
Today’s Prayer (06/01/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will look into our hearts and know that we are sincere in working for Your kingdom. Even now, as I write, many people are stepping out in faith like never before. No longer are people stuck in their homes because of COVID, but are going out on missions, doing street evangelism, going to prisons, visiting people in nursing homes, holding Bible studies, and much more. This is wonderful to see, Lord. Thank You for giving these desires to so many people in the faith. I am so happy to see that things are picking up again. Truly, the government has tried to control us over these last two years and I am glad we are not letting them do this any longer. You have called us to go out in all the world to preach the gospel and that is finally happening again. Praise God. I love to go on mission trips to Utah with my friend Patrick and others who join us. You have put a burden in my heart to reach the lost wherever they may be. Even in my own city, You have called me in these efforts and I pray that many people will join me. I love to see people give their lives to You. Surely, only through the Holy Spirit is this happening. I love Your ways, God. Have Your way in my life now and forever. Amen.
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