Oh Lord, I pray that You will help Mormons come to the truth of what Your Word, the Bible teaches. Open their eyes to what it really says through the power of the Holy Spirit....
Prayers (06-2022)
Today’s Prayer (06/29/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that Mormons will stop mocking Christians, but come to know us as true followers of You, Jesus. When their arrogance wears off, they will see Your light in us. How You...
Today’s Prayer (06/28/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that Your words will become the norm when it comes to our beliefs. Help every person who says they are for You to lay down their own beliefs, in order to...
Today’s Prayer (06/27/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will use many more people to help open the eyes of people in Mormonism. Although their hearts are hard now, through the Holy Spirit in us many more people’s...
Today’s Prayer (06/26/2022)
Oh Lord, help me and others in the faith to be an even better witness to the Mormons. Not only do I live in a state where Mormonism is prevalent, but LDS missionaries message me...
Today’s Prayer (06/25/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that Mormons will hear what You have to say and not just what their prophets, church leaders, and books teach them. These people are so closed off to Your truths and...
Today’s Prayer (06/24/2022)
Oh Lord, I have been saddened about abortion for many years. You know my heart and how I have been distraught by the knowledge of all the millions of babies that have been murdered over...
Today’s Prayer (06/23/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that Mormons will wake up to their false beliefs while they still have time. It is easy to see how led astray they are by the doctrines of men when I...
Today’s Prayer (06/22/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will come unto You and also hear Your voice in this lifetime. It may not be an audible voice, but a voice from the inside that helps us know...
Today’s Prayer (06/21/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that one day the Jewish people at large will come to a realization that You did come in order to save us, Jesus. That You are the Messiah, who is Christ,...
Today’s Prayer (06/20/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people understand the importance of the cross. The moment people add to the atonement, which was in death, they stumble and fall, while leading others in the same way. I...
Today’s Prayer (06/19/2022)
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. You are the Lord of the Spirits and I am grateful to know You, God. Thank You for creating my body and my spirit. It...
Today’s Prayer (06/18/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to read the Bible like a child. Then, will they come to know what it means. Truly, Your mysteries are in the scriptures, but people need to...
Today’s Prayer (06/17/2022)
Oh Lord, many people are living for You, not giving in to the persecutions of this wicked world. We know Your ways and will abide in Your presence until Your second coming. It is better...
Today’s Prayer (06/16/2022)
Oh Lord, I sincerely pray that people will wake up to their sins and get right with You. I don’t want anyone to die and wake up in hell. I know that your fierce anger...
Today’s Prayer (06/15/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people of different cults will wake up to their false beliefs. These false church leaders are wolves in sheep’s clothing and need to repent for leading people astray. It is...
Today’s Prayer (06/14/2022)
Oh Lord, I am so grateful for the words that are written down in the Bible. Each time I open up to read from Your holy book, I am lifted up. I come to learn...
Today’s Prayer (06/13/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that parents will learn to teach their children to dress modestly. Right now this is not happening in the world we are living in. What is good has been flipped upside...
Today’s Prayer (06/12/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that Your will be done in my life. Help me to grow in my faith and not fall by the wayside as many other Christians have over the years. Many people...
Today’s Prayer (06/11/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people of the Mormon church will wake up to their false teachings before it is too late. Surely, I don’t want any of them sharing their false doctrines with any...
Today’s Prayer (06/10/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will continue to help me in the lost world we live in. There is so much evil in the world we live in. Because of all the wickedness, leaving...
Today’s Prayer (06/09/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will look to the cross and live. This is where You died for our sins, Jesus. May every person who believes in You also acknowledge this important fact. There...
Today’s Prayer (06/08/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to take You seriously. So many people grieve the Holy Spirit unknowingly. Because they ignore Your promptings and do what they think is right, You are also...
Today’s Prayer (06/07/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people of every walk of life will come to know about Your blood atonement, that was made for us on the cross. My desire is that every person will have...
Today’s Prayer (06/06/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will take their faith seriously. Too many people live out their own life and are simply willing to tell others about You in conversation when needed. For these kinds...
Today’s Prayer (06/05/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will wake up every Mormon from their slumber. They are blinded by their false beliefs and are unable to see Your truth because of this. I’ve tried to talk...
Today’s Prayer (06/04/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will speak the truth to our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Give us wisdom that we may know how to act and perform our duties in Your church setting....
Today’s Prayer (06/03/2022)
Oh Lord, You are worthy of all our praise. You are blessed above all other people and worthy of our adoration and praise. I hail You alone as the King of glory. I extol the...
Today’s Prayer (06/02/2022)
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. You are the one true God of the heavens and I praise and worship You this day and forever. You are worthy to extol and...
Today’s Prayer (06/01/2022)
Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray that You will look into our hearts and know that we are sincere in working for Your kingdom. Even now, as I write, many people are stepping out in
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