Oh Lord, I pray that You will do a work in me that has never been seen before. Cover me with Your blood, that was shed for us on the cross. Sanctify me and cleanse me of all my sins. Have mercy upon me a sinner and forgive me of my sins. I look to You in faith. It is my prayer that You will keep me from harms way. I wish to live for You now and no longer the world. Lead me from temptation. Help me to see the eternal prize at the end of the tunnel. I know that you are preparing a place for those people who believe in You, Jesus, and also do as You say. So I ask, will You also prepare a place for me? Please open Your doors, that I may also be welcomed home one day. I wish to be in a place where I can hear the angels and the saints singing. Where all creation is singing and blessing Your Name, forevermore. I also praise You, Lord, and no one else. I worship You, God. I give You glory. Halleluiah! Thank You for coming into my life and for saving me, Lord. Remember me when I take my last breath on earth. I wish to enter Your rest in paradise. I love You, Lord. You are my God and my Good Shephard. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (07/05/2021)
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