Oh Lord, I pray that there will be fruits of our salvation. That people will not just go to church on the weekends and then do their own things, but wake up to follow You....
Today’s Prayer (12/30/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will all be ready when we take our last breath. That if we say we believe in You, that we are also living our lives for You. As for...
Today’s Prayer (12/29/2020)
Oh Lord, teach us to be humble. Help us to never lift up ourselves, but others instead of ourselves. You deserve the highest honor, but we also need to lift up people who are left...
Today’s Prayer (12/28/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will be rescued from their porn addiction. This is the number one searched for thing on the internet and it is so disgusting and wrong. It is hard to...
Today’s Prayer (12/27/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that more and more people in the faith will humble themselves, in order for You to do a mighty work in their lives. We know that only You can give us...
Today’s Prayer (12/26/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will all make a choice to follow You. That it will not be for a time in our life, but every day that we live. And if people have...
Today’s Prayer (12/25/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that You will come and open the eyes of every person who says they believe in You. Help them know that salvation can only come through You, Jesus, and not through...
Today’s Prayer (12/24/2020)
Lord Jesus, we come before You this day in anthems of praise. Our hearts are filled with unspeakable joy, for You are with us now. Thank You, Lord, for coming into this world, even in...
Today’s Prayer (12/23/2020)
Oh Lord, I glorify Your Name and love to think upon You. Thank You for Your birth and Your death on the cross. Because You came into the world, there is light and light abundant....
Today’s Prayer (12/22/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will be drawn to know You like I and millions of others have. It is a blessing to be safe in Your arms and not to have to worry...
Today’s Prayer (12/21/2020)
Lord Jesus, we come before You this day in honor and praise. We would not be where we are today if You had not come into our lives. Thank You, God. We extol You. You...
Today’s Prayer (12/20/2020)
Oh Lord, I am honored to be here with You this day. Thank You for allowing me in Your presence, in order to thank You personally for Your glorious birth. Yes, Jesus, I thank You,...
Today’s Prayer (12/19/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that there will be more purity, righteousness, and holiness in my life. Keep me upright and on Your path that leads to heaven. I don’t wish to have any worldly standards...
Today’s Prayer (12/18/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will all come to a greater realization of Your divinity. Yes, God, I pray that people will come to know You the way You always desired for us to...
Today’s Prayer (12/17/2020)
Thank You Jesus for coming into this world. Yes, Thank You, God, for coming down, in order to deliver us from sin and death. You have the power to forgive us our sins and I...
Today’s Prayer (12/16/2020)
Lord God, I lift You up in praise! You deserve the glory and all the honor. I am only Your willing servant and I thank You for this day and forever. I ask that You...
Today’s Prayer (12/15/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will come to know You the way it was meant for them too. You so long to open our eyes and ears to things that are heavenly, and I...
Today’s Prayer (12/14/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will come to know You the way that You always wanted. That people will not just say they believe in You but make You the highest priority of their...
Today’s Prayer (12/13/2020)
Lord God, I give You glory and praise. You are worthy of our praise and deserve it also. I honor You this day and forever. Keep me upright and in Your service. Only through Your...
Today’s Prayer (12/12/2020)
Oh Lord, I give You glory and praise. Thank You, Jesus, for coming into the world and for bearing my sins on the cross. You bled and died that I might be forgiven. You are...
Today’s Prayer (12/11/2020)
Oh Lord, our God, I believe in You. I am so grateful to have You in my life. You are my Savior and have saved me from all my sins. Thank You, Jesus. You are...
Today’s Prayer (12/10/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will all draw near unto You as You draw near unto us. You are so good to us God and we have so much to give thanks for. Thank...
Today’s Prayer (12/09/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will stop believing everything we hear from people, but put those words to test in the Bible. Many people do not wish for us to believe that You are...
Today’s Prayer (12/08/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that children in the faith will learn to honor both of their parents. That even when one parent seems to be more strict than the other, that they will love them...
Today’s Prayer (12/07/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that this country and others will wake up to their sins. That people will begin to see that atrocity and murderous acts in abortion. But this can only happen if people...
Today’s Prayer (12/06/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that we will stay firm in the faith, as Christians. That we will not allow the signs of Your coming to deter us in to going after dark and devilish paths....
Today’s Prayer (12/05/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will remember why we celebrate Christmas. And that is because of You, Jesus, and Your majestic birth. Our sins are forgiven because of Your ultimate sacrifice for sins on...
Today’s Prayer (12/04/2020)
Oh Lord, I love the plans You have for my life. It is amazing what You have done and still do through me. Thank You for using me for Your kingdom. And, God, It is...
Today’s Prayer (12/03/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that people will see the unborn babies and know that You are the creator. And if You are creating these beautiful babies in the mother’s womb, may every doctor, nurse, and...
Today’s Prayer (12/02/2020)
Oh Lord, I pray that my mind and others will remain fixed upon You throughout the day. Help us to not give in to our fleshly desires, but to be more and more conformed by...
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