Today’s Prayer (07/14/2021)

Oh Lord, I pray that myself and others in the faith will remain faithful to You. That we will read what the Bible says and also obey Your teachings. So often do we read what is written, think about it for a while, and then brush it off. Instead of letting Your wisdom sink into our hearts, in order to change us from within, we go forth and continue to do what we’ve always done. I know that this is not Your will for us. Surely, it is very dangerous to think that we are saved when we are not doing as You command us. I know that I have done this countless times and I am sorry. So in this prayer, we come together as believers, but also knowing that we have done You wrong. Please forgive us and have mercy upon us, as sinners. We ask that You will have mercy upon us and lead us from temptation from here on out. We don’t wish to willfully sin against You again. Teach us Your ways and put us on Your righteous and holy path that leads to heaven. We are ready now to serve You, our King. We are ready also to not do things that will hurt our relationship with You, but to do whatever is possible to strengthen it daily. Receive us, oh Lord. Do a work in us that has not been seen before. I believe in You. I love You. Amen.