Oh Lord, I am so grateful that You have spoken to me through Your words, this night. I needed Your guidance and direction and You laid it on me through reading Leviticus, chapter 25. I...
Today’s Prayer (01/20/2019)
Oh Lord, I know that Your coming is drawing nearer each day. Surely, if people are not ready when You return, then they will be dealt with harshly. I know that the wicked will be...
Today’s Prayer (01/18/2019)
Oh Lord, I call upon Your Name, for You are worthy of all our praise. You have come into my life, and rescued me from the fall. I was truly in over my heads and...
Today’s Prayer (01/17/2019)
Lord I pray that every believer will continue in the faith, even until the end. May they never lose hope in Your promises. Lead us from temptation, so that Satan will not have a hold...
Today’s Prayer (01/16/2019)
Oh Lord, I am so grateful to know that You came down to save us all from our sins. We were looking for a Messiah and You came down willingly, in order to sacrifice Your...
Today’s Prayer (01/15/2019)
Lord, it is a blessing to come unto You and to feel of Your glorious light. I now know how great it is to have Your presence with me, that I might know Your will...
Today’s Prayer (01/14/2019)
Oh Lord, I know that so many people are content with their own lives and cannot see what they are missing out on, when it comes to You. They think that they have everything they...
Today’s Prayer (01/13/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that more people will be saved and enter Your kingdom. I know that I have come a long ways from knowing You, but You have drawn me in and now my...
Today’s Prayer (01/12/2019)
Oh Lord, help every one of us to stay strong in the faith and not give into the lust of the flesh. May we not lose focus on You, so that when times of trial...
Today’s Prayer (01/11/2019)
Oh Lord, our God. I know that the day we live in has greatly increased in its wickedness and abominations. Surely, Your judgments are upon the wicked and their evil deeds. So many of our...
Today’s Prayer (01/10/2019)
Oh Lord, I know that I am very sick now and if you desired it, You would take me home. These pains bring me to tears and sorrow. Not of heartache of not being ready...
Today’s Prayer (01/09/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that people’s hearts will be softened and that they will see a need to truly love their neighbor as themselves and drop every grudge and wall in their lives. I know...
Today’s Prayer (01/08/2019)
Lord God, this world is surely in trouble and I pray that You will come into people’s lives and open their eyes before it is too late. I am afraid that the wages of sexual...
Today’s Prayer (01/07/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that there will be an awakening for every Mormon. May more and more people in that false religion be reached with the true gospel. This I know that their eyes will...
Today’s Prayer (01/06/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will turn to You before it is too late. May they seek You when brokenness finally sets into their hearts. When these people are finally sick and tired of...
Today’s Prayer (01/05/2019)
Lord, I know that what I have to share with this lost generation will only influence those that are truly seeking You and have an open heart. For this reason, each time I go out...
Today’s Prayer (01/01/2019)
Lord, I know that the times that I feel unworthy of Your presence, I may not feel like I deserve You, but You come into my life anyways. And with my confessions, You cleanse me...
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