Give Your Time To God
Is God most important to you? Do you make time for Him in your life? Examine your priorities. Give yourself freely over to God.
Is God most important to you? Do you make time for Him in your life? Examine your priorities. Give yourself freely over to God.
We are blessed to have a perfect Father. We can count on Him in all things. He will never let us down. He is the most loving of all.
Be an example for the Lord. Share His teachings with your family. If anyone in your family is lost than counsel with them. Help them come to Jesus.
When times are difficult come to God. Let Him help bear your burdens. He will give you peace. Seek others that are hurting and comfort them.
Put aside your life for Jesus. Put aside your own desires and walk in faith before Him. Let Him lead You by the hand. Follow in His ways.
We need to study the Bible often. The Lord speaks through its words. It will speak to each of us differently and show us what we need to do in order to return to Him.
Let the Lord guide your thoughts. Come to Him and your mind will be renewed. Our thoughts will be made clean. Our hearts will be made pure.
Anything that the world puts ahead of Jesus is not worth living for. Only through following Jesus will be saved. He should be our number one focus.
Even as we are sinners the lord saw compassion on us. He died that all sinners would have a broken heart and come to Him.
Pray to God in times of trials. Ask in faith and He will give you patience. There is no need for us to deal with trials on our own.
Read the Bible every day. Let God’s truths fill your hearts. Only by studying the Word of God will we truly know God. We will learn to walk in His ways.
Each day my faith in Jesus is strengthened. As I read the Word of God it testifies of Him. As I pray I can feel His holy presence.
Each time you sin seek the Lord’s forgiveness. Let the Lord know you are sorry. Let Him heal your heart. For His love will change your life.
There are many things in life that will pull us away from following Jesus. We need to focus on Him or else we will easily fall into wrong paths in life.
Even when times are hard stick by your spouse. Tell them that you love them. Seek the Lord’s love so that you may love your spouse with an even greater love.
If we love the Lord, we will seek Him always. Each time we come to the Lord in prayer let us pray for our spouse. That we might grow together in the Lord.
Give your whole heart to Jesus. Give up a life of sin. Let Jesus change you from within. Let Him heal your heart. That we can be made alive in Him.
Can you imagine the day when you are taken you up to Heaven to meet Jesus? If this is hard to imagine than come to Jesus. Let His love fill your hearts.
Let Jesus’s love burn in your soul. For it is like nothing you have ever felt. When you experience it you will never go back to how you once were.
Jesus, You are the one I believe in. There is nothing on earth more important than You. You are who I live for. For You are my salvation.
Don’t let Satan hold you captive under sin. Come to the Lord and let Him give you courage to resist temptation. Let Him free you from bondage.
Our days upon this earth are numbered. Live each day for the Lord. That when judgement comes we can be found worthy of His salvation.
Through we don’t deserve it the Lord extends His love to each of us. He picks us up when we are down. He is so merciful and kind.
Jesus I love You. You give me strength to overcome sin. You lift me up each day and give me courage. You are worth believing in.
Our soul rests on Jesus for salvation. For He is our Savior. Let your hope always be upon Him. For His love is pure and His joy is full.
In everything you do seek first Jesus. Live a life full of His love. Stay true to His path. Write your story with Jesus as your guide.
Be true followers of Jesus. Don’t let anything hold you back. Let Jesus cleanse your heart. Walk in rightlessness. For its gift is Eternal Life.
Put Jesus first in your life so that when He returns you will see Him and be joyful. Only His people will be saved in that day.