guidance, and counsel that I need, for You deliver it to me daily. In prayer, You have spoken to me and breathed into me new life. If I am different, it is because the Holy Spirit is in me now, which is the comforter. Thank You, Lord. I give You glory and praise. I sing out to You and give You thanks because of Your mercy and grace. You are so good to me, God. I love You with all my heart, mind, and strength. I am strengthened, because of Your love in my life. It is a pleasure to offer You my life. What I do with my time now is to serve You and to proclaim the Name of Jesus to the world. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/27/2020)

Oh Lord, I love You. You are worthy of my praise and worship. I honor You this day in my song to You Lord. I sing to Your great Name, God. I exact You, Lord. Because You are in my life, I am so happy. There is so much joy in my life, and it is all because of You, and what You have done for me, God. Thank You for hearing my prayers and for sending down upon me Your bounteous blessings. I have never deserved so much love and affection that You have demonstrated towards me, but You saw potential in me that no one else could. I was so lost within the world and seeking the pleasures of the flesh when You found me. Lust had taken me down and in my sins, I cried out to You in my confessions. I was so distraught when Your presence came over me and gave me hope. I never knew what this mercy could be like until I experienced it for the first time in that hour. You have come and changed my life. I am not the same person anymore, for You are with me now. My Savior has come and I have been redeemed. Thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for forgiving me of all my sins. It is because of Your blood, Lord, that You shed for us on the cross, that my sins are washed away. How precious is this gift of grace, and I will never take it for granted again. If I fall, I will repent and run back into Your arms. I know that You are a compassionate God, who cares deeply for my life. Don’t let the enemy take me down, but keep my eyes fashioned upon the cross. Then, will I know You, Jesus, that You are my Savior and my King. You came down to rescue me, and I am so grateful. I give You the glory and the praise. With all my love, I sing to You now with anthems of praise. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/26/2020)

Oh Lord, help us fight the enemy. Don’t allow the enemy to take control of our lives any longer, but cast every evil force to be far from us. We do not wish to have any more demonic forces to have hold of our lives, but to be drawn to You instead. So cast out any evil spirits from us now, in Your mighty Name, Jesus. I call upon You now to lead us to safety and to destroy the enemy in our lives. Help us come out of a life of sin, that we may do more than say we love and believe in You, but also keep Your commandments. I know that if I am not able to resist temptation, I am unable to do this, but when the Holy Spirit is present, I can do all things. So I ask that Your presence will fall upon us now, Lord, as we pray this. We admit that we are a sinner and confess our sins openly to You now. We desire to have Your blood to cover us and wash us clean. It is our prayer that You will also come into our lives fully. Help us no longer be pulled into different directions while falling into different addictions and bad habits. Instead, lead us by the hand. Fill us up with fruits of the Spirit, that we may be a servant for Your kingdom instead of the flesh. The world only wants to deceive us into thinking that having pleasure in lust is ok, but Satan is a liar, and we pray that You will cast Him out of our lives once and for all. We do not wish to be a servant to sin, but a servant for You, God. You are our delight and not what the world offers. You are God and we worship You, Jesus. We need You, Lord, every day of our lives. Be near us, and don’t let us fall victim to the enemy. Build us up with Your armor and we will come out victorious. I love You, Lord. All I want to do Is do Your will. So lead me on the path of righteousness. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/25/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that Church Leaders, Pastors and Elders will repent if they are currently making a mockery of You in their church building. What they need to realize is that although they may own their church and such, it does not give them the right to bring in worldly things into their church and still say they are for You. These people need to realize that church is not about appealing to young people who are of the world. Therefore, I pray that if there is anything happening like worship leaders and pastors wearing NFL Jerseys or hats, singing worldly songs, or adding things added to their message that mention worldly movies and actors, that they will see the great sin in all of this and repent. My heart is saddened to have to leave a church that once served You, but has now fallen into doing the things I just mentioned above. For the longest time, Lord, did I feel the Holy Spirit in this church, but it has all been sucked out and replaced with the world. So I pray that You will speak to these church leaders and others at different churches. May their appeal be to bring people of all ages to church to find Jesus in their lives, and not to teach or sing anything that is worldly. Oh, how Satan wants to make churches appear like they are for You, but really they are far from You. Men and women of God can see through the masquerade that is happening in churches today, for the Holy Spirit is in us. Thank You for filling us God and leading us to good churches, where people are truly for You in how they act, and not against You. I love You, Lord. Continue to lead me and my family in Your ways. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/24/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people of all ages will see that I am for You. May they come to know how much I love and honor You with all my heart, mind, and soul. This isn’t just a belief that I can simply respond yes to when asked if I am a Christian, for I know that it would disrespect You if my heart was not truly for You, Lord. I know that even the devil and his demons know You and tremble. Therefore, if I say anything about You, it is genuine. To dishonor my king would bring dishonor upon me also. Therefore, I pray that people will see something different about me. May they not just think that I am for You by how I talk, but how I love and respect them. I pray that every person that comes to me peaceably, You will also bless, for it is in honor of You also. But I know that people that come to only combat me and to try to test my faith are Your enemies, of which there is no peace. These people are rebuked, for they not only trample upon what we believe in, but what You have done for our lives also. It is my prayer that such people that are hard-hearted and aren’t willing to hear You, will have the fear of God in their lives. Then will they know the destructive path they are on. Even some may repent and come to know You before it is too late. I do not wish to see any person I’ve known and talked with be thrown into the lake of fire, but be saved and go to heaven. You are our God, so speak life into those people that are ready to listen. Help me reach them with the gospel message. Thank You for using me for Your kingdom. I Believe In You. I trust in You. I love You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/23/2020)

Oh Lord, come into our lives and feed us every day that we have breath. Lead us from temptation and into Your love. We desire to know You greater and to have You with us always. With communion, we humbly come to the table and eat Your flesh and remember everything that You did while on this earth. We drink Your blood and remember what You did for mankind on the cross. You carried our sins, that we don’t have to suffer for them in judgment. Thank You, Jesus. It is amazing to have this knowledge bestowed upon us. I have hope because You are the bread that came down from heaven. Therefore, my soul is fed and I am not left thirsty, because You are in me. It is my prayer that I will live this life worthy of Your presence and never take communion unworthily. So please keep me on the straight and narrow path. Don’t allow evil influences in my life. I do not wish to have any distractions, but have a mind that is sober and fixed on what is needed for Your kingdom to grow. I know that You have a special plan for my life, and I only wish to fulfill Your wishes. So if I am doing anything now that goes against Your will, make it known to me. I wish to have every evil thing ripped out of my heart and soul, that I may serve my King with honor and respect. You are my God and I worship You. I don’t need earthly pleasures to be happy, but only the peace and love that You can offer me. I am joyful, because You have a hand in my life, and not what I can do on my own. I love You, Lord. To remember You in communion and during the week is all I want to do. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/22/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that we will continue to look to You in faith and not go off track. I know how the enemy wants to take us down the paths of destruction. His ways seem right on the outside but are always evil on the inside. If people could just see through what he is presenting and think upon it instead, then they would know that it goes against Your will. Now, if they had not known what the Bible says or have not been brought up in the faith, they may be walking in darkness and not even know it. So, Lord, we have two types of people, that as Christians we need to reach. We have people that have read the Bible but are now willfully living in their sins. Their conscience is seared, but they mask their guilt with more pleasure in the world. We also have those that don’t know what You approve and dislike. So we need to make this known to them while showing them respect and love also. This will help them get onto Your path, oh Lord. So, breathe upon every person that truly loves You the Holy Spirit. Help us be a light unto the world. May people understand that after death comes judgment. This can either be a wonderful time before You, Lord, or a fearful time. If people die in their sinful state, they will struggle to know what to say to You. They may try to justify their life before You, but really, having willfully sinned against You in death, there is no more forgiveness. Therefore, I pray that people will wake up to their sinful state and repent. May more people be covered by Your blood and no longer do things that displease You, but do Your will instead. I love You, Lord. Amen.