Oh Lord, I pray that the millions of people around the world that have a Book of Mormon in their household will destroy it. To make a huge bond fire and burn it. Thank You...
Today’s Prayer (12/30/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that Mormons will wake up to the false teachings in their Book of Mormon. These people are so lost and don’t even realize it. I want to reach them for Your...
Today’s Prayer (12/29/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that Mormons will see the errors in their Book of Mormon and start doubting it. Truly, Satan is the one that started the writing of this false book those two hundred...
Today’s Prayer (12/28/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will help me. Just like all Christians, we fight against temptations. Satan knows our weaknesses and prays on them at different times of the day. I know this very...
Today’s Prayer (12/27/2022)
Oh Lord, I sing to You a new song. A song of praise and thanksgiving. Where You are there is peace, peace, for the soul. There is endless love in Your heavenly abode. Worthy is...
Today’s Prayer (12/26/2022)
Oh Lord, You are too good to us. We don’t deserve Your love and kindness. Our lives are full of gladness because You are with us. If there is one person I can trust that...
Today’s Prayer (12/25/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will come to You on bended knees. Salvation only comes through You, King Jesus. Thank You for coming down to earth in order to save us from our sins....
Today’s Prayer (12/24/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will remember Your glorious birth, come Christmas. It is awful to see the majority of people into Santa Clause and getting their children gifts instead of remembering You. Many...
Today’s Prayer (12/23/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray for this lost generation. Surely, people have given into the propaganda that the new media is feeding people and especially children. This is a very sad time of year for sure,...
Today’s Prayer (12/22/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that parents will begin to teach the truth to their children. Not just the majority of the year, but every portion of it. Many people say they are Christians but also...
Today’s Prayer (12/21/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people’s hearts will be turned to You and away from Santa/Satan. The devil has blinded the hearts and minds of millions of people, in so much that they are raising...
Today’s Prayer (12/20/2022)
Oh Lord, I am grateful to have Your presence in my life. Thank You for leading me these many years. I am so grateful to know You more each day that I open up Your...
Today’s Prayer (12/19/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will keep You in their remembrance. I am talking about people in all the world that are in the faith. May we learn to listen to You. You are...
Today’s Prayer (12/18/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will remember You during this Christmas season. Not to be wrapped in Santa Clause or gifts, but to think upon Your glorious birth, Jesus. You are the reason for...
Today’s Prayer (12/17/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people around the world will remember You, Jesus. The time we are living in is so dark and dreary. People think that what they have is helping them, but most...
Today’s Prayer (12/16/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people would come to know You. Yes, Jesus, the majority of people are making the worst decisions of their lives. Because they have rejected You as their Lord and Savior,...
Today’s Prayer (12/15/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray for the souls of people in this world. Many of these people have heard of You, Jesus, but still, You are rejected. This is very sad. I am very happy to...
Today’s Prayer (12/14/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people would become content with what the Bible teaches and not feel like they have to add to it. Through the simplicity of the things You’ve taught us in scripture,...
Today’s Prayer (12/13/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will be ready when it comes to the resurrection of the dead. Not to focus on dead people but the salvation of their own souls. The Mormon people are...
Today’s Prayer (12/12/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that Your peace will come and reside not only in my life but in people’s lives that are struggling the most. I am talking about people who have recently lost a...
Today’s Prayer (12/11/2022)
Oh Lord, You are my greatest delight. I have everything I need in this life and the next because You are with me. You are my King and I honor You. Because of the air...
Today’s Prayer (12/10/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray for this lost generation. They are so deep in their lust that sexual immorality is now ramped in their lives. I have seen fornication, adultery, and pornography destroy people’s lives and...
Today’s Prayer (12/09/2022)
Oh Lord, help Christians be grounded in their faith in the Bible. It is so easy to give in to other people and how they think about things that appear to be religious in nature....
Today’s Prayer (12/08/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray for people in this lost world. It is so easy to get caught up with life and the pleasures therein. Sin may appear good when we are first involved in it,...
Today’s Prayer (12/07/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray for these lost people in Mormonism. Surely, the majority of the missionaries in this cult come from families where people are born into it. And so often they don’t know any...
Today’s Prayer (12/06/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will protect Your flock. I love fellowship with true believers at church, Bible studies, in small groups, at coffee shops, and more. It is a joy to talk to...
Today’s Prayer (12/05/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will escape the flames of hell fire come death. Surely, people that die in their willful sins, unbelief, and false beliefs, are those who are terrified when they awake...
Today’s Prayer (12/04/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will learn to walk in Your ways. Not the ways of this wicked world, but do as You say. Hell is filling up because of people who don’t want...
Today’s Prayer (12/03/2022)
Oh Lord, I praise thee. There is no one like You, God. I am truly lost without You. Have Your way in me. Lead me into green pastures. Help me to walk in Your light,...
Today’s Prayer (12/02/2022)
Oh Lord, I pray that Your peace will resonate in our lives. This life is not always easy, but it is much easier to bear when You are with us. How fast does this life...
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