Oh Lord, I pray that I and other Christians will abide in Your presence at all times. There is so much darkness in this world, and I do wish to be walking in it also....
Prayers (07-2021)
Today’s Prayer (07/30/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will all be ready before our death and or Your Second Coming. Each one of us will come before You in judgment, although only a few will be saved....
Today’s Prayer (07/29/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that many people will be drawn to You before this life is done for them. Judgment day is coming and I want people to be ready. I can see that many...
Today’s Prayer (07/28/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will use me mightily for Your kingdom. Build up my faith daily through the Holy Spirit. Give me characteristics that come from the Spirit, even traits like virtue, knowledge,...
Today’s Prayer (07/27/2021)
Oh Lord, my God, and my King, I bow down before You. Humbly, do I seek Your hand, that Your wisdom will pour into my life. I’ve cast off all my pride at Your feet,...
Today’s Prayer (07/26/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will give me the strength to overcome the trials and tribulations in this life. I have experienced persecution while witnessing on the streets. I still remember the day when...
Today’s Prayer (07/25/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will help me stay clean, that I may not tarnish my relationship with you again. I know there have been times in my life where I have not heard...
Today’s Prayer (07/24/2021)
Oh Lord, I give my life to You completely. I can say that I have faith, but if I am not living for You, then I am only lying to myself. Take my hands and...
Today’s Prayer (07/23/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that my life is a representation of my faith in You. I know that if I am simply doing my own things and not what You command, then my faith is...
Today’s Prayer (07/22/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will help me do all I can in this life to be with You in the next. I know that everyone will have to go through You in judgment,...
Today’s Prayer (07/21/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that I will never learn to love money more than You. I’ve had many opportunities to better my employment over the years and I am sad to say that some of...
Today’s Prayer (07/20/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will be on our toes in these last days. That we will not be pushovers to the government mandates, especially when it comes to the Covid Vaccine. Thousands of...
Today’s Prayer (07/19/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that our hearts will be turned over to You on a daily basis. Surely, it was wonderful as I kneeled down and prayed this morning after my shower. On my knees,...
Today’s Prayer (07/18/2021)
Oh Lord, help us speak the way we ought to speak to one another. May there be no longer curse words that proceed from our mouths. If there is any anger in our hearts, we...
Today’s Prayer (07/17/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray for the willful sinners on earth. Most importantly those people who are involved with the LGBTQ+ movement. Certainly, these people are on the path of destruction, which leads to hellfire and...
Today’s Prayer (07/16/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will help us learn to love every person on earth, including our enemies. And help us not to look over the poor without lending a hand to help them....
Today’s Prayer (07/15/2021)
Oh Lord, I come to You now for wisdom. You know my circumstances and I need You to help me. Temptations are real and are before me daily. Therefore, I ask that You will lead...
Today’s Prayer (07/14/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that myself and others in the faith will remain faithful to You. That we will read what the Bible says and also obey Your teachings. So often do we read what...
Today’s Prayer (07/13/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will learn what it means to get right with You while we still have time. Tomorrow is not promised to anybody. We cannot say that tomorrow will be the...
Today’s Prayer (07/12/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will have their eyes opened to the things that are happening in the world. That they will not get sucked into something that they will regret in the near...
Today’s Prayer (07/11/2021)
Oh Lord, I thank You for saving me. I was so lost before You found me. I was heading down the path of destruction, but You caught hold of me just in time. It was...
Today’s Prayer (07/10/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will all come to You with open arms if we have not already. That we will lay down anything that is keeping us from believing in and following You...
Today’s Prayer (07/09/2021)
Oh Lord, You are God and I worship You. Thank You, Jesus, for coming down to this earth, in order to redeem Your people and the gentiles from their sins. Some people may have a...
Today’s Prayer (07/08/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will all begin to acknowledge You as our high priest and not any person on earth again. Because You fulfilled the old law and ushered in the new covenant,...
Today’s Prayer (07/07/2021)
Oh Lord, You are so good to us. We are all like the sands of the sea and You still love each one of us. You are such a good God, and I pray that...
Today’s Prayer (07/06/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that there will be many more people who receive the gospel and are saved, than those who reject it and go to hell. I am afraid that the majority of people...
Today’s Prayer (07/05/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will do a work in me that has never been seen before. Cover me with Your blood, that was shed for us on the cross. Sanctify me and cleanse...
Today’s Prayer (07/04/2021)
Oh Lord, I pray that I will remember the Sabbath day each week and keep it holy. I know that I have been lacking when it comes to remembering You in that way and I...
Today’s Prayer (07/03/2021)
Oh Lord, help me and others finish the race while in this life. There are so many things that often get into my way and others when it comes to following You completely. And instead...
Today’s Prayer (07/02/2021)
Oh Lord, I love You and am so grateful for Your sacrifice on the cross. Thank You for dying for my sins and for the world also. I am just grateful that I was important...
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