Oh Lord, I love You and give You everything that I am. What I do in life does not matter unless You are leading me. Therefore, I come to people and lift You up, that...
Today’s Prayer (10/30/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will make the right choices when it comes to marriage. That they will not go down the road of divorce if issues can be fixed. I’ve seen way too...
Today’s Prayer (10/29/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray for people who are still participating in Halloween. May they finally be convicted of the wickedness found in this dark day and repent thereof. It is hard to believe that there...
Today’s Prayer (10/28/2020)
Oh Lord, thank You for showing me things in the future. Only You could bestow a gift of prophecy unto me. Even on Tuesday, You showed me things from the future, and I give You...
Today’s Prayer (10/27/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will get out and vote next Tuesday. That they will not let their vote be uncounted, for we need to stand up for what is right in this nation....
Today’s Prayer (10/25/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will all do more than try to get along in a family, but learn to love as You love us. Sure, attempting to get along with our spouse and...
Today’s Prayer (10/24/2020)
Oh Lord, even now we come to You, knowing that You can heal us like You did while You were with the people on earth. Not just for me do I pray, but for others...
Today’s Prayer (10/23/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that every person in the faith will strive to seek You daily. Even in constant prayer, Bible study, and doing Your will throughout each day. I love You and can’t wait...
Today’s Prayer (10/22/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray for my marriage and my relationship with my children also. I know that there are days where we are divided on things we say and do, and it is very difficult...
Today’s Prayer (10/21/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people’s eyes will be opened to the evils of this world. Thank You for showing me how dark this world is, but I need others to also see it the...
Today’s Prayer (10/20/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will come to know You. That they will draw near unto You, Jesus. Then, can You also draw near unto them. It is so vital that we allow You...
Today’s Prayer (10/19/2020)
Oh Lord, I love and honor You. No matter what others may say, I come boldly to Your throne in worship and praise. Yes, Jesus, You are my King and I love You. Even now,...
Today’s Prayer (10/18/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to read the Bible daily and find Your truth for themselves. That they will no longer be influenced by the teachings of men, but come to a...
Today’s Prayer (10/17/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to read the Bible for themselves. That they will no longer be tied down to the belief system of the church they are attending, but come to...
Today’s Prayer (10/16/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that members of the Mormon Church will come to a realization that their church is false and founded on lies. That they will understand how Satan was the cause of Joseph...
Today’s Prayer (10/15/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that every person who is a part of the Mormon Church will repent and come out of that cult, starting today. Oh how deceived they are into following false prophets. Surely,...
Today’s Prayer (10/14/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will remove the blinders off of every Mormon person’s eyes. That they will begin to learn from Your hand and not by corrupt men any longer. There are many...
Today’s Prayer (10/13/2020)
Thank You, Lord, for giving me words to speak this day. I knew that You desired of me not to go in my house and sit down when I got home from work, but to...
Today’s Prayer (10/12/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that my ongoing chronic illness will one day be healed. That You will bring restoration to my nasal passageways and my throat and chest. It is difficult living with constant nasal...
Today’s Prayer (10/11/2020)
Lord, there are so many people in this world that need forgiveness. This world is very dark and it isn’t just because of how sinful it is, but because people are also depressed and very...
Today’s Prayer (10/10/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people’s desire to read and listen to the Bible daily increase. I just don’t understand why only a few people who say they are Christian or believers in You, Jesus,...
Today’s Prayer (10/09/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to start praying for themselves and others. That this desire to pray will be increased more than ever before. I love to pray and to know that...
Today’s Prayer (10/08/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will all become more loving and kind towards one another. That all of our lustful and covetous thoughts will be cast out of our lives. That we stop our...
Today’s Prayer (10/07/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to see how far they have strayed from You. That they will finally see how conforming to this world only blasphemes Your holy Name. That it breaks...
Today’s Prayer (10/06/2020)
Thank You, Lord, for this beautiful trip to Utah. It was so amazing to go to Salt Lake City, Provo, and Ogden, these last five days. At these different Mormon Temple locations, many people heard...
Today’s Prayer (10/01/2020)
Oh Lord, I love You so much. You the reason why I live my life. I have a purpose because of Your compassion. There is mercy, because You forgave me of my sins and my...
Today’s Prayer (09/30/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will make a decision to become Your witnesses. The harvest is ripe, but only a few people are willing to get out of their comfort zone, in order...
Today’s Prayer (09/29/2020)
Lord, have mercy upon the souls of men. So many people are on the pathway to hell and don’t even realize it. Some of them may think that they are saved, but really their soul...
Today’s Prayer (09/28/2020)
Oh Lord, raise up Your warriors from all around the world. May more people get on their feet and become Your witnesses on the streets. There is so much fear because of the coronavirus pandemic,...
Today’s Prayer (09/27/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will earnestly seek Your hand. That they will find You once and for all and give their lives to You also. That nothing will be held back. Surely, their...
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