Oh Lord, help me and others finish the race while in this life. There are so many things that often get into my way and others when it comes to following You completely. And instead of pressing into You while we can in prayer and reading the Bible, we forget these things. And so sin takes us down a dark path, where death takes a hold of us when we are not prepared. This greatly saddens me to think that so many people who were once sold out for You have died in their sins. They had a chance to die and enter Your rest and instead are now suffering in hell. Judgment then awaits those who are in Your rest or in hell, which is only pleasant for the righteous. Lord, I look forward to You calling my name and saying, “well done, thou good and faithful servant”. That is why I look to You each day in the faith. I would never want to hear the words, “depart from me, you worker of iniquity”. Therefore, my heart is open to receive You fully in my life. My heart was once hardened against You in different ways, but that has all been undone. You have come in and rescued a lost soul such as I. Only You could place me on Your righteous and holy path that leads to heaven. I believe in You, Lord. I trust in You above all things. Give me wisdom and guidance and I will do as You say. I love You, God. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (07/03/2021)
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